We may come across patients like Papaiah suffering from Papillae, Mallaiah from Mollusca, Lakhan Singh from Lichens, Aloknath from Alopecia, and Koushalya from Koilonychias etc.
Subject is very extensive and exhaustive. I will try to draw the outer sketch of it, through which I hope the skin of the topic is covered as much as possible.
Some may for argument sake say that considering the Skin, Nail, and Hair diseases as local and treating them do not exactly fall in the domain of Homoeopathy, since treating them individually amounts to suppressing the local diseases. It is in principle agreed that if these peripheral diseases are half handedly considered as local diseases and treated. If Master Hahnemann's principles are thoroughly understood answer to the question is very simple, as one understands the meaning of so called local maladies. An attempt is made by the author to explain the general concept of the knowledge of local disease. That is, to say, what is to be cured in a given so-called local disease?
Though the skin, hair and nail seem to be least important organs compared to other vital organs of the body, they too play a crucial role to give us clues about the real culprits of the diseases. Who else they could be other than MIASMS? A perfectly healthy man will have a perfectly healthy skin, healthy nails and healthy hair.
These outlining diseases are the mirrors or the reflectors of internal stress, the internal dynamist internal working of the human machine. The metamorphosis of misams will help us to appreciate the essential nature of diseases.
If we follow the route of these fag ends of the rope carefully and systematically we go to the roots of the disease, otherwise we would be routed. Whether an atheist believes it or not we homoeopaths should have a faith on Miasms. It is not that only homoeopaths believe Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis; in Ayurveda Vata, Pitta and Kapha theory; in Vedanta Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas Gunas; and in Greek's ancient medicine sanguine, Bilous and Phlegmatic constitutions do exist. They almost sound similar.
The material body as soon as got animated by the Vital Force and became a distinct living (Human) organism with full of wisdom (Sattwic). Gradually he got into the folds of an evil force, the desire, we call that as Miasm, the first gene of the diseases and that later on manifested craving, fear, anger, suspicion, jealousy and then invaded functions and thereafter organs in a particular order. Man first indulged himself into sinful acts to gratify his sensual organs. The more he tried the more he got entangled. The consequences, of course, are quite imminent when we look at the menace of the diseases of the human race. Let us come back to the three miasm namely Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis and their role in skin diseases.
Generally it is observed that this gross unversed is governed by three principles Generation, Operation and Destruction (some may attribute it to GOD). In the same manner this human organism is subjected to Proliferation (Sycosis), Pine (Psora) and Plunging (Syphilis).
Psora, Syphilis, and Sycosis either of them or all of them influence every event that belongs to mind, functions and the organs of the human organism. For instance any thought is either proliferated (sycosis) or perpetuated (Psora) or Pitted (Syphilis) and so as in functions and in organs including skin. As we find Planes, plateaus and mountains on earth we come across such changes on skin with Tumors (Sycosis), Surface disturbance (Psora) and Ulcers (Syphilis). With out the involvement of the miasms there exists no disease what so ever it may be. Just like Vital Force that makes the organism to live and these miasms make the organism to suffer. As Vital Force flows into every part of the body these miasms flow in the same way but with a difference.
If we can build a man with the symptoms of mind why can't we build a man with the symptoms of even peripheral organs like skin, nails and hair? In the former it is the Internal Man and where as in the latter it is the External Man - a shadow of the internal man. Let us examine how the findings of the External man are useful in tracing out the diseases and the means of their cures.
** Dry, Dirty, Unhealthy, Unwashed, Rough; just as in dry land which looks ugly with cracks and fissures.
** Itching, Pruritis, Skin coloured;
Ichthyosis (Fish Skin), Thin Scales, and Crusts; as the upper layer of earth when it is dry.
** Vesicles, Scanty suppuration, Sero purulent;
** Eczema with Papular eruption;
** Androsis, May develope Malignancy at forties as often gets joined by Syphillis and Sycosis;
** Injuries heal readily.
** Copper Coloured, Raw, Ham, Brownish;
looks as erosion of earth. Floody ponds, lakes and ditches.
** Very Red at base, Hyperidrosis;
** No itching; Night Aggravation;
** Ulcers with Red Base; Indurations;
** Thick Scales and Crusts, Gangrene, Scars
** Eruptions about Joints, Flexures.
** Circular Patchy Scales, Herpes, Lichens, Impetigo;
** Verucca, Warts, Large Acne looks like Papulae,(As Mountains)
** Ring Worms of all kinds, Lupus, Erythematosis;
** Bad effects of Suppressions of Ring - Worms;
** Malignancies at all ages;
** Stitch Abscess after operations;
** Psoriasis of Gouty character;
** Glandular, Echymosis (Purpura), Eczema with Pustules);
** Herpes with Pustules, Urticaria, Leprosy;
** Hyperidrosis, Anidrosis, Bromidrosis;
** Varicose Veins, Abscess and Ulcers;
** Smooth shiny Skin, Ring Worm Supressions;
** Injuries infects and ulcerates;
** Goose Flesh, Freckles, Gleety discharges.
ERYTHEMA (SYP+SYC;SYC+SYP) : Bell; Meze; Chin; Rhus.T; Apis.M.
URTICARIA(PSEUDO-PSO;PSO):Amm.m; Anti.Cr; Anti.ta; Ars; Chin; Cop; Dulc;
LICHENS (PSE.PSO;SYC): Sulph, Ars.alb, Apis, Graph:
ECZEMA(PSE.PSO,SYC):Crot.T,Merc,Mez,Graph,Hep.s Calc.carb, Petr, Acid.Carb.
VERUCCA (PSE.PSO; SYC.SYPH) :Acid.Acetic, Thuj, Calc.c, Nat.c Anti.Cr.
SEBHORRHOEA(SYPH):Graph, Sep, Hep, sul, Thu, Staph, Nat.M, Iod;
MOLLUSCA(SYC.SYP):Sil, Lyc,Iod, Kali.Iod, Kali.Br. Ars.Br, Sul, Ars.A.,Hydr . HYPERIDROSIS(PSE.PSO):Iod,Stan,Acid.Ph,Jab.,Sil.Calc.C.,Merc. Opium.
BROMIDROSIS (PSE.PSO): Petr.,Thuj.,Acid.N.,Sep.,Pso.
PEMPHIGUS (ALL MIASMS): Grap.,Hep.s., Mez., Thu., Bar.c.Calc.c.Clem.Con., Cro., Ars.a. Rhus.T., Merc., Canth., Phos. Amm.c., Bell., Kali.c., Lach.
ICTHYOSIS (ALL MIASMS) : Ars.a., Hydr., Thyr., Graph., Sul.
IMPETIGO (PSE.PSO) : Ant.T., Ars.a., Viol.,
ECTHMA (SYC) : Tartar., Ars.a.,Lach., Sec.c.
PSORIASIS (PSE.PSO): Ars.A., Sep., Merc., Acic.c., Mang., Thyr.
ALOPECIA (SYPH): Acid.ph., Acid.fl., Ars.a., Vinca, Thallium
ERYTHAMATOUS VULGARIS (SYCO.SYPH) : Kali.br., Hydr., Phos., Thu.
LUPUS VULGARIS (SYC.SYPH) : Ars.a., Kali.br., Hydr., Aur. Hydrastis
LEPROSY (PSE.PSO): Lepra., Gynocar., Anac., Gunjun oil, Hydrocot., Ars.a., Hydrastis.
FURUNCLE (SYPH.SYC): Bell., Iod., Arn., Sulp.
CARBUNCLE (ALL MIASMS) : Arn., Iod., Camp., Chin., Sil., Lach., Taren., Sulph., Ars.a.
I have only tried to depict some of the skin problems from Miasmatic point of view. There are so many varieties of skin diseases which need thorough study to touch the depth of the causative factors. Miasmatic domination in Man and Miasmatic domination in Medcines are to be matched to get the desired results.
KHAMMAM.(AP) ON 26/5/98.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
In the broad views of Medical Profession the CANCER is at times curable and at times incurable. How the cure is assured in any Stage of this malignant growth (cancer) is still an obvious Question; finds many vague answers in its ever changing construction of theories - what may be said today may stand out of date tomorrow. Yet, there is a ray of vain hope, that today’s difficult The sincere efforts being rendered by the Man Saviors (Physicians).
To pick-up any GOOD one should be aware of what is good. Today, it Is necessary to go for the depth of the therapeutics used in the Various fields of medical profession. This will enable us to have Up to date knowledge about the treatment and prognosis of the Cancer. Hence, the following Therapeutic measures are put forth in this seminar with their merits and demerits. "Let truth be immortal
Though it is hard heard."
Modern system of medicine contributes its services by ever imProving modern methods in treating the cancers. At the present time, the cancer is being treated by surgical removal or radium therapy or both and in certain cases chemotherapy as a palliative treatment. When to adopt what is their approach in treating this CRAB. Their main aim in treating the cancer is to select the deal therapeutic agents; which cause less harm to the normal Healthy tissues and more direct destructions to this fast growing Monster.
IN SURGICAL THERAPY, it is believed that, if the tumor is still Localised and first seen by doctor and no other tissue (Nervous, Lymphatic, Blood Vessels etc.) Is still involved, they should Immediately remove the tumor (cancer) with its suspected mass. In this, Surgeon's knife removes surrounding area first and then the growth. The appreciable gesture in this surgical therapy is; in The advanced stages they do not put knife, if the cancer is not a localized one and secondary are found here and there in the body. The surgeon’s main aim in removing the malignant tumor is, atleast, to give a hope to the patient for his survival for a few more years. In my later part of this lecture, the view of Homoeopathic in surgical cases of cancer is expounded. RADIUM THERAPY is another highly prevalent mode of treatment by the modern system of medicine. The radiation what may both cause and cure (as defined by modern system) is a best example. WHAT IS POTENT FOR EVIL MAY ALSO BE MADE POWERFUL FOR GOOD. From this saying the radium has come into existence. The radium and X-rays are used for the destructions of the mitotic spread of the cells. It is generally used in three forms - (A). External radiation; (B).Surface applications and (C). Interstitial radiation. The radiotherapist will bear in mind while treating the cancer cases the radium sensitivity in the patients. The radium sensitive varies from one individual to another and one variety of Cancer to another. For example - If Lymph sarcoma, Multiple Myeloma, Lymphoepithelioma, Embryonic Carcinoma, simplex are moderately sensitive, whereas Fibro sarcoma, Osseo Sarcoma, Neosarcoma, Neurosarcoma, Melanoma and Adeno Carcinoma are high resistant growths to radium. If only Lymphatic channels are effective- , Direct passing of the radio opaque media to lymph glands is believed to have arrested the growth of the cancer. Even Hodgkin's and other Lymphomas are treated by this method. Mainly Two things happen in the radium treatment - one arrest of mitosis and another is the degeneration of the cells. CHEMOTHERAPY is another mode adopted by the modern system of Medicine. The basic approach in the chemotherapy is the administration of anticarcinogens to arrest the growth of cancer. DNA (deoxyribonuetic acid) imparts basophilia to the chromosomal net work of the cell. All the cancer cells have much of nuclei acid which promotes the mitosis. In Chemotherapy, the carcinogenic hydrocarbons and certain vesicants such as mustard gas and nitrogen mustard may inhibit both benign and malignant growth. Generally adapted for sarcomatic growths, 2:6 diaminopurine can cause selective injury to cancer cells both in tissue culture and in tumors. C-labeled adnine arrests the fast growth in lymphatic leukemia. In the recent development, regional chemotherapy was introduced, in which Nitrogen Mustard in a concentration of 15 to 20 times greater than ordinary intravenous therapy is given by injection in to the main artery of the limbs where there is a malignant melanoma of a limb. In therapeutic point of view type I and type II tumor cells can be found. In type I, Nucleus is large in size with a foaming appearance - large well defined vacuoles with one or two nucleasi are visualised under microscope - this is caused by the action of RNA (Ribonuleic Acid). This type one responds to 6 - mercaptopurine or allied drugs.
Type II are smaller, with no vacuoles found. The cause is due to DNA and this responds to Methotrexate or allied drugs. In the above said therapies, their object is only to destroy the exter-
nal cancer growth. Here slight philosophy is necessary to understand this cancer. Unless any person has got tendency to develop cancer growth, cancer never grows. THIS TENDENCY OF DEVELOPING CANCER IS NOT AT PHYSICAL PLANE, THIS IS AT DYNAMIC PLANE WHICH
IS INVISIBLE TO TTHE MICROSCOPE. OUR OBJECT ANYWAY IS NOT THAT ONLY TO REMOVE THE CANCER IN THE TISSUES, BUT THE MIASMATIC BACK GROUND. If we fail to understand the governing principle in this living body and its deviations we may altogether fail to cure this disease.
I thus give Homeopathic treatment of cancer, which understands the nature of a man and disease. Before I commence homeopathic aspect of my lecture, I seek your permission to pay my tributes to the founder - the seeker of truth - Master Hahnemann - on this auspicious occasion.
His services in finding out the law of similars is a rope for us to give a great inspiration in the annihilation of the sufferings of mankind. Many disciples of Master Hahnemann are putting up
their indefatigable efforts to this system which possess no articles of faith, no prejudiced and no orthodoxic views. Hence,
homeopathy has no prejudice view about the curability of the cancer. Homeopathy cures some times and fails to cure some times - why so ? answer depends upon the reversible or irreversible conditions of cancer.
Basically homeopaths do not consider ultimates as disease. They go by the totality of the signs and symptoms. Here cancer is the ultimate. What all can be done for this is, dependent on the
curability of the cancer. Generally, now-a-days, homeopaths get
such cases only in advanced conditions and after taking the
treatment from other systems of medicine.
This is unfortunate that homeopaths do not get cancer cases at early (curable) stage with full faith. The attraction of surgery and Radiation take away the patient from Homeopathy. After get-
ting exhausted and getting lost the hopes, patients run to this system as a last resort for existence. In this pitiable condition there is nothing left for a Homeopath except palliation.
All sensory and functional disturbances will find a way to cure the sick. If there are gross pathological changes, there will be less signs and symptoms. Hence forth, the cure becomes difficult,sometimes impossible. If there is sufficient vital reactivity in the patient and if the
symptoms are perceptible ` SIMILIA ' is not a failure.I wish to present few points in the following lines which may be helpful to you in treating the cancer cases. If my contribution serves to
add little to the knowledge of this disease ocean, I feel satisfied.
1. The early stages of cancer presents all mental and physical symptoms very distinctly to an intelligent physician. Here it is a reversible condition, and here the cancer is at curable stage.
Henceforth, the prescription to be of benefit to the patient, must have the nature of chronic as much as the nature of the acute manifestations. It is Homeopathy, which can easily save the
patient and prevent its recurrence too; which is not possible with modern medicine.
2. If the symptoms are vaguely distinct and the cancer is growing fast, this should be treated as followed in treating one sided disease - a moderately stronger dose should be selected. In
such cases, when a remedy is given, though on those vague symptoms, sometimes bring out all the old suppressed symptoms, if any (may be suppressions of skin eruptions etc.) by other systems of medicine.Here it leads to a curative direction of the cancer. If there is a sufficient pathology in the tissues,the remedy will
definitely palliate and some times arrests the pathology in the
cancer growth. This is the stage some times surgery role can be
brought into the picture. Whatever Homeopathy could do, it did it
- and surgery helps to remove the anomaly of the tissues. Here
the tendency of cancerous growth is also removed by our careful
application of medicine.
3. If the signs and symptoms are indistinct and local symptoms are more pronounced than the mind symptoms - It clearly shows that, it is a one - sided disease, where other side is completely
hidden in the nature of man.Hence patient has feeble vital reactivity to show the clear picture of a disease. In this, tissues are damaged to a great extent and no complete cure could be expected. If the medicine is selected on the acute complaints thar would palliate the agony of the patient.
4. If there is a completely indistinct nature of the signs and symptoms and if we find nothing excepting the agony from pain and discharges from the damaged tissues, this is the moaning of
the last stages of vital force. These patients have lost the vital reaction. To find a remedy for his lost vital reaction is thus impossible. At the most the agony of the patient may be
removed and a peaceful living may be granted.
Organopathy will be more ideal therapeutic agents especially when the cases are to be palliated. Every medicine is individualised by its specific action on some particular organ. If that organ is
involved, that specific medicine will be useful and will do needful with in the domain of Law Of Similars.
I am herewith giving you a brief repertory for cancer
cases.Cancer Diathesis - Ars.Iod.,Carcinogen., Hydro., Phyt.
Cancerous Affections - ARS., BROM., CARBO.An., CON., HYDR.,LYC.,NIT.Ac., PHOS., PHYT., SIL.
Encephaloma - PHOS.
Epithelioma - ARS., IOD., CON., LYC., LACH.
Fungus Haemotodes - ARS., PHOS., SIL., Carb.An.,
Glands - Aurum Met.,CARB.An., CON., Iod.
Glands Hard Malignant - CARB.An.
Melanoma - Arg.Mt., Lach., Con., Kali.P.
Violent Cases - OPIUM.
Sarcoma Cutis - Calc.P., CUNDU., Nit.Ac., Sil.
Eyes - CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil.
Eyes Epithelioma - Lachesis, Cund.
Eyes Cornea Epithelioma - Hep.
Eyes lids epithelioma - Hydr., Lach., Phyto., Thuja.
Eyes Lachrymal glands - CARBO.An.
Nose - AURUM.
Nose Flat Cancers - Euph.
Nose Epithelioma - Ars., Carb.Ac., Hydr., Kali.s.,Kreos.
Face - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Com., Laion., Phos.
Face Lips - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Con., Cist., Kreos., Lacy.,
Lye., Sep., Sil.
Lower Lips - Ars., Cust., Clem., Con., Lye.,
Phos., Sep., Sil.
Face Epithelioma - ARS., Kali.S., Lach., Phos.,Sep.
Mouth Cancer Palate - Aur., Hydr.
Mouth Cancer Tounge - Allum., Apis.M., Ars., Aur.,
Carb.An., Cons.,Lach., Mur.Ac., Nit.Ac., Phos.,
Phyti., Sil., Thuja.
Throat - Carbo.An., Led., Tarent.
Stomach - ARS., BISM., CARB.Ac., Carb.An., Con.,CUND.,Geranium.,
LYC., Phos.
Liver - Cup., Hep.S., Hydr., Muratic Ac., Phos.,Sulph.
Rectum - Allum., Nit.Ac., Ruta., Hyder., Kal., Cy.
Bladder - Tarax.
Kidney - Kali., IOd.
Genetelia - Male - Carb.An., CON.
Scrotum(Epithelioma) - Carb.An., Phos.Ac.
Testis - Spon.
Genetelia - Female
Cancer Ovaries - Con., Lach.
Cancer Uterus - Ars., Ars.Iod., Con., Graph., Hydr., Kreos.,
Lach., Lyc., Murx., Phos., Sep., Sil., Thuja.
Cancer Uterus Bleeding - Phos.
Cancer Vagina - KREOS.
Cancer Breast - Bufo., Con., Graph., Lach.,Merc;Sil.
Larynx - Ars., Nit.Ac., Phos., Sangu., Thuja.
Axilla - Aster.
Chest - Clavicle - Sep.
Chest Cancer in old Cicatrics - Graph.
Chest Contusion - Con.
Chest Sternum - Sulph.
Thanking You,
Paper presented on he occasion of 227th Birthday Celebrations
of Master Hahnemann in the Scientific Seminar held at Chandigarh
on April 11,1982
In the broad views of Medical Profession the CANCER is at times curable and at times incurable. How the cure is assured in any Stage of this malignant growth (cancer) is still an obvious Question; finds many vague answers in its ever changing construction of theories - what may be said today may stand out of date tomorrow. Yet, there is a ray of vain hope, that today’s difficult The sincere efforts being rendered by the Man Saviors (Physicians).
To pick-up any GOOD one should be aware of what is good. Today, it Is necessary to go for the depth of the therapeutics used in the Various fields of medical profession. This will enable us to have Up to date knowledge about the treatment and prognosis of the Cancer. Hence, the following Therapeutic measures are put forth in this seminar with their merits and demerits. "Let truth be immortal
Though it is hard heard."
Modern system of medicine contributes its services by ever imProving modern methods in treating the cancers. At the present time, the cancer is being treated by surgical removal or radium therapy or both and in certain cases chemotherapy as a palliative treatment. When to adopt what is their approach in treating this CRAB. Their main aim in treating the cancer is to select the deal therapeutic agents; which cause less harm to the normal Healthy tissues and more direct destructions to this fast growing Monster.
IN SURGICAL THERAPY, it is believed that, if the tumor is still Localised and first seen by doctor and no other tissue (Nervous, Lymphatic, Blood Vessels etc.) Is still involved, they should Immediately remove the tumor (cancer) with its suspected mass. In this, Surgeon's knife removes surrounding area first and then the growth. The appreciable gesture in this surgical therapy is; in The advanced stages they do not put knife, if the cancer is not a localized one and secondary are found here and there in the body. The surgeon’s main aim in removing the malignant tumor is, atleast, to give a hope to the patient for his survival for a few more years. In my later part of this lecture, the view of Homoeopathic in surgical cases of cancer is expounded. RADIUM THERAPY is another highly prevalent mode of treatment by the modern system of medicine. The radiation what may both cause and cure (as defined by modern system) is a best example. WHAT IS POTENT FOR EVIL MAY ALSO BE MADE POWERFUL FOR GOOD. From this saying the radium has come into existence. The radium and X-rays are used for the destructions of the mitotic spread of the cells. It is generally used in three forms - (A). External radiation; (B).Surface applications and (C). Interstitial radiation. The radiotherapist will bear in mind while treating the cancer cases the radium sensitivity in the patients. The radium sensitive varies from one individual to another and one variety of Cancer to another. For example - If Lymph sarcoma, Multiple Myeloma, Lymphoepithelioma, Embryonic Carcinoma, simplex are moderately sensitive, whereas Fibro sarcoma, Osseo Sarcoma, Neosarcoma, Neurosarcoma, Melanoma and Adeno Carcinoma are high resistant growths to radium. If only Lymphatic channels are effective- , Direct passing of the radio opaque media to lymph glands is believed to have arrested the growth of the cancer. Even Hodgkin's and other Lymphomas are treated by this method. Mainly Two things happen in the radium treatment - one arrest of mitosis and another is the degeneration of the cells. CHEMOTHERAPY is another mode adopted by the modern system of Medicine. The basic approach in the chemotherapy is the administration of anticarcinogens to arrest the growth of cancer. DNA (deoxyribonuetic acid) imparts basophilia to the chromosomal net work of the cell. All the cancer cells have much of nuclei acid which promotes the mitosis. In Chemotherapy, the carcinogenic hydrocarbons and certain vesicants such as mustard gas and nitrogen mustard may inhibit both benign and malignant growth. Generally adapted for sarcomatic growths, 2:6 diaminopurine can cause selective injury to cancer cells both in tissue culture and in tumors. C-labeled adnine arrests the fast growth in lymphatic leukemia. In the recent development, regional chemotherapy was introduced, in which Nitrogen Mustard in a concentration of 15 to 20 times greater than ordinary intravenous therapy is given by injection in to the main artery of the limbs where there is a malignant melanoma of a limb. In therapeutic point of view type I and type II tumor cells can be found. In type I, Nucleus is large in size with a foaming appearance - large well defined vacuoles with one or two nucleasi are visualised under microscope - this is caused by the action of RNA (Ribonuleic Acid). This type one responds to 6 - mercaptopurine or allied drugs.
Type II are smaller, with no vacuoles found. The cause is due to DNA and this responds to Methotrexate or allied drugs. In the above said therapies, their object is only to destroy the exter-
nal cancer growth. Here slight philosophy is necessary to understand this cancer. Unless any person has got tendency to develop cancer growth, cancer never grows. THIS TENDENCY OF DEVELOPING CANCER IS NOT AT PHYSICAL PLANE, THIS IS AT DYNAMIC PLANE WHICH
IS INVISIBLE TO TTHE MICROSCOPE. OUR OBJECT ANYWAY IS NOT THAT ONLY TO REMOVE THE CANCER IN THE TISSUES, BUT THE MIASMATIC BACK GROUND. If we fail to understand the governing principle in this living body and its deviations we may altogether fail to cure this disease.
I thus give Homeopathic treatment of cancer, which understands the nature of a man and disease. Before I commence homeopathic aspect of my lecture, I seek your permission to pay my tributes to the founder - the seeker of truth - Master Hahnemann - on this auspicious occasion.
His services in finding out the law of similars is a rope for us to give a great inspiration in the annihilation of the sufferings of mankind. Many disciples of Master Hahnemann are putting up
their indefatigable efforts to this system which possess no articles of faith, no prejudiced and no orthodoxic views. Hence,
homeopathy has no prejudice view about the curability of the cancer. Homeopathy cures some times and fails to cure some times - why so ? answer depends upon the reversible or irreversible conditions of cancer.
Basically homeopaths do not consider ultimates as disease. They go by the totality of the signs and symptoms. Here cancer is the ultimate. What all can be done for this is, dependent on the
curability of the cancer. Generally, now-a-days, homeopaths get
such cases only in advanced conditions and after taking the
treatment from other systems of medicine.
This is unfortunate that homeopaths do not get cancer cases at early (curable) stage with full faith. The attraction of surgery and Radiation take away the patient from Homeopathy. After get-
ting exhausted and getting lost the hopes, patients run to this system as a last resort for existence. In this pitiable condition there is nothing left for a Homeopath except palliation.
All sensory and functional disturbances will find a way to cure the sick. If there are gross pathological changes, there will be less signs and symptoms. Hence forth, the cure becomes difficult,sometimes impossible. If there is sufficient vital reactivity in the patient and if the
symptoms are perceptible ` SIMILIA ' is not a failure.I wish to present few points in the following lines which may be helpful to you in treating the cancer cases. If my contribution serves to
add little to the knowledge of this disease ocean, I feel satisfied.
1. The early stages of cancer presents all mental and physical symptoms very distinctly to an intelligent physician. Here it is a reversible condition, and here the cancer is at curable stage.
Henceforth, the prescription to be of benefit to the patient, must have the nature of chronic as much as the nature of the acute manifestations. It is Homeopathy, which can easily save the
patient and prevent its recurrence too; which is not possible with modern medicine.
2. If the symptoms are vaguely distinct and the cancer is growing fast, this should be treated as followed in treating one sided disease - a moderately stronger dose should be selected. In
such cases, when a remedy is given, though on those vague symptoms, sometimes bring out all the old suppressed symptoms, if any (may be suppressions of skin eruptions etc.) by other systems of medicine.Here it leads to a curative direction of the cancer. If there is a sufficient pathology in the tissues,the remedy will
definitely palliate and some times arrests the pathology in the
cancer growth. This is the stage some times surgery role can be
brought into the picture. Whatever Homeopathy could do, it did it
- and surgery helps to remove the anomaly of the tissues. Here
the tendency of cancerous growth is also removed by our careful
application of medicine.
3. If the signs and symptoms are indistinct and local symptoms are more pronounced than the mind symptoms - It clearly shows that, it is a one - sided disease, where other side is completely
hidden in the nature of man.Hence patient has feeble vital reactivity to show the clear picture of a disease. In this, tissues are damaged to a great extent and no complete cure could be expected. If the medicine is selected on the acute complaints thar would palliate the agony of the patient.
4. If there is a completely indistinct nature of the signs and symptoms and if we find nothing excepting the agony from pain and discharges from the damaged tissues, this is the moaning of
the last stages of vital force. These patients have lost the vital reaction. To find a remedy for his lost vital reaction is thus impossible. At the most the agony of the patient may be
removed and a peaceful living may be granted.
Organopathy will be more ideal therapeutic agents especially when the cases are to be palliated. Every medicine is individualised by its specific action on some particular organ. If that organ is
involved, that specific medicine will be useful and will do needful with in the domain of Law Of Similars.
I am herewith giving you a brief repertory for cancer
cases.Cancer Diathesis - Ars.Iod.,Carcinogen., Hydro., Phyt.
Cancerous Affections - ARS., BROM., CARBO.An., CON., HYDR.,LYC.,NIT.Ac., PHOS., PHYT., SIL.
Encephaloma - PHOS.
Epithelioma - ARS., IOD., CON., LYC., LACH.
Fungus Haemotodes - ARS., PHOS., SIL., Carb.An.,
Glands - Aurum Met.,CARB.An., CON., Iod.
Glands Hard Malignant - CARB.An.
Melanoma - Arg.Mt., Lach., Con., Kali.P.
Violent Cases - OPIUM.
Sarcoma Cutis - Calc.P., CUNDU., Nit.Ac., Sil.
Eyes - CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil.
Eyes Epithelioma - Lachesis, Cund.
Eyes Cornea Epithelioma - Hep.
Eyes lids epithelioma - Hydr., Lach., Phyto., Thuja.
Eyes Lachrymal glands - CARBO.An.
Nose - AURUM.
Nose Flat Cancers - Euph.
Nose Epithelioma - Ars., Carb.Ac., Hydr., Kali.s.,Kreos.
Face - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Com., Laion., Phos.
Face Lips - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Con., Cist., Kreos., Lacy.,
Lye., Sep., Sil.
Lower Lips - Ars., Cust., Clem., Con., Lye.,
Phos., Sep., Sil.
Face Epithelioma - ARS., Kali.S., Lach., Phos.,Sep.
Mouth Cancer Palate - Aur., Hydr.
Mouth Cancer Tounge - Allum., Apis.M., Ars., Aur.,
Carb.An., Cons.,Lach., Mur.Ac., Nit.Ac., Phos.,
Phyti., Sil., Thuja.
Throat - Carbo.An., Led., Tarent.
Stomach - ARS., BISM., CARB.Ac., Carb.An., Con.,CUND.,Geranium.,
LYC., Phos.
Liver - Cup., Hep.S., Hydr., Muratic Ac., Phos.,Sulph.
Rectum - Allum., Nit.Ac., Ruta., Hyder., Kal., Cy.
Bladder - Tarax.
Kidney - Kali., IOd.
Genetelia - Male - Carb.An., CON.
Scrotum(Epithelioma) - Carb.An., Phos.Ac.
Testis - Spon.
Genetelia - Female
Cancer Ovaries - Con., Lach.
Cancer Uterus - Ars., Ars.Iod., Con., Graph., Hydr., Kreos.,
Lach., Lyc., Murx., Phos., Sep., Sil., Thuja.
Cancer Uterus Bleeding - Phos.
Cancer Vagina - KREOS.
Cancer Breast - Bufo., Con., Graph., Lach.,Merc;Sil.
Larynx - Ars., Nit.Ac., Phos., Sangu., Thuja.
Axilla - Aster.
Chest - Clavicle - Sep.
Chest Cancer in old Cicatrics - Graph.
Chest Contusion - Con.
Chest Sternum - Sulph.
Thanking You,
Paper presented on he occasion of 227th Birthday Celebrations
of Master Hahnemann in the Scientific Seminar held at Chandigarh
on April 11,1982
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
One cannot divorce medicine and theology. Man exists all the way down, from his innermost spiritual, to outermost natural. Rapid industrialisation, apart encouraging Nation's progress is also causing a major threat to the environment, and more do so to the industrial work force.
Today's industrial worker is exposed to very highly complicated environmental threats. He is forced to interact with social , domestic, psychological and occupational environments and there 'by falling prey for various mental and physical ailments/disorders.
Keeping in view the rate at which Industries are polluting the environment and the health of an industrial worker, the Nation has seriously focussed its attention and raised an alarm to protect the environment and the health of industrial work force.
An attempt is made by the author to improve audience awareness on the homoeopathic system of medicine which is in a position to render much needed help in taking care of industrial work force and their families under the current environment impact.
Homoeopathy considers the aetiology and totallity of the symptoms in diagnosing and treating the diseases. Aetiology and symptoms are interrelated. Wherever clear cut aetiological factor could be identified/ established the treatment will be focussed on that. At times it so happens that a specific cause cannot be identified and in such cases the totality of the symptoms guide in treating the diseases.
If cause is treated there exists no totality of the symptoms, and if the totality of the symptoms are treated cause will disappear. Homoeopathically aetiological factors are classified as under.
" The external man is but an outward expression of the internal; so the results of the disease (symptoms) are but the outward expression of internal sickness" opines Kent. Constitutional approach is generally based on mental and physical built up of an individual. It is a natural `gift' to every living organism Which is endowed with an animating force (Vital force) to protect and preserve the health from diseases. On the other hand there is also a natural `curse' in the circumstances (i.e disease force (miasm)) and it's effects on the health. The impact of such tussle between the vital force and the circumstances results in good health or disease.
There are umpteen evidences that the `circumstances' has caused worry to the health of an individual and a light is thrown on all salient aetilogical features as classified earlier.
The present Industrial environment calls for competitive spirit, advanced skills and other major achievements Which in turn provocates psychological disorders such as dejections, anxiety, depression, grief,anger, jealousy, insecurity, fatigue, emotion, fright, poor human relationships, mental exhaustion etc., besides this our constitution is also seriously affected by electro magnetic waves (Radio, T.V) ultra sound waves and cosmic rays. All these things disturb mental and physical health to a great extent.
Man must be studied as he is, as he was, every thing of man and human race in general in order to understand the diseases. In Homoeopathy there are several medicines where psychological, impact plays a major role in causing physical ailments.
Homoeopathy does miracles there. Some of them are given below to have an idea of the action of Homoeopathic medicines.
ANGER: Acidity, Asthma, Convulsions, Gastralgia, Vomiting
VEXATION :Gastralgia.
ANGER: Palpitation, Pain in the chest, Fever, Congestion of the Brain.
FRIGHT: Amenenohoea, Apoplexy, Gastritis, Fainting,pain.
VEXATION : Apoplexy.
ANGER : Grief depression.
ANXIETY : Stiffness of back.
EMOTIONS : Neuralgia, Paraplegia.
FRIGHT : Any physical complaint, Nervous colic, Hemicrania
GRIEF :Any physical complaint, Abortion, Amenorrhoea, Chorea, Convulsions, Epilepsy, Gastralagia, Insomnia Indigestions, nervous , palpitation, paralysis etc
DISAPPOINTMENTS : All effects from disappointments and Bad news leads to Vomiting.
FEAR & FRIGHT : Nervousness, Diarrhoea.
EMOTIONS : Abortion, Diarrhoea, Micturition, Paralysis.
FATIGUE : Diarrhoea.
GRIEF : Indignitions, Palpilation.
ANGER : Amenorrhoea, Cough, Hemiplegia.
DISAPPOINTMENT : Ovarian problems.
ANGER : Colic, hemiplegic.
VEXATION : Amenorrhoea, diarrhoea,
ANXIETY : Faintness
FRIGHT : Abortion, Amenorrhoea, All bad effects, Fainting, insomnia, Palpitation, vertigo.
SHAME : Bad effects from shame resulting various complaints.
ANGER : Joint pains , Fever, Vomiting
MENTAL EXERTION : All effects of mental exertion, chills, sleeplessness
WEEPING : Anger.
JEALOUSY : All bad effects, Catalepsy, Epilepsy
JEALOUSY : Catalepsy, Epilepsy.
There are many more medicines which are useful to different mental causes. Much of the mental conditions mentioned above have been tried in homoeopathic dispensary. Which has rendered positive signs of satisfactory results.
As the nature of work calls for serious involvement of industrial work force it is likely to cause various occupational disorders as detailed in the classification.
A) MECHANICAL It is needless to say that the industrial work force are liable to come in contact with machine and tools and there is every chance that they may get seriously injured.
Usually falls, cuts, lacerations, punctured wounds, blunt wounds, fractures, haemorrhages, shocks are seen in the hospitals of industries. They need to be attended skillfully.
There is a wider choice of homoeopathic medicines for various injuries. For eg: Arnica for blunt and bruised, Aconite in haemorrhages after injuries, Hypericum and Ruta for nerve injuries, Hypericum and calendula for lacerated, ledumpal in punctured wounds, cantharis for burns. Rhustox for tendors, muscles and joints, ruta & Synphytum for bones and periosteum, cicuta, Nat.sulpha & Arnica shocks after injuries.
With a little first aid and surgical interference homoeopathic treatment will defenitely yield the desired results.
This kind of practice is generally seen in private homoeopathic dispensaries where in satisfactory results are recorded than in the industrial hospitals.
B) PHYSICAL: Industrial work force invariably is exposed to physical environment as mentioned in the classification and often they cause disorders.Apart from routine first aid & conventional methods of treatment the following homoeopathic treatment is also recommended.
Hyperpyrexia Bell, Gels, Nat.C.
Heat Exhausion Acon,Ars,Anti.crude.
Heat Syncope Mez, Nat.M, Gloni.
Heat Cramps Cuprum, Bell
Burns Cantharis, Calendula Apis mel.Rhus Eox
Prickles heat,Rash Utricaria Nat.M,Nat.C, Rhus T,Hepsur
Trench Foot Acon
Frost Bite Acon, Kali Bich, Agaricum
Chill Blain Apis, Calc. Ph,AgaricusKali Br.Sep,Rhus.V
Occupational cataract Cinararia, Ruta, Bell (Conventional)
Lightening bad effects Nux. Vom. Phos
Asthma in thunder Sep, Sili, Syph.
Air embolism Conventional
Pressure Explosive
Noise Occupational deafness Bell
X Ray , Radium Cancer
Radiation Leukaemia X Ray ,Cobalt,Aplastic Anaemia Ferrum. Radium
Pancyto penia Ferrum , X Ray
Electricity Shocks Nat Phosphorus conventional
Burns Cantharis,Conventional
Exertion Loaders, pullers Arnica, Rhus Tox Working day & night Nux.vom,
Standing, varicosity Lach, Puls, Haem, Arnica
C) CHEMICAL: Normally chemical substance is known for causing allergies to an individual in it's own way. As such no chemical is absolutely harmlers. Hardly there exists any industry which do not make use of chemicals. Depending upon the seriousness of the action of the chemical homoeopaths decide the plan of their treatment. First aid and conventional methods are initially tried before the commencement of homoeoplathic treatment. All superficial allergic manifestations can be well looked after by homoeopathy alone. The treatment involves merely the removal of cause, and, in some cases, anti-doting the poisons chemically, and dynamically.
- Primarily homoeopathy induces immunological therapy as it not only cures the current diesease, yet, it also helps the body to develop its immunological mechanism with which the native can gain/restore its health in long run.
- The chemicals produce local and systematic disorders some times to the extent of death. Fumes, gases, dusts, metals and metalic compounds, acids, alkalies etc., are the main reaction found in industrial workers Homoeopathic treatment for some of the affections are given below:
Dermatitis, Urticaria, Itching, Cracks, Fissures, Eczema. Cancers are same of the affections. That are commonly come across in industrial workers.
. Apis.M and Rhus Tox are useful for mercurial and carbolic acid affection.
. Rhus Tox is also useful in skin allergies of miners, dyers
. Hep.Sulph for synthetic allergies and metallic allergies.
. Nit. acid for mercurial allergies.
Causticum for scabies type of eruption due to sulphauricum.
. Anacardium, Croton.Tig for Rhustox poisoning.
. Graphites for Arsenic poisoning.
. Ars alb for bad effects carb acid
. Staphy for warts in mercurial poisoning.
. Lachesis for Mercurial poisoning leading to blackness of skin.
. Acetic acid, bell, acon. for carbon monoxide.
. Amm. carb for charcoal vapour in asthma for miners due to coal dust.
. Lyssin and brom for sneezings in the workers who get exposed to dust.
. Aurum for asthma after abuse of mercury.
. Nat. mur in catarrhal conditions after abuse of nitrate of silver.
. Kalibich for lung dieseases for cortizone users.
. Carb.an, carb. veg. Nat.ars for asthma due to coal dust.
. Acid mit for TB due to potassium poisoning.
. Nat-Ars and carduns Marinus for Miner's Asthma.
. Digitalis for coaltar affection on heart.
. Ars, crotalus, phos. for anaemia in Allumina poisoning.
. Hep. sulph. for comstipation & diarrhoea due to mercurial poisoning
- Staphysagria - for gum bleeding in mercury poison.
- Ipecac, Mer, Pulsatilla for diarrhoea in copper poisoning.
- Opium in constipation for lead poisoning.
- Nux. V, Podo for Biliousness in mercury poisoning.
- China for diarrhoea in opium poisoning.
CNS - China for hemoplegic in Arsenic poisoning.
- Pencillins for bad effects of pencillin.
- Sarsaparilla for burning pains in mercury poisoning.
- China for suicidal terdencies after mercurial poisoning.
- Acetic acid for headache in opium poisoning.
D)BIOLOGICAL AGENTS: Strictly speaking Homoeopaths do not consider the microbes as causes of the diseases. The man was already diseased even prior to the entrance of the microbes and provided favourable conditions to grow bacterium.
The diseases like tetanus , encephalitis, brucellosis fungal infection, leptosporosis are to be handled by taking symptomatology into consideration, ledmapal, hypericum, calendula medicines have been found to be more useful to prevent tetanus in injuries.
- Since it becomes difficult to find out specific cause for all the numerous varieties of diseasea, Totality of the symptoms is only the resouece to diagnose the case. The symptoms are nothing but the reflections (effects) cause. Homoeopathy has its credential to characterise the patient for treatment.
CONSTITUTIONAL OCCUPATIONAL Internal psychological External Electro magnetic Mechanical Physical Chemical Biological Accidents Injuries Dusts Gases Metals Acids & Alkalies Heat Cold Light Noise Radiology Physical Electricity extertion Lightening Tetanus Encephalitis Brucellosis Fungal infection Leptosporosis
- Homoeopathy exists as law and doctrine and operates in the world of its causes, if this were not so it could not exist in the world of ultimates. In a given situation in addition to first aid and Conventional methods homoeopathic system of medicine renders quite alot of useful and vital services to the industrial work force at a very nominal cost, thus saving very valuable lives and money.
1. Dastur H.P (1960)- Doctor's Approach To Industrial Medicine.
2. Bnarji D.P (1968) Indian J. Industrial medicine.
3. S.K.M. Sastry (1989) Interaction between man and environment.
4. J.E. Park Text book of preventive and social medicine.
5. Staurt close The genius of Homoeopathy.
6. Samuel Hahnemann Organon of medicine.
7. Kent Repertory of homoeopathic materia medica.
One cannot divorce medicine and theology. Man exists all the way down, from his innermost spiritual, to outermost natural. Rapid industrialisation, apart encouraging Nation's progress is also causing a major threat to the environment, and more do so to the industrial work force.
Today's industrial worker is exposed to very highly complicated environmental threats. He is forced to interact with social , domestic, psychological and occupational environments and there 'by falling prey for various mental and physical ailments/disorders.
Keeping in view the rate at which Industries are polluting the environment and the health of an industrial worker, the Nation has seriously focussed its attention and raised an alarm to protect the environment and the health of industrial work force.
An attempt is made by the author to improve audience awareness on the homoeopathic system of medicine which is in a position to render much needed help in taking care of industrial work force and their families under the current environment impact.
Homoeopathy considers the aetiology and totallity of the symptoms in diagnosing and treating the diseases. Aetiology and symptoms are interrelated. Wherever clear cut aetiological factor could be identified/ established the treatment will be focussed on that. At times it so happens that a specific cause cannot be identified and in such cases the totality of the symptoms guide in treating the diseases.
If cause is treated there exists no totality of the symptoms, and if the totality of the symptoms are treated cause will disappear. Homoeopathically aetiological factors are classified as under.
" The external man is but an outward expression of the internal; so the results of the disease (symptoms) are but the outward expression of internal sickness" opines Kent. Constitutional approach is generally based on mental and physical built up of an individual. It is a natural `gift' to every living organism Which is endowed with an animating force (Vital force) to protect and preserve the health from diseases. On the other hand there is also a natural `curse' in the circumstances (i.e disease force (miasm)) and it's effects on the health. The impact of such tussle between the vital force and the circumstances results in good health or disease.
There are umpteen evidences that the `circumstances' has caused worry to the health of an individual and a light is thrown on all salient aetilogical features as classified earlier.
The present Industrial environment calls for competitive spirit, advanced skills and other major achievements Which in turn provocates psychological disorders such as dejections, anxiety, depression, grief,anger, jealousy, insecurity, fatigue, emotion, fright, poor human relationships, mental exhaustion etc., besides this our constitution is also seriously affected by electro magnetic waves (Radio, T.V) ultra sound waves and cosmic rays. All these things disturb mental and physical health to a great extent.
Man must be studied as he is, as he was, every thing of man and human race in general in order to understand the diseases. In Homoeopathy there are several medicines where psychological, impact plays a major role in causing physical ailments.
Homoeopathy does miracles there. Some of them are given below to have an idea of the action of Homoeopathic medicines.
ANGER: Acidity, Asthma, Convulsions, Gastralgia, Vomiting
VEXATION :Gastralgia.
ANGER: Palpitation, Pain in the chest, Fever, Congestion of the Brain.
FRIGHT: Amenenohoea, Apoplexy, Gastritis, Fainting,pain.
VEXATION : Apoplexy.
ANGER : Grief depression.
ANXIETY : Stiffness of back.
EMOTIONS : Neuralgia, Paraplegia.
FRIGHT : Any physical complaint, Nervous colic, Hemicrania
GRIEF :Any physical complaint, Abortion, Amenorrhoea, Chorea, Convulsions, Epilepsy, Gastralagia, Insomnia Indigestions, nervous , palpitation, paralysis etc
DISAPPOINTMENTS : All effects from disappointments and Bad news leads to Vomiting.
FEAR & FRIGHT : Nervousness, Diarrhoea.
EMOTIONS : Abortion, Diarrhoea, Micturition, Paralysis.
FATIGUE : Diarrhoea.
GRIEF : Indignitions, Palpilation.
ANGER : Amenorrhoea, Cough, Hemiplegia.
DISAPPOINTMENT : Ovarian problems.
ANGER : Colic, hemiplegic.
VEXATION : Amenorrhoea, diarrhoea,
ANXIETY : Faintness
FRIGHT : Abortion, Amenorrhoea, All bad effects, Fainting, insomnia, Palpitation, vertigo.
SHAME : Bad effects from shame resulting various complaints.
ANGER : Joint pains , Fever, Vomiting
MENTAL EXERTION : All effects of mental exertion, chills, sleeplessness
WEEPING : Anger.
JEALOUSY : All bad effects, Catalepsy, Epilepsy
JEALOUSY : Catalepsy, Epilepsy.
There are many more medicines which are useful to different mental causes. Much of the mental conditions mentioned above have been tried in homoeopathic dispensary. Which has rendered positive signs of satisfactory results.
As the nature of work calls for serious involvement of industrial work force it is likely to cause various occupational disorders as detailed in the classification.
A) MECHANICAL It is needless to say that the industrial work force are liable to come in contact with machine and tools and there is every chance that they may get seriously injured.
Usually falls, cuts, lacerations, punctured wounds, blunt wounds, fractures, haemorrhages, shocks are seen in the hospitals of industries. They need to be attended skillfully.
There is a wider choice of homoeopathic medicines for various injuries. For eg: Arnica for blunt and bruised, Aconite in haemorrhages after injuries, Hypericum and Ruta for nerve injuries, Hypericum and calendula for lacerated, ledumpal in punctured wounds, cantharis for burns. Rhustox for tendors, muscles and joints, ruta & Synphytum for bones and periosteum, cicuta, Nat.sulpha & Arnica shocks after injuries.
With a little first aid and surgical interference homoeopathic treatment will defenitely yield the desired results.
This kind of practice is generally seen in private homoeopathic dispensaries where in satisfactory results are recorded than in the industrial hospitals.
B) PHYSICAL: Industrial work force invariably is exposed to physical environment as mentioned in the classification and often they cause disorders.Apart from routine first aid & conventional methods of treatment the following homoeopathic treatment is also recommended.
Hyperpyrexia Bell, Gels, Nat.C.
Heat Exhausion Acon,Ars,Anti.crude.
Heat Syncope Mez, Nat.M, Gloni.
Heat Cramps Cuprum, Bell
Burns Cantharis, Calendula Apis mel.Rhus Eox
Prickles heat,Rash Utricaria Nat.M,Nat.C, Rhus T,Hepsur
Trench Foot Acon
Frost Bite Acon, Kali Bich, Agaricum
Chill Blain Apis, Calc. Ph,AgaricusKali Br.Sep,Rhus.V
Occupational cataract Cinararia, Ruta, Bell (Conventional)
Lightening bad effects Nux. Vom. Phos
Asthma in thunder Sep, Sili, Syph.
Air embolism Conventional
Pressure Explosive
Noise Occupational deafness Bell
X Ray , Radium Cancer
Radiation Leukaemia X Ray ,Cobalt,Aplastic Anaemia Ferrum. Radium
Pancyto penia Ferrum , X Ray
Electricity Shocks Nat Phosphorus conventional
Burns Cantharis,Conventional
Exertion Loaders, pullers Arnica, Rhus Tox Working day & night Nux.vom,
Standing, varicosity Lach, Puls, Haem, Arnica
C) CHEMICAL: Normally chemical substance is known for causing allergies to an individual in it's own way. As such no chemical is absolutely harmlers. Hardly there exists any industry which do not make use of chemicals. Depending upon the seriousness of the action of the chemical homoeopaths decide the plan of their treatment. First aid and conventional methods are initially tried before the commencement of homoeoplathic treatment. All superficial allergic manifestations can be well looked after by homoeopathy alone. The treatment involves merely the removal of cause, and, in some cases, anti-doting the poisons chemically, and dynamically.
- Primarily homoeopathy induces immunological therapy as it not only cures the current diesease, yet, it also helps the body to develop its immunological mechanism with which the native can gain/restore its health in long run.
- The chemicals produce local and systematic disorders some times to the extent of death. Fumes, gases, dusts, metals and metalic compounds, acids, alkalies etc., are the main reaction found in industrial workers Homoeopathic treatment for some of the affections are given below:
Dermatitis, Urticaria, Itching, Cracks, Fissures, Eczema. Cancers are same of the affections. That are commonly come across in industrial workers.
. Apis.M and Rhus Tox are useful for mercurial and carbolic acid affection.
. Rhus Tox is also useful in skin allergies of miners, dyers
. Hep.Sulph for synthetic allergies and metallic allergies.
. Nit. acid for mercurial allergies.
Causticum for scabies type of eruption due to sulphauricum.
. Anacardium, Croton.Tig for Rhustox poisoning.
. Graphites for Arsenic poisoning.
. Ars alb for bad effects carb acid
. Staphy for warts in mercurial poisoning.
. Lachesis for Mercurial poisoning leading to blackness of skin.
. Acetic acid, bell, acon. for carbon monoxide.
. Amm. carb for charcoal vapour in asthma for miners due to coal dust.
. Lyssin and brom for sneezings in the workers who get exposed to dust.
. Aurum for asthma after abuse of mercury.
. Nat. mur in catarrhal conditions after abuse of nitrate of silver.
. Kalibich for lung dieseases for cortizone users.
. Carb.an, carb. veg. Nat.ars for asthma due to coal dust.
. Acid mit for TB due to potassium poisoning.
. Nat-Ars and carduns Marinus for Miner's Asthma.
. Digitalis for coaltar affection on heart.
. Ars, crotalus, phos. for anaemia in Allumina poisoning.
. Hep. sulph. for comstipation & diarrhoea due to mercurial poisoning
- Staphysagria - for gum bleeding in mercury poison.
- Ipecac, Mer, Pulsatilla for diarrhoea in copper poisoning.
- Opium in constipation for lead poisoning.
- Nux. V, Podo for Biliousness in mercury poisoning.
- China for diarrhoea in opium poisoning.
CNS - China for hemoplegic in Arsenic poisoning.
- Pencillins for bad effects of pencillin.
- Sarsaparilla for burning pains in mercury poisoning.
- China for suicidal terdencies after mercurial poisoning.
- Acetic acid for headache in opium poisoning.
D)BIOLOGICAL AGENTS: Strictly speaking Homoeopaths do not consider the microbes as causes of the diseases. The man was already diseased even prior to the entrance of the microbes and provided favourable conditions to grow bacterium.
The diseases like tetanus , encephalitis, brucellosis fungal infection, leptosporosis are to be handled by taking symptomatology into consideration, ledmapal, hypericum, calendula medicines have been found to be more useful to prevent tetanus in injuries.
- Since it becomes difficult to find out specific cause for all the numerous varieties of diseasea, Totality of the symptoms is only the resouece to diagnose the case. The symptoms are nothing but the reflections (effects) cause. Homoeopathy has its credential to characterise the patient for treatment.
CONSTITUTIONAL OCCUPATIONAL Internal psychological External Electro magnetic Mechanical Physical Chemical Biological Accidents Injuries Dusts Gases Metals Acids & Alkalies Heat Cold Light Noise Radiology Physical Electricity extertion Lightening Tetanus Encephalitis Brucellosis Fungal infection Leptosporosis
- Homoeopathy exists as law and doctrine and operates in the world of its causes, if this were not so it could not exist in the world of ultimates. In a given situation in addition to first aid and Conventional methods homoeopathic system of medicine renders quite alot of useful and vital services to the industrial work force at a very nominal cost, thus saving very valuable lives and money.
1. Dastur H.P (1960)- Doctor's Approach To Industrial Medicine.
2. Bnarji D.P (1968) Indian J. Industrial medicine.
3. S.K.M. Sastry (1989) Interaction between man and environment.
4. J.E. Park Text book of preventive and social medicine.
5. Staurt close The genius of Homoeopathy.
6. Samuel Hahnemann Organon of medicine.
7. Kent Repertory of homoeopathic materia medica.
AUDE SAPERE-(Dare To Be Wise)
Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy churned up all Medical systems by his conscientious labors and brought out a perfect Scientific AMRIT (Nectar) HOMOEOPATHY - A True healing art. Whoever properly swallowed this is enjoying the bliss and getting Scot free from many of the diseases by virtue of its Prophylactic and Curative powers.
In the past two centuries homoeopathy has earned a commendable respect from all genius. In India there are about 140 homoeopathic colleges and thousands of homoeopathic doctors are coming out every year. Apart from gaining name and fame there are certain areas where homoeopaths have to show their supremacy. Some time back homoeo practitioners felt that teaching of allied subjects is not homoeopathy but in recent times people have started accepting to become more scientific. In the same way there is a burning problem for not having specialisations and restrictions of homoeopaths not to resort to alternative medicines in some inevitable circumstances. This subject aims at focusing merits of acquiring knowledge from other alternative systems of medicine. We need to change some our orthodox views to compete with the world.
Justification:- If Master Hahnemann had not mastered the effects of various medical applications of those days we would have left with no homoeopathy, the real curative medicine. Hahnemann being a perfect analyser of the medical systems could evolve the Therapeutic Law of Nature. Without possessing the ability of discrimination it would not be possible to go for apt prescription. Master Hahnemann states in his aphorisms, "Among chronic diseases we must still, alas! reckon those so commonly met with, artificially produced diseases........." and which include all drug induced diseases, and they are the most difficult ones to cure and they need special care. Unless one knows what effects each medicine produces he would fail to understand the nature of drug diseases. Often homoeopaths come across cases from other systems of medicine who resort to homoeopathy for their diabetes/ hypertension/skin diseases etc,. In such cases sudden withdrawal of anti-diabetic or anti-hypertensive drugs with out proper supervision homoeopaths end up with end up of patients. If homoeopath knows he would properly manage case with suitable medicines. The effects of heroic(villainy) allopathic medicines could be easily tackled by real heroic homoeopathic medicines. Kali.Bich is said to be a very good medicine for Asthmatic cases and it is an excellent medicine particularly when the patient has been treated earlier with steroid medicines. The homoeopaths who have thorough back ground about other systems can educate patient what harm other medicines do and what good his medicines will do.It is also worthwhile to mention here that allopaths/Ayurveds if once they taste homoeopathy they also would prefer homoeopathy. Acquiring the knowledge of other systems will be a boon to homoeopathy and that will enrich the proficiency.
Justification :- a) Homoeopathy has proved many a time its supremacy in preventing some of the epidemic diseases where even other systems failed . Homoeopathy has miraculous medicines to antidote the bad effects of vaccines used by other systems of medicine. Homoeopaths by knowing clearly the action of vaccines better medicines
could be found out.
b) For effective implementation of family welfare schemes:- Use of homoeopathic medicines will arise only in pathological conditions not in physiological conditions. Pregnancy or giving birth to a child is a Physiological condition which does not come actually in the domain of homoeopathy. But, at the same time Nation's health is getting deteriorated by the cancerous growth of population and it is a moral responsibility of every medical man to actively participate in the activities of family welfare schemes, no matter one belongs to what system of medicine. We get effective results by surgical means such as Vasectomy, Tubectomy and Laparoscopy. The homoeopaths who acquire the skills can effectively implement such minor operations. Just because of lack of legal validity in using simple anaesthetics and some emergency medicines homoeopaths are put aside, leaving homoeopaths deprived of serving the nation. Hence, homoeopaths also should be given equal opportunity as has been given to other professional brethren.
Justification :- There are some cases homoeopaths come across where it becomes inevitable to adapt surgical means. In road side and railway accidents, hemorrhages, cuts etc, it becomes inevitable to perform surgery. As a matter of fact homoeopaths can discriminate in a better way which case is a real surgical, so called surgical and non-surgical. In the absence of protection from law both the patients and homoeo doctors are deprived. Homoeopaths are also studying in the same way as of other systems but excluding homeopaths amount to no good with skills. Hence homoeopaths having skills should be allowed to use the life saving drugs and anaesthetics during and after operation. It is suggested that there should be an introduction of PG courses in all specialisations in order to have a more holistic attitude. There should be a full stop for apprehensions that Homoeopathy will be ruined if these are introduced. Technically homoeopaths become very weak in getting recognition in this competitive world with out proper specialisation and this kind of attitude would widen the gap between homoeopaths and the other professional brethren.
Justification :- If homoeopathic doctor is required to conduct delivery as per the qualification he is as good as other counterpart doctors but in the absence of use of simple anaesthetics and emergency medicines he would be handicapped if cases go all of sudden to surgical interference. If counterpart with same skills is eligible to undertake and because one is a homoeopath and he has to keep it becomes a gross moral set back and degradation to system. It is not even ethical to refuse those cases. As such he/she is bound to resort to necessary measures. There are very good number of homoeopaths who are excellent in surgery. The courses at PG level in these specialisations boost up homoeopaths morale and more than that suffering human beings will be much more benefited. It is advised to introduce PG courses in all allied subjects. Acquiring knowledge in different specialities will be rather a boon not a disqualification. Properly taught and properly understood subject will not be improperly applied.
Justification :-It is not unusual in rural areas patients do come to homoeopathic doctors after consuming agricultural poisons, pesticides etc. The patients often die in the primary action of those lethal doses it self. They require to be carefully tackled by the conventional therapies in the absence of homoeopathic antidote. The main aim in those cases is to see that the patient survives. Since most of these acute poison cases are to be urgently met with some adequate steps should be taken. It is also usual to come across Snake bite cases which need immediate steps and irrespective of system one practices he should first of all see that the patient survives. Hence bar in practising other systems has to be removed to help the sufferer. In natural calamities if homoeopaths are warranted to meet with the situation some times it becomes necessary for them to do needful to the patient and safeguard the patient's life.
Justification:-It is agreed by one and all that homoeopathy has not acquired 100% medicines to 100% diseases, for that matter no system can claim to be that much perfect. Homoeopathy, of course, the best and only the one to cure most of the chronic ailments but not all. There are still number of ailments that are posing a challenge to homoeopath to cure and the homoeopaths are doing their bit. Due to lack of enough medical wealth to meet with the requirement homoeopaths are yet to discover the similimums to the patients. There are also many incurable and irreversible life threatening diseases
where homoeopaths have to resort to alternative systems.
Justification :-In some cases due to poverty they suffer from Nutritional disorders. These disorders can not be met with by only homoeopathic medicines unless the food is supplemented. In case of non-availability of food the vitamins, minerals etc are to be supplemented. If homoeopaths are not allowed to practise other systems it becomes difficult even to prescribe vitamins and mineral etc. Because some of them may cause reactions and they are to be tackled by allopathic medicines. And in case of congenital hormonal disorders and developmental defects some hormonal therapy may be indicated. Only homoeopathic medicines in these cases would not give any fruitful results. Homoeopaths having studied hormonal disorders they would be in a better position to apply homoeopathy appropriately.
Justification :-The most important aspect of medical profession is to maintain integrity. All medical systems have to go together and collectively help to build a healthy Nation. They have to understand each other very closely with out any prejudice. While upholding one's own system for its merits the counterparts are also to be honoured for their merits. By not allowing one system to practice other leads to many controversial issues.
Justification :-Homoeopaths are also studying same length of course as other systems but homoeopaths are not given same privilege as has been given to other systems, rather homoeopaths are deprived of the privileges that are enjoyed by other systems of medicine. The boundary line drawn would result into doing no good to the sufferer. The utmost duty of rendering services in emergency on public demand also can not be met with due to legal invalidity.
Hence, to protect the interest of public and as well to maintain the dignity and status of homoeopathic profession the ban on practice of other system should be lifted.
Justification :- Last but not the least urban population have a wide range of options for patients to select and consult concerned doctors. On the other hand the rural patients are deprived of these facilities. Their demand and psyche also should be taken into account.
This article speaks about the genuine issues with out any bias. If all homoeopaths believe that any point mentioned above is contradictory your comments, suggestions are welcome to make homoeopathy the best. Let’s all homoeopaths collectively raise voice AUDE SAPERE (Dare To Be Wise) the MOOL MANTRA(Basic Slogan) of homoeopathy . Let us all enrich our knowledge from all sources from all directions by leaving the bad and catching the good.
Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy churned up all Medical systems by his conscientious labors and brought out a perfect Scientific AMRIT (Nectar) HOMOEOPATHY - A True healing art. Whoever properly swallowed this is enjoying the bliss and getting Scot free from many of the diseases by virtue of its Prophylactic and Curative powers.
In the past two centuries homoeopathy has earned a commendable respect from all genius. In India there are about 140 homoeopathic colleges and thousands of homoeopathic doctors are coming out every year. Apart from gaining name and fame there are certain areas where homoeopaths have to show their supremacy. Some time back homoeo practitioners felt that teaching of allied subjects is not homoeopathy but in recent times people have started accepting to become more scientific. In the same way there is a burning problem for not having specialisations and restrictions of homoeopaths not to resort to alternative medicines in some inevitable circumstances. This subject aims at focusing merits of acquiring knowledge from other alternative systems of medicine. We need to change some our orthodox views to compete with the world.
Justification:- If Master Hahnemann had not mastered the effects of various medical applications of those days we would have left with no homoeopathy, the real curative medicine. Hahnemann being a perfect analyser of the medical systems could evolve the Therapeutic Law of Nature. Without possessing the ability of discrimination it would not be possible to go for apt prescription. Master Hahnemann states in his aphorisms, "Among chronic diseases we must still, alas! reckon those so commonly met with, artificially produced diseases........." and which include all drug induced diseases, and they are the most difficult ones to cure and they need special care. Unless one knows what effects each medicine produces he would fail to understand the nature of drug diseases. Often homoeopaths come across cases from other systems of medicine who resort to homoeopathy for their diabetes/ hypertension/skin diseases etc,. In such cases sudden withdrawal of anti-diabetic or anti-hypertensive drugs with out proper supervision homoeopaths end up with end up of patients. If homoeopath knows he would properly manage case with suitable medicines. The effects of heroic(villainy) allopathic medicines could be easily tackled by real heroic homoeopathic medicines. Kali.Bich is said to be a very good medicine for Asthmatic cases and it is an excellent medicine particularly when the patient has been treated earlier with steroid medicines. The homoeopaths who have thorough back ground about other systems can educate patient what harm other medicines do and what good his medicines will do.It is also worthwhile to mention here that allopaths/Ayurveds if once they taste homoeopathy they also would prefer homoeopathy. Acquiring the knowledge of other systems will be a boon to homoeopathy and that will enrich the proficiency.
Justification :- a) Homoeopathy has proved many a time its supremacy in preventing some of the epidemic diseases where even other systems failed . Homoeopathy has miraculous medicines to antidote the bad effects of vaccines used by other systems of medicine. Homoeopaths by knowing clearly the action of vaccines better medicines
could be found out.
b) For effective implementation of family welfare schemes:- Use of homoeopathic medicines will arise only in pathological conditions not in physiological conditions. Pregnancy or giving birth to a child is a Physiological condition which does not come actually in the domain of homoeopathy. But, at the same time Nation's health is getting deteriorated by the cancerous growth of population and it is a moral responsibility of every medical man to actively participate in the activities of family welfare schemes, no matter one belongs to what system of medicine. We get effective results by surgical means such as Vasectomy, Tubectomy and Laparoscopy. The homoeopaths who acquire the skills can effectively implement such minor operations. Just because of lack of legal validity in using simple anaesthetics and some emergency medicines homoeopaths are put aside, leaving homoeopaths deprived of serving the nation. Hence, homoeopaths also should be given equal opportunity as has been given to other professional brethren.
Justification :- There are some cases homoeopaths come across where it becomes inevitable to adapt surgical means. In road side and railway accidents, hemorrhages, cuts etc, it becomes inevitable to perform surgery. As a matter of fact homoeopaths can discriminate in a better way which case is a real surgical, so called surgical and non-surgical. In the absence of protection from law both the patients and homoeo doctors are deprived. Homoeopaths are also studying in the same way as of other systems but excluding homeopaths amount to no good with skills. Hence homoeopaths having skills should be allowed to use the life saving drugs and anaesthetics during and after operation. It is suggested that there should be an introduction of PG courses in all specialisations in order to have a more holistic attitude. There should be a full stop for apprehensions that Homoeopathy will be ruined if these are introduced. Technically homoeopaths become very weak in getting recognition in this competitive world with out proper specialisation and this kind of attitude would widen the gap between homoeopaths and the other professional brethren.
Justification :- If homoeopathic doctor is required to conduct delivery as per the qualification he is as good as other counterpart doctors but in the absence of use of simple anaesthetics and emergency medicines he would be handicapped if cases go all of sudden to surgical interference. If counterpart with same skills is eligible to undertake and because one is a homoeopath and he has to keep it becomes a gross moral set back and degradation to system. It is not even ethical to refuse those cases. As such he/she is bound to resort to necessary measures. There are very good number of homoeopaths who are excellent in surgery. The courses at PG level in these specialisations boost up homoeopaths morale and more than that suffering human beings will be much more benefited. It is advised to introduce PG courses in all allied subjects. Acquiring knowledge in different specialities will be rather a boon not a disqualification. Properly taught and properly understood subject will not be improperly applied.
Justification :-It is not unusual in rural areas patients do come to homoeopathic doctors after consuming agricultural poisons, pesticides etc. The patients often die in the primary action of those lethal doses it self. They require to be carefully tackled by the conventional therapies in the absence of homoeopathic antidote. The main aim in those cases is to see that the patient survives. Since most of these acute poison cases are to be urgently met with some adequate steps should be taken. It is also usual to come across Snake bite cases which need immediate steps and irrespective of system one practices he should first of all see that the patient survives. Hence bar in practising other systems has to be removed to help the sufferer. In natural calamities if homoeopaths are warranted to meet with the situation some times it becomes necessary for them to do needful to the patient and safeguard the patient's life.
Justification:-It is agreed by one and all that homoeopathy has not acquired 100% medicines to 100% diseases, for that matter no system can claim to be that much perfect. Homoeopathy, of course, the best and only the one to cure most of the chronic ailments but not all. There are still number of ailments that are posing a challenge to homoeopath to cure and the homoeopaths are doing their bit. Due to lack of enough medical wealth to meet with the requirement homoeopaths are yet to discover the similimums to the patients. There are also many incurable and irreversible life threatening diseases
where homoeopaths have to resort to alternative systems.
Justification :-In some cases due to poverty they suffer from Nutritional disorders. These disorders can not be met with by only homoeopathic medicines unless the food is supplemented. In case of non-availability of food the vitamins, minerals etc are to be supplemented. If homoeopaths are not allowed to practise other systems it becomes difficult even to prescribe vitamins and mineral etc. Because some of them may cause reactions and they are to be tackled by allopathic medicines. And in case of congenital hormonal disorders and developmental defects some hormonal therapy may be indicated. Only homoeopathic medicines in these cases would not give any fruitful results. Homoeopaths having studied hormonal disorders they would be in a better position to apply homoeopathy appropriately.
Justification :-The most important aspect of medical profession is to maintain integrity. All medical systems have to go together and collectively help to build a healthy Nation. They have to understand each other very closely with out any prejudice. While upholding one's own system for its merits the counterparts are also to be honoured for their merits. By not allowing one system to practice other leads to many controversial issues.
Justification :-Homoeopaths are also studying same length of course as other systems but homoeopaths are not given same privilege as has been given to other systems, rather homoeopaths are deprived of the privileges that are enjoyed by other systems of medicine. The boundary line drawn would result into doing no good to the sufferer. The utmost duty of rendering services in emergency on public demand also can not be met with due to legal invalidity.
Hence, to protect the interest of public and as well to maintain the dignity and status of homoeopathic profession the ban on practice of other system should be lifted.
Justification :- Last but not the least urban population have a wide range of options for patients to select and consult concerned doctors. On the other hand the rural patients are deprived of these facilities. Their demand and psyche also should be taken into account.
This article speaks about the genuine issues with out any bias. If all homoeopaths believe that any point mentioned above is contradictory your comments, suggestions are welcome to make homoeopathy the best. Let’s all homoeopaths collectively raise voice AUDE SAPERE (Dare To Be Wise) the MOOL MANTRA(Basic Slogan) of homoeopathy . Let us all enrich our knowledge from all sources from all directions by leaving the bad and catching the good.
“The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure as it is termed”
•The Sick: The suffering man who lies inside and calls himself “I”. The flow of complaints are from Mind – Sensations – Functions and then Tissue changes.
•The Physician: The medical Practitioner whose highest priority of mission is to treat the sick to health.
•The only mission: The highest purpose of existence of the physician.
•Restoration to health: Coming back to original state of heath from sickness.
•Cure: This not the temporary relief provided. The sick coming back to original health is called cure.
•As it is termed: In the real terms
Understanding the real sick without any pre-conceived notions and
bringing him back to health
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles
•Rapid And Shortest: Promptly (quickly)
•Gentle And Harmless: Mildly ( Soft and Torture less)
•Permanent : Continuous Improvement.
•Restoration: The act of restoring something or someone to a satisfactory state. Superficial disappearance of the symptoms is not in anyway restoration of the health.
•Reliable: Dependable,
•On Easily Comprehensible Principles: Guiding laws of nature. (a) Above downwards (b) Within outwards (c )Reverse order of their coming
-A Perception of what is curable in disease, curative in medicine and the application of last to first.
•Knowledge of Disease: Undoubtedly Curable indications in the disease (curable or not). Man becomes sick due to internal environment than microbes. (Individuality )Case Taking – Disease Classification enable to know about diseases
•Knowledge of Medicine: Undoubtedly curative indications in the medicines (Well Proved). Sources of medicines, their actions on humans and their nature enable to know about the medicines.
•Knowledge of Application: Proper adaptation of what is curative to what is to be cured. (Selection of the Medicine, Dose, Potency and also removal of the obstacles )
•Types of diseases existing,Dynamic, acute and chronic, Artificial, surgical & Indispositions, Case taking, Evaluation & grading, Individual identity, Constitutions, Clinical aspects, Curability of diseases
nSources, Proving (drug actions) Evaluation & grading the symptoms , Curative properties , Miasmatic aspect , Acute and Chronic nature.(indispositions, surgical & exciting factors), individual identity, Proper dose, potency
nAdapting the knowledge of Medicine to the Knowledge of disease in an appropriate manner that is proper dose, repetition, removing the obstacles to recovery in each case
DIFF. Slight Intensification of symptoms after administering the Similar and Stronger medicine with general feeling of well being
•In Acute diseases Aggravation usually does not take place unless Otherwise the disease is severe and dangerous
•Even in the Chronic diseases if tissue changes are not marked there won’t be much of aggravation.
•In case of tissue changes the aggravation may be found in the form of Elimination through natural orifices of the body. It’s a sort of house Cleaning.
•There is likely medicinal aggravation in Oversensitive patients which is not curative. It is generally observed in feeble patients
•In Acute diseases Aggravation usually does not take place unless Otherwise the disease is severe and dangerous
•Even in the Chronic diseases if tissue changes are not marked there won’t be much of aggravation.
•In case of tissue changes the aggravation may be found in the form of Elimination through natural orifices of the body. It’s a sort of house Cleaning.
•There is likely medicinal aggravation in Oversensitive patients which is not curative. It is generally observed in feeble patients
Diff:- Making the Prescription After Observing the Action of First Prescription.
a)Return of original symptoms after showing improvement..
b)When case goes to stand still
c)If case needs constitutional treatment
A.When altogether new symptoms appear.( Antidote)
B. 1. Complement 2. Cognate 3. Series of medicines 4. To change the plan of treatment
(1) Aggravation final decline, (2) Aggravation slow cure
(3) Sharp Aggravation and relief
B.(4) BEST CURE: No Aggravation- only relief.
(5)Amelioration then Aggravation (6)Too short Amelioration
(7)Amelioration of symptoms with no relief(Handicapped)
(10) New Symptoms (11) Old Symptoms coming back
(12) Wrong Direction.
“The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure as it is termed”
•The Sick: The suffering man who lies inside and calls himself “I”. The flow of complaints are from Mind – Sensations – Functions and then Tissue changes.
•The Physician: The medical Practitioner whose highest priority of mission is to treat the sick to health.
•The only mission: The highest purpose of existence of the physician.
•Restoration to health: Coming back to original state of heath from sickness.
•Cure: This not the temporary relief provided. The sick coming back to original health is called cure.
•As it is termed: In the real terms
Understanding the real sick without any pre-conceived notions and
bringing him back to health
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles
•Rapid And Shortest: Promptly (quickly)
•Gentle And Harmless: Mildly ( Soft and Torture less)
•Permanent : Continuous Improvement.
•Restoration: The act of restoring something or someone to a satisfactory state. Superficial disappearance of the symptoms is not in anyway restoration of the health.
•Reliable: Dependable,
•On Easily Comprehensible Principles: Guiding laws of nature. (a) Above downwards (b) Within outwards (c )Reverse order of their coming
-A Perception of what is curable in disease, curative in medicine and the application of last to first.
•Knowledge of Disease: Undoubtedly Curable indications in the disease (curable or not). Man becomes sick due to internal environment than microbes. (Individuality )Case Taking – Disease Classification enable to know about diseases
•Knowledge of Medicine: Undoubtedly curative indications in the medicines (Well Proved). Sources of medicines, their actions on humans and their nature enable to know about the medicines.
•Knowledge of Application: Proper adaptation of what is curative to what is to be cured. (Selection of the Medicine, Dose, Potency and also removal of the obstacles )
•Types of diseases existing,Dynamic, acute and chronic, Artificial, surgical & Indispositions, Case taking, Evaluation & grading, Individual identity, Constitutions, Clinical aspects, Curability of diseases
nSources, Proving (drug actions) Evaluation & grading the symptoms , Curative properties , Miasmatic aspect , Acute and Chronic nature.(indispositions, surgical & exciting factors), individual identity, Proper dose, potency
nAdapting the knowledge of Medicine to the Knowledge of disease in an appropriate manner that is proper dose, repetition, removing the obstacles to recovery in each case
DIFF. Slight Intensification of symptoms after administering the Similar and Stronger medicine with general feeling of well being
•In Acute diseases Aggravation usually does not take place unless Otherwise the disease is severe and dangerous
•Even in the Chronic diseases if tissue changes are not marked there won’t be much of aggravation.
•In case of tissue changes the aggravation may be found in the form of Elimination through natural orifices of the body. It’s a sort of house Cleaning.
•There is likely medicinal aggravation in Oversensitive patients which is not curative. It is generally observed in feeble patients
•In Acute diseases Aggravation usually does not take place unless Otherwise the disease is severe and dangerous
•Even in the Chronic diseases if tissue changes are not marked there won’t be much of aggravation.
•In case of tissue changes the aggravation may be found in the form of Elimination through natural orifices of the body. It’s a sort of house Cleaning.
•There is likely medicinal aggravation in Oversensitive patients which is not curative. It is generally observed in feeble patients
Diff:- Making the Prescription After Observing the Action of First Prescription.
a)Return of original symptoms after showing improvement..
b)When case goes to stand still
c)If case needs constitutional treatment
A.When altogether new symptoms appear.( Antidote)
B. 1. Complement 2. Cognate 3. Series of medicines 4. To change the plan of treatment
(1) Aggravation final decline, (2) Aggravation slow cure
(3) Sharp Aggravation and relief
B.(4) BEST CURE: No Aggravation- only relief.
(5)Amelioration then Aggravation (6)Too short Amelioration
(7)Amelioration of symptoms with no relief(Handicapped)
(10) New Symptoms (11) Old Symptoms coming back
(12) Wrong Direction.
Dr.S.K.M.SASTRY, M.D(Hom.)
Homoeopathy has its recognisable beginnings in the eighteenth century. Dr.Samuel initiated this system of medicine Hahnemann, who was born on 10th April 1755.
Since childhood, Dr.Hahnemann had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Despite being born in a poor family, and despite his Father’s conviction that the family could ill-afford his studies, he persevered with the help of- his teachers. His diligence led him to become an eminent allopathic doctor. Medicine in those times often took recourse to such practices as beating the insane, venesection, application of leeches, using large doses of strong medicines like mercury, calomel, quinine, Arsenic, sulphuric acid, foxglove, silver, iodine and its ointments, etc. None of the doctors was really curing the sufferer.
Instead, they were either palliating or suppressing or causing some artificial, drug - induced diseases in the individuals and the cases were becoming more and more complicated.
This kind of practice left Dr.Hahnemann distraught. He felt that the very purpose of his profession was defeated if he could not alleviate suffering by rational means. He did not want to cause further harm to the already suffering people by adopting such irrational practices. He gave up allopathic medical practice and took to reading and translating medical books in different languages into German.
It was in 1790, while translating Cullen's Materia Medica into German that found a reference the " Peruvian bark “ in curing `Ague fever’ (malaria) due to its bitterness and its stomach irritant properties. This lead Dr.Hahnemann to question the very concept of the properties of the "Peruvian bark", if the bitter taste and stomach-irritant factors of the "Peruvian bark"(China or Cinchona bark) could cure the ague fever, he wondered why many other substances, which also had similar properties, could not.
He himself took a decoction of the bark twice a day for a few days. He developed the fever, chills and sweating all of which are symptoms of malaria. He repeated that experiment on some healthy persons. They also produced these symptoms. Afterwards, when the it was administered to the sufferer it cured ague fever. This discovery impelled him to propound his Law Of Similar. He confirmed and reconfirmed this by conducting several experiments with several medicinal substances on several individuals. In the Course of his reading, he found similar statements given by many others prior to him, but they were all rather vaguely formulated.
Hahnemann proposed a three-fold classification of medical treatment. In homeopathic treatment, medicines whose symptoms had no Pathological relation to the patients were administered. For instance, a patient having pain in the abdomen was given a sedative, which had no direct relation to the pain in the abdomen. It never cured the patient. When a medicine that had no relation to the disease was administered, Hahnemann ruled out any possibility of a cure.
In the Antipathy method of medicine, medicine whose induced symptoms were in opposition to those of the given disease was administered. For instance, a patient with constipation was prescribed a purgative or a patient with oedema was prescribed a diuretic, etc. On account of this, the symptoms were temporarily alleviated- as long as the effect of the medicine lasted. After That there would be a relapse, some times in a more aggravated form. So, Hahnemann ruled out this method also.
In homeopathy, medicines whose symptoms were found to be similar to the symptoms of the patient were administered. Hahnemann observed that in nature no such similar states ever existed together and a weaker one was always extinguished by the stronger. Of the above-mentioned methods, Hahnemann adjudged the Law Of Similars to be the Therapeutic Law Of Nature for curing diseases.
As it happens, any new thing is not very easily received. The same thing happened in the case of Dr.Hahnemann. But egged on by the adage, sapere aude (dare to be wise), Hahnemann went on propounding his system.
The following facts that had been ignored or not given importance by the then practicing physicians were brought to light by him: Every living organism exists due to the presence of an invisible spirit or dynamis (vital force/ animating force). In the absence of that vital force, the material body is dead. This dynamis can be affected only by the spirit-like morbific (a disease - causing) agent. As long as the vital force is healthy, man does not become sick.
Sickness is nothing but the expression of deviated vital force in the form of signs and symptoms. Normalcy could be restored by a spirit-like curative agent - not by any other means. The curative agent must also produce effects similar to those of the disease.
The application of the LAW OF SIMILARS attained recognition in India in the year 1839. Dr treated Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Henig Berger. Punjab takes the credit of introducing this system of medicine to India. till Independence, it did not become popular as we were ruled by the British, but since then homoeopathic institutions have started coming up. West Bengal took the lead, followed by Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. Upton 1969 these were mostly run by private individuals and the government paid? Little attention to this system. But from 1970 onwards many institutions were recognised by the Government. There are now about 133 institutions offering under - graduate and graduate Courses in India and 28 research centers. A Central Council of Homoeopathy was also established in 1974 for the maintenance of Standards in homoeopathic colleges. In recent years PG Courses are offered by many Universities like Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Orissa etc., Andhra Pradesh is likely to start PG Courses from this academic year onwards. There is a good career for being a homoeopath. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has given a boost to Indigenous Systems of Medicine by treating ISM and Homoeopaths on par with graduates from modern system in the recruitment and in other service matters. There is a changing trend in the minds of People and many are opting Homoeopathy as the best alternative system of medicine. Many Public Sector Undertakings are encouraging homoeopathic system of Medicine unlike in the past. The leading PSUs like ONGC, NTPC are patronizing and giving honor to ISM and Homoeopathic System of medicine. Good days are ahead for homoeopathy in general and homoeopaths in particular.
Homoeopathy has its recognisable beginnings in the eighteenth century. Dr.Samuel initiated this system of medicine Hahnemann, who was born on 10th April 1755.
Since childhood, Dr.Hahnemann had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Despite being born in a poor family, and despite his Father’s conviction that the family could ill-afford his studies, he persevered with the help of- his teachers. His diligence led him to become an eminent allopathic doctor. Medicine in those times often took recourse to such practices as beating the insane, venesection, application of leeches, using large doses of strong medicines like mercury, calomel, quinine, Arsenic, sulphuric acid, foxglove, silver, iodine and its ointments, etc. None of the doctors was really curing the sufferer.
Instead, they were either palliating or suppressing or causing some artificial, drug - induced diseases in the individuals and the cases were becoming more and more complicated.
This kind of practice left Dr.Hahnemann distraught. He felt that the very purpose of his profession was defeated if he could not alleviate suffering by rational means. He did not want to cause further harm to the already suffering people by adopting such irrational practices. He gave up allopathic medical practice and took to reading and translating medical books in different languages into German.
It was in 1790, while translating Cullen's Materia Medica into German that found a reference the " Peruvian bark “ in curing `Ague fever’ (malaria) due to its bitterness and its stomach irritant properties. This lead Dr.Hahnemann to question the very concept of the properties of the "Peruvian bark", if the bitter taste and stomach-irritant factors of the "Peruvian bark"(China or Cinchona bark) could cure the ague fever, he wondered why many other substances, which also had similar properties, could not.
He himself took a decoction of the bark twice a day for a few days. He developed the fever, chills and sweating all of which are symptoms of malaria. He repeated that experiment on some healthy persons. They also produced these symptoms. Afterwards, when the it was administered to the sufferer it cured ague fever. This discovery impelled him to propound his Law Of Similar. He confirmed and reconfirmed this by conducting several experiments with several medicinal substances on several individuals. In the Course of his reading, he found similar statements given by many others prior to him, but they were all rather vaguely formulated.
Hahnemann proposed a three-fold classification of medical treatment. In homeopathic treatment, medicines whose symptoms had no Pathological relation to the patients were administered. For instance, a patient having pain in the abdomen was given a sedative, which had no direct relation to the pain in the abdomen. It never cured the patient. When a medicine that had no relation to the disease was administered, Hahnemann ruled out any possibility of a cure.
In the Antipathy method of medicine, medicine whose induced symptoms were in opposition to those of the given disease was administered. For instance, a patient with constipation was prescribed a purgative or a patient with oedema was prescribed a diuretic, etc. On account of this, the symptoms were temporarily alleviated- as long as the effect of the medicine lasted. After That there would be a relapse, some times in a more aggravated form. So, Hahnemann ruled out this method also.
In homeopathy, medicines whose symptoms were found to be similar to the symptoms of the patient were administered. Hahnemann observed that in nature no such similar states ever existed together and a weaker one was always extinguished by the stronger. Of the above-mentioned methods, Hahnemann adjudged the Law Of Similars to be the Therapeutic Law Of Nature for curing diseases.
As it happens, any new thing is not very easily received. The same thing happened in the case of Dr.Hahnemann. But egged on by the adage, sapere aude (dare to be wise), Hahnemann went on propounding his system.
The following facts that had been ignored or not given importance by the then practicing physicians were brought to light by him: Every living organism exists due to the presence of an invisible spirit or dynamis (vital force/ animating force). In the absence of that vital force, the material body is dead. This dynamis can be affected only by the spirit-like morbific (a disease - causing) agent. As long as the vital force is healthy, man does not become sick.
Sickness is nothing but the expression of deviated vital force in the form of signs and symptoms. Normalcy could be restored by a spirit-like curative agent - not by any other means. The curative agent must also produce effects similar to those of the disease.
The application of the LAW OF SIMILARS attained recognition in India in the year 1839. Dr treated Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Henig Berger. Punjab takes the credit of introducing this system of medicine to India. till Independence, it did not become popular as we were ruled by the British, but since then homoeopathic institutions have started coming up. West Bengal took the lead, followed by Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. Upton 1969 these were mostly run by private individuals and the government paid? Little attention to this system. But from 1970 onwards many institutions were recognised by the Government. There are now about 133 institutions offering under - graduate and graduate Courses in India and 28 research centers. A Central Council of Homoeopathy was also established in 1974 for the maintenance of Standards in homoeopathic colleges. In recent years PG Courses are offered by many Universities like Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Orissa etc., Andhra Pradesh is likely to start PG Courses from this academic year onwards. There is a good career for being a homoeopath. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has given a boost to Indigenous Systems of Medicine by treating ISM and Homoeopaths on par with graduates from modern system in the recruitment and in other service matters. There is a changing trend in the minds of People and many are opting Homoeopathy as the best alternative system of medicine. Many Public Sector Undertakings are encouraging homoeopathic system of Medicine unlike in the past. The leading PSUs like ONGC, NTPC are patronizing and giving honor to ISM and Homoeopathic System of medicine. Good days are ahead for homoeopathy in general and homoeopaths in particular.
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