In the broad views of Medical Profession the CANCER is at times curable and at times incurable. How the cure is assured in any Stage of this malignant growth (cancer) is still an obvious Question; finds many vague answers in its ever changing construction of theories - what may be said today may stand out of date tomorrow. Yet, there is a ray of vain hope, that today’s difficult The sincere efforts being rendered by the Man Saviors (Physicians).
To pick-up any GOOD one should be aware of what is good. Today, it Is necessary to go for the depth of the therapeutics used in the Various fields of medical profession. This will enable us to have Up to date knowledge about the treatment and prognosis of the Cancer. Hence, the following Therapeutic measures are put forth in this seminar with their merits and demerits. "Let truth be immortal
Though it is hard heard."
Modern system of medicine contributes its services by ever imProving modern methods in treating the cancers. At the present time, the cancer is being treated by surgical removal or radium therapy or both and in certain cases chemotherapy as a palliative treatment. When to adopt what is their approach in treating this CRAB. Their main aim in treating the cancer is to select the deal therapeutic agents; which cause less harm to the normal Healthy tissues and more direct destructions to this fast growing Monster.
IN SURGICAL THERAPY, it is believed that, if the tumor is still Localised and first seen by doctor and no other tissue (Nervous, Lymphatic, Blood Vessels etc.) Is still involved, they should Immediately remove the tumor (cancer) with its suspected mass. In this, Surgeon's knife removes surrounding area first and then the growth. The appreciable gesture in this surgical therapy is; in The advanced stages they do not put knife, if the cancer is not a localized one and secondary are found here and there in the body. The surgeon’s main aim in removing the malignant tumor is, atleast, to give a hope to the patient for his survival for a few more years. In my later part of this lecture, the view of Homoeopathic in surgical cases of cancer is expounded. RADIUM THERAPY is another highly prevalent mode of treatment by the modern system of medicine. The radiation what may both cause and cure (as defined by modern system) is a best example. WHAT IS POTENT FOR EVIL MAY ALSO BE MADE POWERFUL FOR GOOD. From this saying the radium has come into existence. The radium and X-rays are used for the destructions of the mitotic spread of the cells. It is generally used in three forms - (A). External radiation; (B).Surface applications and (C). Interstitial radiation. The radiotherapist will bear in mind while treating the cancer cases the radium sensitivity in the patients. The radium sensitive varies from one individual to another and one variety of Cancer to another. For example - If Lymph sarcoma, Multiple Myeloma, Lymphoepithelioma, Embryonic Carcinoma, simplex are moderately sensitive, whereas Fibro sarcoma, Osseo Sarcoma, Neosarcoma, Neurosarcoma, Melanoma and Adeno Carcinoma are high resistant growths to radium. If only Lymphatic channels are effective- , Direct passing of the radio opaque media to lymph glands is believed to have arrested the growth of the cancer. Even Hodgkin's and other Lymphomas are treated by this method. Mainly Two things happen in the radium treatment - one arrest of mitosis and another is the degeneration of the cells. CHEMOTHERAPY is another mode adopted by the modern system of Medicine. The basic approach in the chemotherapy is the administration of anticarcinogens to arrest the growth of cancer. DNA (deoxyribonuetic acid) imparts basophilia to the chromosomal net work of the cell. All the cancer cells have much of nuclei acid which promotes the mitosis. In Chemotherapy, the carcinogenic hydrocarbons and certain vesicants such as mustard gas and nitrogen mustard may inhibit both benign and malignant growth. Generally adapted for sarcomatic growths, 2:6 diaminopurine can cause selective injury to cancer cells both in tissue culture and in tumors. C-labeled adnine arrests the fast growth in lymphatic leukemia. In the recent development, regional chemotherapy was introduced, in which Nitrogen Mustard in a concentration of 15 to 20 times greater than ordinary intravenous therapy is given by injection in to the main artery of the limbs where there is a malignant melanoma of a limb. In therapeutic point of view type I and type II tumor cells can be found. In type I, Nucleus is large in size with a foaming appearance - large well defined vacuoles with one or two nucleasi are visualised under microscope - this is caused by the action of RNA (Ribonuleic Acid). This type one responds to 6 - mercaptopurine or allied drugs.
Type II are smaller, with no vacuoles found. The cause is due to DNA and this responds to Methotrexate or allied drugs. In the above said therapies, their object is only to destroy the exter-
nal cancer growth. Here slight philosophy is necessary to understand this cancer. Unless any person has got tendency to develop cancer growth, cancer never grows. THIS TENDENCY OF DEVELOPING CANCER IS NOT AT PHYSICAL PLANE, THIS IS AT DYNAMIC PLANE WHICH
IS INVISIBLE TO TTHE MICROSCOPE. OUR OBJECT ANYWAY IS NOT THAT ONLY TO REMOVE THE CANCER IN THE TISSUES, BUT THE MIASMATIC BACK GROUND. If we fail to understand the governing principle in this living body and its deviations we may altogether fail to cure this disease.
I thus give Homeopathic treatment of cancer, which understands the nature of a man and disease. Before I commence homeopathic aspect of my lecture, I seek your permission to pay my tributes to the founder - the seeker of truth - Master Hahnemann - on this auspicious occasion.
His services in finding out the law of similars is a rope for us to give a great inspiration in the annihilation of the sufferings of mankind. Many disciples of Master Hahnemann are putting up
their indefatigable efforts to this system which possess no articles of faith, no prejudiced and no orthodoxic views. Hence,
homeopathy has no prejudice view about the curability of the cancer. Homeopathy cures some times and fails to cure some times - why so ? answer depends upon the reversible or irreversible conditions of cancer.
Basically homeopaths do not consider ultimates as disease. They go by the totality of the signs and symptoms. Here cancer is the ultimate. What all can be done for this is, dependent on the
curability of the cancer. Generally, now-a-days, homeopaths get
such cases only in advanced conditions and after taking the
treatment from other systems of medicine.
This is unfortunate that homeopaths do not get cancer cases at early (curable) stage with full faith. The attraction of surgery and Radiation take away the patient from Homeopathy. After get-
ting exhausted and getting lost the hopes, patients run to this system as a last resort for existence. In this pitiable condition there is nothing left for a Homeopath except palliation.
All sensory and functional disturbances will find a way to cure the sick. If there are gross pathological changes, there will be less signs and symptoms. Hence forth, the cure becomes difficult,sometimes impossible. If there is sufficient vital reactivity in the patient and if the
symptoms are perceptible ` SIMILIA ' is not a failure.I wish to present few points in the following lines which may be helpful to you in treating the cancer cases. If my contribution serves to
add little to the knowledge of this disease ocean, I feel satisfied.
1. The early stages of cancer presents all mental and physical symptoms very distinctly to an intelligent physician. Here it is a reversible condition, and here the cancer is at curable stage.
Henceforth, the prescription to be of benefit to the patient, must have the nature of chronic as much as the nature of the acute manifestations. It is Homeopathy, which can easily save the
patient and prevent its recurrence too; which is not possible with modern medicine.
2. If the symptoms are vaguely distinct and the cancer is growing fast, this should be treated as followed in treating one sided disease - a moderately stronger dose should be selected. In
such cases, when a remedy is given, though on those vague symptoms, sometimes bring out all the old suppressed symptoms, if any (may be suppressions of skin eruptions etc.) by other systems of medicine.Here it leads to a curative direction of the cancer. If there is a sufficient pathology in the tissues,the remedy will
definitely palliate and some times arrests the pathology in the
cancer growth. This is the stage some times surgery role can be
brought into the picture. Whatever Homeopathy could do, it did it
- and surgery helps to remove the anomaly of the tissues. Here
the tendency of cancerous growth is also removed by our careful
application of medicine.
3. If the signs and symptoms are indistinct and local symptoms are more pronounced than the mind symptoms - It clearly shows that, it is a one - sided disease, where other side is completely
hidden in the nature of man.Hence patient has feeble vital reactivity to show the clear picture of a disease. In this, tissues are damaged to a great extent and no complete cure could be expected. If the medicine is selected on the acute complaints thar would palliate the agony of the patient.
4. If there is a completely indistinct nature of the signs and symptoms and if we find nothing excepting the agony from pain and discharges from the damaged tissues, this is the moaning of
the last stages of vital force. These patients have lost the vital reaction. To find a remedy for his lost vital reaction is thus impossible. At the most the agony of the patient may be
removed and a peaceful living may be granted.
Organopathy will be more ideal therapeutic agents especially when the cases are to be palliated. Every medicine is individualised by its specific action on some particular organ. If that organ is
involved, that specific medicine will be useful and will do needful with in the domain of Law Of Similars.
I am herewith giving you a brief repertory for cancer
cases.Cancer Diathesis - Ars.Iod.,Carcinogen., Hydro., Phyt.
Cancerous Affections - ARS., BROM., CARBO.An., CON., HYDR.,LYC.,NIT.Ac., PHOS., PHYT., SIL.
Encephaloma - PHOS.
Epithelioma - ARS., IOD., CON., LYC., LACH.
Fungus Haemotodes - ARS., PHOS., SIL., Carb.An.,
Glands - Aurum Met.,CARB.An., CON., Iod.
Glands Hard Malignant - CARB.An.
Melanoma - Arg.Mt., Lach., Con., Kali.P.
Violent Cases - OPIUM.
Sarcoma Cutis - Calc.P., CUNDU., Nit.Ac., Sil.
Eyes - CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil.
Eyes Epithelioma - Lachesis, Cund.
Eyes Cornea Epithelioma - Hep.
Eyes lids epithelioma - Hydr., Lach., Phyto., Thuja.
Eyes Lachrymal glands - CARBO.An.
Nose - AURUM.
Nose Flat Cancers - Euph.
Nose Epithelioma - Ars., Carb.Ac., Hydr., Kali.s.,Kreos.
Face - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Com., Laion., Phos.
Face Lips - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Con., Cist., Kreos., Lacy.,
Lye., Sep., Sil.
Lower Lips - Ars., Cust., Clem., Con., Lye.,
Phos., Sep., Sil.
Face Epithelioma - ARS., Kali.S., Lach., Phos.,Sep.
Mouth Cancer Palate - Aur., Hydr.
Mouth Cancer Tounge - Allum., Apis.M., Ars., Aur.,
Carb.An., Cons.,Lach., Mur.Ac., Nit.Ac., Phos.,
Phyti., Sil., Thuja.
Throat - Carbo.An., Led., Tarent.
Stomach - ARS., BISM., CARB.Ac., Carb.An., Con.,CUND.,Geranium.,
LYC., Phos.
Liver - Cup., Hep.S., Hydr., Muratic Ac., Phos.,Sulph.
Rectum - Allum., Nit.Ac., Ruta., Hyder., Kal., Cy.
Bladder - Tarax.
Kidney - Kali., IOd.
Genetelia - Male - Carb.An., CON.
Scrotum(Epithelioma) - Carb.An., Phos.Ac.
Testis - Spon.
Genetelia - Female
Cancer Ovaries - Con., Lach.
Cancer Uterus - Ars., Ars.Iod., Con., Graph., Hydr., Kreos.,
Lach., Lyc., Murx., Phos., Sep., Sil., Thuja.
Cancer Uterus Bleeding - Phos.
Cancer Vagina - KREOS.
Cancer Breast - Bufo., Con., Graph., Lach.,Merc;Sil.
Larynx - Ars., Nit.Ac., Phos., Sangu., Thuja.
Axilla - Aster.
Chest - Clavicle - Sep.
Chest Cancer in old Cicatrics - Graph.
Chest Contusion - Con.
Chest Sternum - Sulph.
Thanking You,
Paper presented on he occasion of 227th Birthday Celebrations
of Master Hahnemann in the Scientific Seminar held at Chandigarh
on April 11,1982
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