“§4. He is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause disease, and how to remove them from persons in health.”
Introduction: It is a serious concern of every physician to look into nation’s immediate problem on infant mortality. Survival of child up to the age of first 12 months after birth is the most important period of life. They are highly vulnerable to extreme malnutrition and emaciation (especially in children); can result from inadequate intake of food or from malabsorption or metabolic disorders.
What is Malnutrition: Malnutrition is defined as a pathological state resulting from relative or absolute deficiency of one or more essential nutrients. It is primary when there is deficiency of food available or secondary when food is available but the body cannot assimilate it for one or another reason. Malnutrition is common in children between age of 3 months and 3 years
Anthropometric Indices in Malnutrition
Weight for age is the best screening tool. Weight for age below 2 Standard Deviation from median is taken as Malnutrition. It is used for mass screening of children to detect under nutrition. Weight for Height below the 5th Centile classifies the child as Wasted ( Acute Malnutrition). Height for age below the 5th centile classifies the child as Stunted (Chronic Malnutrition)
Malnutrition in India:
o 38% of Children are Low Weight for Age. (14% of Children are Wasted)
o 36% or Urban and 44% of rural Children are Stunted.
o Malnutrition is responsible as underlying factor for 55% of Deaths in Children under 5 years of age. amongst whom very high rates are infants less than 6 months.
Etiology of Malnutrition
o Failure of Lactation.
o Improper Weaning Practices
o Poverty
o Food Taboos
o 2 or more children under 5 years of age in same household
o Death of Mother
o Incompetent/ Ignorant Mother.
o Lack of Family Planning
Potential resources _ Economic structure _ Political and ideological superstructure _ Formal and non formal Institutions _Inadequate education _Insufficient _ health services and unhealthy environment _ Inadequate care for mothers and children _ Inadequate access to food _ Disease Inadequate dietary intake _ Malnutrition and death
Homoeopathic Point of view: Master Hahnemann clearly describes the causes for the menace of various diseases in aphorisms §
4, §5, §7, §74, §75, §76, §77 and the same is applicable even to Malnutrition infants.
4, §5, Exciting causes: , §5 Pay attention to the exciting cause and the fundamental cause (which is usually a chronic disease) including the patient's character, activities, way of life, habits, etc. Acute conditions caused by exposure to unhealthy food, weather, water, thermal factors etc.
§7, §77: Maintaining causes: §7. Now, as in a disease, from which no manifest exciting or maintaining cause ( causa occasionalis ) has to be removed …§77 Those diseases are inappropriately named chronic, which persons incur who expose themselves continually to avoidable noxious influences, who are in the habit of indulging in injurious liquors or aliments, are addicted to dissipation of many kinds which undermine the health, who undergo prolonged abstinence from things that are necessary for the support of life, who reside in unhealthy localities, especially marshy districts, who are housed in cellars or other confined dwellings, who are deprived of exercise or of open air, who ruin their health by overexertion of body or mind, who live in a constant state of worry, etc. These states of ill-health, which persons bring upon themselves, disappear spontaneously, provided no chronic miasm lurks in the body, under an improved mode of living, and they cannot be called chronic diseases.
Fundamental causes: Psora, Syphillis. Sycosis and their combinations
§74, §75, §76, Iatrogenic causes: §
74. The worst Chronic diseases are produced by unskilled physicians using allopathic medicines. § 75 These inroads on human health effected by the allopathic non-healing art (more particularly in recent times) are of all chronic diseases the most deplorable, the most incurable; and I regret to add that it is apparently impossible to discover or to hit upon any remedies for their cure when they have reached any considerable height.
Constitutional causes: Dr.Von Grauvogl Oxygenoid, Hydrogenoid
Carbo - Nitrogenoid constitutions
Etiology of Secondary Malnutrition
o Lack of Immunization
o Congenital Diseases: ASD, VSD, cleft palate etc.
o Malabsorption: Celiac Disease, Lactose intolerance, Giardiasis, Cystic Fibrosis
o Metabolic: Inborn errors of Metabolism, CRF, Renal tubular Acidosis etc.
o Infections: Tuberculosis ( very common in India)
Clinical features in Marasmus
o Marked muscle wasting and loss of subcutaneous fat.
o Monkey Facies
o Skin becomes loose and hangs in folds
o Abdomen protuberant due to hypotonic muscles
o Temperature is usually sub-normal
o Child is alert
Clinical features of Kwashiorkor
o Generalized Edema more marked in Lower Extremeties.
o Apathy and Irritability
o Fine, sparse and discoloured hair
o Anemia
o Usually Flaky Paint Dermatitis
o Enlarged Liver due to Fatty Changes
Lab Investigations in Malnutrition
o Check Hemoglobin in all cases. It is usually low. Sometimes it may be normal despite severe pallor in child because of the associated dehydration and hemo-concentration, the Hb apparently seems to be normal.
o If there is no BCG Scar, do Diagnostic BCG and read after 72 hours. If more than 10 mm of induration, treat as Tuberculosis.
o Do Stool R/E and Urine R/E.
o Do Chest X-ray in all cases of Malnutrition.
o Serum Pre-Albumin level. This is the most sensitive prognostic indicator in Kwashiorkor. Do on Day1, Day 5 and before discharge of the patient.
o Plasma Proteins and Serum Albumin level. These are usually very low in Kwashiorkor.
Complications of Malnutrition
o Hypothermia
o Hypoglycemia
o Cardiac Failure
o Infections
o Vitamin A Deficiency
o Severe Anemia
o Dermatosis
Treatment of Malnutrition
o Follow WHO Guidelines
n 1. Treat/prevent hypo-glycaemia
n 2. Treat/prevent hypothermia
n 3. Treat/prevent dehydration
n 4. Correct electrolyte imbalance
n 5. Treat/prevent infection
n 6. Correct micronutrient deficiencies
n 7. Initiate refeeding
n 8. Facilitate catch-up growth
n 9. Provide sensory stimulation and emotional support
n 10. Prepare for follow-up after recovery
Therapeutic Nutrition in Malnutrition
o Start slowly with F-75. If that is not available, give traditional easy to make, calorie rich foods.
o For those having severe anorexia, feed overnight with Milk given through NG tube, till appetite returns.
o Give Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, and folate to all children
o Treat Oral thrush, if present.
Prevention of Malnutrition
o Primary Prevention
n Health Education to mothers about good nutrition and food hygiene through Lady Health Workers
n Immunization of children.
n Growth monitoring on Growth Charts specially of all children under 3 years of age
o Secondary Prevention
n Mass Screening of high risk populations, using simple tools like Weight for age
o Tertiary Prevention
n Good Nutritional Care, supplementary feedings and rehabilitation, counselling of mothers
o Reduction in Grade 3 & 4 malnutrition in 0-6 age group
o Special focus on health, nutrition and immunisation aspects in 0-3 age group
o Reduction in Grade 1 & 2 malnutrition in 0-6 age group
o Newborn care initiatives
o Antenatal, perinatal and postnatal care for mothers
o Focus on pre-teen/adolescent girls: nutrition and health education
o Transfer of the management function to the community
o Abrotanum, Argentum Nit. Baryta Carb, Calcarea Phosphorica. Calcarea Carbonica, Cina, Chamomilla, Hepar Sulphur, Iodine. Kali.Iod, Magnesia Carbonica, Natrum Muriaticum, Silica, Sulphur, Tuberculinum etc. are some of the medicines to be thought of.
o Dark complexion
o Hot baby
o Ravenous hunger
o Anxiety
o Better in open air
o Glandular enlargement
o Light complexion, blue eyes, mental activity
o Ravenous hunger with rapid emaciation Anxiety
o Tubercular diathesis
Magnesia Carbonica. Marasmus.
o Puny children
o Milk <
o undigested vomiting;
o griping and colicky pains;
o sour green grassy stools,
o improperly nourished;
o ulcers in the mouth,
o swollen glands
o bloated abdomen.
o Jaundice
o offensive Sweat
Natrum Mur
o Marasmus from defective nourishment
o Thin neck,
o Ravenous appetite ,
o The child grows thin.
o Excess thirst and craves water all the time
o Gets intermittent fever frequently.
o Dry mouth and throat constipated bowels.
o Skin is scurfy with oozing eruptions.
o Craving for salt
o Marasmus
o Defective nutrition,
o Sour stools and vomiting of milk,
o Sweat on scalp, head and face, the feet are damp and cold,
o Enlargement of the glands
o Voracious appetite.
o Dwindled body,
o Prominent abdomen. morbid appetite, craving indigestible articles.
o Engorgement of mesenteric glands
o Scrofulous infants.
o Diarrhoea on beginning to eat or drink;
o Rapid emaciation with a harsh and dry skin.
o The debility, weariness and irritable restlessness
o Marasmus.
o Impaired Nutrition
o Defective digestion and assimilation
o Marked emaciation of lower limbs, ascending type
o Great weakness
o Ravenous appetite with rapid emaciation.
o Chilly
o Constipation and diarrhoea alternate
o Emaciation
o Predisposition to glandular and osseous disease
o Large heads, defective bony development, open fontanelles and tardy development of the teeth, weak spine, curved, thin neck
o Sallow complexion
o Persistent vomitings and diarrhoea of green, slimy and undigested stools, accompanied with much offensive flatus.
o Engorgement of glands, enlarged tonsils
o Scrofulous tendency
Monday, February 11, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Dear instant noodle lovers, Make sure you break for at least 3 days after one session of instant noodles before you eat your next packet! Please read the info shared to me by a doctor. My family stopped eating instant noodles more than 5 years ago after hearing about the wax coating the noodles - the wax is not just in the Styrofoam containers but it coats the noodles. This is why the instant noodles do not stick to each other when cooking. If one were to examine the ordinary Chinese yellow noodles in the market, one will notice that, in their uncooked state the noodles are oily. This layer of oil prevents the noodles from sticking together. Wanton noodles in their uncooked state have been dusted with flour to prevent them sticking together. When the hawker cooks the noodles, notice he cooks them in hot water and then rinses them in cold water before cooking them in hot water again. This process is repeated several times before the noodles are ready to be served. The cooking and rinsing process prevents noodles from sticking together. The hawker then "lowers the noodles in oil and sauce to prevent the noodles from sticking if they are to be served dry. Cooking instructions for spaghetti require oil or butter to be added in the water when boiling the spaghetti to prevent the pasta from sticking together. Otherwise, one gets a big clump of spaghetti! There was an SBC (now TCS) actor some years ago, who at a busy time of his career had no time to cook, resorted to eating instant noodles everyday. He got cancer later on. His doctor told him about the wax in instant noodles. The doctor told him that our body will need up to 2 days to clear the wax. There was also an SIA steward who after moving out from his mother's house into his own house, did not cook but ate instant noodles almost every meal. He had cancer, and has since died from it.
Nowadays the instant noodles are referred as " cancer noodles ".
SATAY LOVERS (BARBECUE) If you all eat Satay, don't ever forget to eat the cucumber, because eating Satay together with carbon after barbequing can cause cancer.. But we have a cure for that... Cucumber should be eaten after we eat the Satay because Satay has carcinogen (a cancer causing element) but cucumber is anti-carcinogenic. So don't forget to eat the cucumber the next time you have Satay's. PRAWNS (SUGPO) & VIT C DO NOT eat shrimp / prawn if you have just taken VITAMIN C pills!!This will cause you to DIE in ARSENIC (As) toxication within HOURS!! PORK AWARENESS Try this and see whether the pork you bought has worms. There goes with your "Bak Kut Teh" for those who love it. Most men love to eat this so watch out before it's too late. If you pours Coke (yes, the soda) on a slab of pork, wait a little while, you will SEE WORMS crawl out of it. A message from the Health Corporation of Singapore about the bad effects of pork consumption. Pig's bodies contain MANY TOXINS, WORM and LATENT DISEASES. Although some of these infestations are harboured in other animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far MORE PREDISPOSED to these illnesses than other animals. This could be because PIGS like to SCAVENGE and will eat ANY kind of food, INCLUDING dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta including their own, garbage, and other pigs. INFLUENZA (flu) is one of the MOST famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. This illness is harboured in the LUNGS of pigs during the summer months and tends to affect pigs and human in the cooler months. Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who EAT pork sausage tend to SUFFER MORE during EPIDEMICS of INFLUENZA. Pig meat contains EXCESSIVE quantities of HISTAMINE and IMIDAZOLE compounds, which can lead to ITCHING and INFLAMMATION; GROWTH HORMONE which PROMOTES INFLAMMATION and growth; sulphur containing mesenchymal mucus which leads to SWELLING and deposits of MUCUS in tendons and cartilage, resulting in ATHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, etc. Sulphur helps cause FIRM human tendons and ligaments to be replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and degeneration of human cartilage. Eating pork can also lead to GALLSTONES and OBESITY, probably due to its HIGH CHOLESTEROL and SATURATED FAT content. The pig is the MAIN CARRIER of the TAENIE SOLIUM WORM, which is found in its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage. One in six people in the US and Canada has RICHINOSIS from eating trichina worms, which are found in pork. Many people have NO SYMPTOMS to warn them of this, and when they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These worms are NOT noticed during meat inspections. SHAMPOOCancer-causing substance in shampoos. Go home and check your shampoo. Change before it's too late... Check the ingredients listed on your shampoo bottle, and see they have a substance by the name of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, or simply SLS. This substance is found in most shampoos; manufacturers use it because it produces a lot of foam and it is cheap. BUT the fact is, SLS is used to scrub garage floors, and it is very strong!!! It is also proven that it can cause cancer in the long run, and this is no joke. Shampoos that contains SLS: Vo5, Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, the new Hemp Shampoo from Body Shop etc. contain this substance. The first ingredient listed (which means it is the single most prevalent ingredient) in Clairol's Herbal Essences is Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Therefore, I called one company, and I told them their product contains a substance that will cause people to have cancer. They said, Yeah we knew about it but there is nothing we can do about it because we need that substance to produce foam. By the way Colgate toothpaste also contains the same substance to produce the "bubbles". They said they are going to send me some information. Research has shown that in the 1980s, the chance of getting cancer is 1 out of 8000 and now, in the 1990s, the chances of getting cancer is 1 out of 3, which is very serious. Therefore, I hope that you will take this seriously and pass this on to all the people you know, and hopefully, we can stop "giving" ourselves cancer-causing agents.
Dear instant noodle lovers, Make sure you break for at least 3 days after one session of instant noodles before you eat your next packet! Please read the info shared to me by a doctor. My family stopped eating instant noodles more than 5 years ago after hearing about the wax coating the noodles - the wax is not just in the Styrofoam containers but it coats the noodles. This is why the instant noodles do not stick to each other when cooking. If one were to examine the ordinary Chinese yellow noodles in the market, one will notice that, in their uncooked state the noodles are oily. This layer of oil prevents the noodles from sticking together. Wanton noodles in their uncooked state have been dusted with flour to prevent them sticking together. When the hawker cooks the noodles, notice he cooks them in hot water and then rinses them in cold water before cooking them in hot water again. This process is repeated several times before the noodles are ready to be served. The cooking and rinsing process prevents noodles from sticking together. The hawker then "lowers the noodles in oil and sauce to prevent the noodles from sticking if they are to be served dry. Cooking instructions for spaghetti require oil or butter to be added in the water when boiling the spaghetti to prevent the pasta from sticking together. Otherwise, one gets a big clump of spaghetti! There was an SBC (now TCS) actor some years ago, who at a busy time of his career had no time to cook, resorted to eating instant noodles everyday. He got cancer later on. His doctor told him about the wax in instant noodles. The doctor told him that our body will need up to 2 days to clear the wax. There was also an SIA steward who after moving out from his mother's house into his own house, did not cook but ate instant noodles almost every meal. He had cancer, and has since died from it.
Nowadays the instant noodles are referred as " cancer noodles ".
SATAY LOVERS (BARBECUE) If you all eat Satay, don't ever forget to eat the cucumber, because eating Satay together with carbon after barbequing can cause cancer.. But we have a cure for that... Cucumber should be eaten after we eat the Satay because Satay has carcinogen (a cancer causing element) but cucumber is anti-carcinogenic. So don't forget to eat the cucumber the next time you have Satay's. PRAWNS (SUGPO) & VIT C DO NOT eat shrimp / prawn if you have just taken VITAMIN C pills!!This will cause you to DIE in ARSENIC (As) toxication within HOURS!! PORK AWARENESS Try this and see whether the pork you bought has worms. There goes with your "Bak Kut Teh" for those who love it. Most men love to eat this so watch out before it's too late. If you pours Coke (yes, the soda) on a slab of pork, wait a little while, you will SEE WORMS crawl out of it. A message from the Health Corporation of Singapore about the bad effects of pork consumption. Pig's bodies contain MANY TOXINS, WORM and LATENT DISEASES. Although some of these infestations are harboured in other animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far MORE PREDISPOSED to these illnesses than other animals. This could be because PIGS like to SCAVENGE and will eat ANY kind of food, INCLUDING dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta including their own, garbage, and other pigs. INFLUENZA (flu) is one of the MOST famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. This illness is harboured in the LUNGS of pigs during the summer months and tends to affect pigs and human in the cooler months. Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who EAT pork sausage tend to SUFFER MORE during EPIDEMICS of INFLUENZA. Pig meat contains EXCESSIVE quantities of HISTAMINE and IMIDAZOLE compounds, which can lead to ITCHING and INFLAMMATION; GROWTH HORMONE which PROMOTES INFLAMMATION and growth; sulphur containing mesenchymal mucus which leads to SWELLING and deposits of MUCUS in tendons and cartilage, resulting in ATHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, etc. Sulphur helps cause FIRM human tendons and ligaments to be replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and degeneration of human cartilage. Eating pork can also lead to GALLSTONES and OBESITY, probably due to its HIGH CHOLESTEROL and SATURATED FAT content. The pig is the MAIN CARRIER of the TAENIE SOLIUM WORM, which is found in its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage. One in six people in the US and Canada has RICHINOSIS from eating trichina worms, which are found in pork. Many people have NO SYMPTOMS to warn them of this, and when they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These worms are NOT noticed during meat inspections. SHAMPOOCancer-causing substance in shampoos. Go home and check your shampoo. Change before it's too late... Check the ingredients listed on your shampoo bottle, and see they have a substance by the name of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, or simply SLS. This substance is found in most shampoos; manufacturers use it because it produces a lot of foam and it is cheap. BUT the fact is, SLS is used to scrub garage floors, and it is very strong!!! It is also proven that it can cause cancer in the long run, and this is no joke. Shampoos that contains SLS: Vo5, Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, the new Hemp Shampoo from Body Shop etc. contain this substance. The first ingredient listed (which means it is the single most prevalent ingredient) in Clairol's Herbal Essences is Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Therefore, I called one company, and I told them their product contains a substance that will cause people to have cancer. They said, Yeah we knew about it but there is nothing we can do about it because we need that substance to produce foam. By the way Colgate toothpaste also contains the same substance to produce the "bubbles". They said they are going to send me some information. Research has shown that in the 1980s, the chance of getting cancer is 1 out of 8000 and now, in the 1990s, the chances of getting cancer is 1 out of 3, which is very serious. Therefore, I hope that you will take this seriously and pass this on to all the people you know, and hopefully, we can stop "giving" ourselves cancer-causing agents.
CHARAK संहिता डॉ.एस.कृष्ण मूर्ति शास्त्री
सूत्र स्थानं
chaptar – १
अधग्निवेसा प्रमुखन विविसुहू गणना देवातहा
बुद्धि सिद्धिही स्म्रुथिही मेधः ध्रिथि कीर्थिही क्षमः दयः-३९
39.After the goddesses of Enlightenment, understanding, Achievement, memory, Genius, Resolution, Eloquence, Forgiveness and compassion interved into Agnivesa and the rest.
सरीरा इन्द्रिय सत्वात्मा संयोगो धरी जीवितं
नित्य गस्चाणु बंधस्चा पर्याई रायुहू उच्यते - ४२
४२. Life is spoken or by such synonyms as “The union of the body, the senses the mind and the spirit” “The support”, “Animation”, “The Flux”, and the link (Between the past life and the future life.)
सत्वं आत्मा सरीरम च त्र्यमेता त्रिदंदावत ,
लोकः तिस्थाठी सम्योगत तत्र सर्वं प्रथिस्थितम
46. The mind, the spirit and the body are together, as it were the tripod, the world endures by reasons of cohesion and on that are all things established.
सा पुमम स्चेतानाम तछा ताछाधिकरानाम स्मृतं ,
वेदास्यस्य तदार्द्हम ही वेदों यम् सम प्र्कासितहा
47. That (aggregate of the mind, spirit and body) is man; he is the conscious agent. He is regarded as the subject matter of this science; and it is indeed in his sake that this science has been promulgated.
खादीन्यात्मा मनः कालो दिसस्चा द्रव्य संग्रहः
सेन्द्रियम चेतनम द्रव्यम निरिन्द्रियम अचेतानाम
48. The five proto elements, ether and the others, together with the spirit mind, time and space constitute the totality of the substances processed of the senses as substance is animate; devoid of the senses, it is inanimate.
Yatrasritaha karma gunaha karanam samavayi yat
Samavayi tu nischestaha karanam gunaha
51. Samavaya (Coexistence) is defined as that inseparable relationship which exists between earth and others and their qualities. This (relationship) is eternal; for wherever the substance exists the coexistent quality is never absent.
Samyogacha vibhagecha karanam dravya masritam ,
Karthavyasya kriya karma karmananya dapekshate
52. That which is the substratum of action and qualities and coexistent cause is all substance.
Kala buddhimdriyanam yogo miththya nachaticha ,
Dvaya srayanam vyadhinam trividho hetu sangrahaha
54 The complex of causes with references to disease psychic and somatic is either erroneous, absence or excessive interaction of time, mind senses and sense objects.
55. sareeram satvasangnyanyancha vyadhina masrayomataha ,
tadha sukahanam yogastu sukhanam karanam samaha
123.yadha visham yadha sastram yadhagni rasaya niryatha,
tadhousha dhamavignatham vignatha mamrutam yadha
123. He is the best of the Physiciens who knows the science of administrations of drugs with due reffence to clinc and season, and who applies it only after examining each and every patient individually.
124.oushadham hyana bhignatham nama rupa gunaisthribhihi ,
vignatam chapi duryuktam anardha yopapadyate
125.yogadapi teekshnam uttamam bheshajam bhavet,
bheshajam vapi duryukta teekshanam sampadyate visham
125. known is not proparly administered, will cause disaster.
133. tadeva yuktam bhaisajyam yadarogyaya kalpate,
sachaiva bhisajam sreshaha rogebhyoyaha pramochayet
Therefore the intelligent person who is aspiring to be a good physician should always preserve to his best in the acquisition of the best quailities of a physician, so that he may be a real giver of life to people. That is the right medicine which makes for health; and he is the best of physician who relieves people of diseases.
134.Samyak prayogam sarvesham siddhirakhayati karmanam,
Siddhirakhyathi survaischa gunairyuktam bhishaktamam
134. Success in treatment signifies the correct application of all Therapeutic measures and success also indicates that the greatest of physicians in endower with all the qualities (of a good physician).
Chapter – 2
Matra kalasrayayuktihi siddhiryuktou prathithitha ,
Thisthatyupari yuktigno dravya gnana vatamsada
16. The art of prescription depends on the knowledge of dosage and time, and on this art, in turn, depends sucess; hence the skilfull physician stands, ever stands ever superior to those possessing nearly a theoretical knowledge of drugs.
Smrithiman hetu yuktigno jithatma prathiptthiman,
Bhshagoushadha samyogai schikisam karthu marhathi
36. the physician with good memory, well versed in diagnosis and the application of therapeutic agents, self controlled and prompt in taking right decisions is entitiled to undertake treatment by prescribing these drugs.
Chapter – 4
29. He is the best of the physicians, who knows the art of combination as well as the systamatic administrtions of these preparations both internally and externally.
Chapter – 7
Malavruddhim gurutaya laghavan malasankshayam,
Malayananam budhyetha sangnyotsa gnadatheevacha
43. A wise person should not supress the natural urges for uring, feces, semen, flatus, Vomiting, Sneezing, Eructation, Yawning, Hunger, Thirst, Tears, Sleep and deep breath after exertion.
44.Tan doshalingai radhisya vydhin sadhyanupadyaret,
Vyadhi hetu prati dvandvai rmatrokalou vicharayan
vishama swastha vriddhanam yete roga sthathapare,
jayante naturasthasmat swatha vritttha parobhavet - 45
44. Diagnosing these disorders by there characteristics signs and morbidity, the physician should treat the curable diseases by remedies which are antagonistic to the diseases and there cause the factors with due consideration of dose and time.
Rogasthatha na jayante prakruti steshu dhatushu,
Dhatavaschabhi vardhante jara mandhya mupaiticha - 49
49. thus the body elements being restored to the normal state, susceptibility to disease disappears, the body elements get The drug whose name, from and properties are not known, or the durg which, aggrandised and the pace of age is slackened.
Chapter – 8
Tatranu managamyanam pancha maha bhutha vikara samudayatma kanamapi satam indiryanam tejaschakshushi ,kam srotre ghranekshitihi , aaporasane, sparsane anilaha vishesonopa padyate. -13
13. The mind, the mind objects, the understanding and the spirit consitute the aggregate of spiritual elements and qualities, this aggregate is the source of good bond activity or inactivity. Action which is also called therapeusis depends on the substances.
Chapter – 9
Bhishagdra vyanyu pasthatha rogi pada chatustayam,
Gunavatkaranagneyam vikaravyupa santaye. -3
3. the physician, the drugs, the attandent and the patient constitute the four basic factors of treatment possessed of the required qualities they lead to the earth are cure of diseases.
Vikarodhathu vaishamyam samyam prakithiruchyate,
Sukhasamgnakarogyam vikaro dhukkamevacha.-4
4. The discordance of body elements is called disease and their concordance is said to be normal health. Being Characterised by a sense of ease is the state of freedom from disease; while disease is always of the nature of pain.
Chaturnam bhishagadeenam sasthanam dhatu vaikrite ,
Pravritthirdhatu samyardha chikitsetyabhi dhiyate.-5
5. Therapeutics is the name given to the combined operation of the four factors viz. the physician and the other three factors of commendable qualities, with the object of bringing about the concordance of body elements when pathological changes have occured in them.
Srute paryavadatatvam bhahuso drista karmatha,
Dakshym souchamithigneyam vaidyeguna chathustayam.-6
6. Clear grasp of Therapeutic knowledge, wide practical experience, skill and purity (of body & mind) these are to be known as the tetrad of desidirata in a physician.
Bhahutha tatraypgyatvam anekavidha kalpana,
Sampatychethi chathushkoyam dravyanam guna uchyate.-7
7. Abudnace, applicability, Usability in multifarious modes and richnes of quaility-these four are said to be the tetrad of desiderata of the drugs.
Upacharagnathadakshyam anuragasha bharthari ,
Souchamchethi chatushkoyam gunahparicharejane.-8
8. Knowledge of nursing skill, affection for the master (Patient) and cleanliness- these are the tetrad of disiderata in the attending person.
Smruthinirdesakaritvam abhirutva madhapi cha,
Gnapakatvamcha roganam haturasya gunasmruthaha
Karanam shodasa gunam siddhou pada chatustayam.-9
9. Recollections, Obedience to the instructions, courage and ability to discribe his ailments are considered the tetrad of desiderata in patient.
Tasmachastrerdha vignani pravritthou karmadarsane,
Bhisakchathustaeyuktaha pranabhisara uchyate.-18
18.Hence the physician who possess the four fold aaccomplishment consisting of theoritical knowldge clear interpretetion, right application and practical experience is to be regarded as the reclaimer of life.
Hetou linge prasmane roganama punarbhave,
Gnanam chathurvidham yasyasa rajarho bhishaktamaha.-19
19.He who possess the four fold knowledge etiology, symptomatology thrapeutics and prophylaxis of diseses is the best of physicians and diserves to be honoured by the kings.
Vidya vitarko vignanam smruthisthatpartha kriya,
Yasyaite shadgunasthaya nasadhyam athivarthathe .21
Vidyamathihi karmadristihi abyasaha siddhirasrayaha,
Vaidya sabdhabhi nishpattou alame kaika mapyadaha.22
21. Knowledge, Imagination, Comprehension, Memory, Promptness and action for him who possess thees six qualities there is no curable disease that can not be cured.
22. Knowledge, Intelligence, Experiencies, Practice accomplishmeant and guidence any sigle one out of these suffices to give its possessor the name of “Physician.”
Maitri karunyamarteshu sakye preethirupekshanam ,
Prakrithi stheshu bhuteshu vaidyavritthi schaturvidah.26
26. Friend ship (towards all) Compassion fo thealing devotion to cureble patients, and sense of resignation towards the dying of such four fold nature is the physician’s profesions.
Chapter – 10
Chatushpadham shodashakalam bhesaja mithi bhisajo bhasanthe yaduktam
Purvadhaye shodasagunamithi, tadbhesajam yukti yukta
Malamarogyayethi, bhagavan punarvasu rathrayaha.3
3. The phsyicians speak of therapeutics as being four pillared and sixteen facited, The same was spoken the previous chapter as having sixteen attributes now this therapeutics and skillfully, is sufficient for the restoration of health.
Nethi Maitrayaha,kim karanam ;-drusyanthe hyaturaha kechit upakaranavanthascha,
Paricharakasampannascha, aatmavanthascha, kusalaischa bhishagbhiranustitaha samutthistamanaha tadha yuktaschapare mriyamanaha tasmathbheshajam akinchtkarambhavathi. Tadyadhahasvabhre sarasicha prasaktimalpamudakam nadyamvasyandanamayanam, pamsuthane va pamsu mustihi prakeerna ithi.tadhapare drusyante anupakaranascha, aparicharakascha, anatmavantascha, akusalaischa bhishagbhiranustitaha samutthitamanaha tadhayukta mriyamana schapare. Yathascha prathi kurvan siddhyathi prathikurvan miyate; aprathi kurvan siddhyati, aprathikurvan miyate. Thathaschintyate bheshajamabhesha jena vishistamathi. -4
4. 1. “No”, Said Maitreya, why? because there are some patients possessed of means, having attendants, self controlled and treated by expert physicians, recovering and some others, though enjoying simlar amenities, dying, nevertheless. Thus treatment becomes a thing of no consequence.
4.2. It is comparable to a few drops of water sprinkled in a pit or lake, or to a hand full of dust scattered on a flowing river or on a dust heap.
4.3. Conversely, we see others, deviod of means, with no self control and treated by unskilled physician, regaining health and yet others, similarly circumstanced dying all the same.
4. Thus recovery follows treatment; death, too, follows treatment. Similarly, recorvery follows in the absence of treatment, death too follows. Hence it is to be concluded that treatment is no way better than no treatment.
Maithreya!mitthyachintyathe,ithi Aathreyaha kim karanam?
Ye hyathurah shodasa guna samudhitena nena bheshajena upapadya manaha mriyanthe, ithyuktham tadanupapannam;naa hi bheshaja sadhyanam vydheenam bheshaja makaranam bhavathi.ye punarathuraha kevaladbhesha jadruthe samuthistanthe,na tesham sampurna bhesajopapadanaya samutthano vishesha nasthi, yadahi pathitham purusham samardhamutthanaya, utthapayan purusho balamasyo padadhyat, saha kshiprathara mapariklishta yevotthisteth;tadvatsampurna bhesajo palambhadaturaha ye chaturaha kevaladbheshajadruthe mriynthe, na cha sarva yevathe bheshajopapannaha samutthisteran. Na hi sarve vyadhayo bhavthyupaya sadhayaha, na chopaya sadhyanam vyadheenam anupayena siddhirasthi, na chasadhyanam vyadheenam bheshajaha samudayoyamasthi,na hyalam gnanavan bhishak mamurshu mathura mutthapayutham ithum pareekshya karino hikusalabhavanthi.yathahi- yogagno bhyasanithyah ishvaso dhanuradhaya ishumasyan na thi viprakritste nathi mahathi kayenaparadhavan (naparadho) bhavathi, sampadayathi chesta karyam, thatha bhishak swagunampannaha upakaranavan veekshya karmara bhamanaha sadhyaroga manaparadhaha sampadaytye vathuramarogyena; tasmanna bheshaja mabheshajena avisishtam bhavathi.
though5.1 “Maithreya, you think wrongly”, said Aathreya! “how” ? Because what has been stated (by you) that patient though given the systematic treatment possessed of all these sixteen qualities, die, is not sound. Treatiment does not become in consequential in regard to disease amenable to treatiment.
5.2 And again, as regards these who recover without the aid of any treatment even in there case there is no special reason for giving them the complete course of treatment.
5.3 Just as a man by lifting another who has fallen, although the latter is able to rise by him self, gives him support, inconsequence of whch he rises sooner and without dificult, in like maner do patients receiving the aid of a complete treatment recover more easily with out dificulty.
5.4 As regards those patients who die inspite of full treatment, not all of them could be expected to revover by the blessing of treatiment. For not all diseases amnable to treatment and yet of those diseases as are amenable to treatment, Cure cannot be accomplished except by treatment. However, the whole pharmocopea whill fail in curing irremedialbe diseases; and no physician however clever, is able to save a dying patient.
5. Hence those alone that act after investigation are considered wise. As a bowman who is a good marks man and given to constant pracice, talking up a bow and releasing an arrow distant fail in hitting a big target that is not too far off, and achieves is purpose, so does a physician accomplishment and means who starts a curable disease after full investigation, with out fail bestow health on the patient. Hence it cannot be said treatment is no better than no treatment.
5.b. This much is eviding to us all viz. we treat a disease - ridden man with disess removing measures and the depleted man with impletion. We nourish the emaciated and the feeble. Starve the corpulent and the fatty; Treat the man afflicted by heat with cooling measures and with hot things him who is afflicated with called. We replenish body eliment that hvae sufferd dicrease and deplenish those that have undergone increase by treating disorders porparly with what are antongonistic to their origen, we restore the patient to the normal condition. In our hands administering in this manner, the pharmocopea shows it self to the best of it’s glory.
Sadhyasadhya vibhagagno gnana purvam chikitsakha,
Kalechara bhate karma yattha tsatha yatidhruvam.7
7. The Physician who knows the differential diagnosis between the curable and the incurable diseases and begin treatment with full knowledge of the case and in time, obtains success for his effort with out fail.
Artha vidyaya sohanimupakrosamasangraham,
Prapnu yanniyatham vaidyaha yo sadhyam samupacharet .8
8. But the physician who undertakes to treat incurable diseases will invariably suffer loss of income tranish his leaving and fame, and earn for himself disrepute and unpopularity to best.
Sukhasadhyam matham sadhyam krichchra sadhya mathapicha,
Dvidham chapya sadhyam syatyapyam yachchnupakramam..9
9. the curable diseases are of two kinds those that one easily cured and those that are cured difficultly. The incurable diseases also fall into the categories; those that are palliative and those that are absolutely irremediable.
Sadhyanam trividhaschalpa madhya moutkrishtatham prathi ,
Vikalpona tvasadhyanam niyathanam vikalpana.10
10. The curable are again, classed in three fresh catagories by reason of that reqivari mild, moderate, or stramp treatment. The incurable ones, being inexorable, admit of normal classification.
Hethava purva rupani rupanyalpani yasya cha,
Na cha tulya gunodooshyo nadoshaha prakrithirbhaveth.11
Na cha kala gunsthulyaha dosho durupakramaha ,
Gathi rekaa navatvancha rogasyopa dravonacha .12
Doshaschaika ssamutpatthou dehasarvoushadha kshmaha,
Chathushpadopa patthischa sukha sadhyasya lakshnam .13
11-13 The characterstan of an early curable diseases are; The causes, premaitory and pumptorn are mild; the modifi the factor is ho nerther is the affecteo cordy - element not to the hobition of the patient, not to the treat of the prevai seasion; the place of disease in not in accersible is geatment; The curable of disease is loealised in the system is recent, than no comphication and is born of the predaminant morbidity of only a seigle humeed, the body in a condition is with stand all treatment and the fourfold requisites treatment are yet hand. These are the circumtanses in which a disease is easily curable.
Nimittha purvarupanaam rupanaam madhyame bale,
Kala prkrithi dushyanaam samanye nya thamasyacha.14
Gurvini vriddha balanam nathyupadravapeeditham,
Sasthra ksharagni krityanaam ,anavam, krichcha bheshajam.15
Vidyadeka patham rogam nathipurna chathushpadam ,
Dvipadam nathi kalam va krichchra sadhyam dvi doshajam.16
14-16 The formidable diseases are - those where in the causes, the prenominitory symptoms and symptoms are moderate strength when any one of the three - the season, the habitess and susceptibility of body element - is homologus with the morbific factor; the ailements of a gravida, the aged and children; those that are not much aggravated by complication; those requiring operative, caustic and cauterizing procedures, those that have gone beyond theincipient stage; those that are located in a place difficult of access; those whose course is localized in one system; if the full complement of the four fold medical equipment is not available; diseases which have spread through two systems but have not become very chronic; and those due to the predominant morbidity of two humors.
Seshatvada yusohpyam asadhyam pathasevayaa ,
Labdhvalpa sukhamalpena hetu nasa pravarthakam.17
Gambhiram bhahudhathustham marma sandhi samasritham,
Nityanusayanam rogam deergha kala mavasthitham.18
Vidya dvidoshajam ;tadvathpratyakhyeyam tridoshajam,
Kriya pathamathi krantham sarva marganu sarinam .19
Outhskyarathi sammoha kaamindriyanasanam,
Durbalasya susamruddham vyadhim saristamevacha .20
Bhishaja prakpareekshaivam vikaranam swalakshnam ,
Paschyatkarya samarambhaha karya sadhyeshu dheemathaha .21
17-20 The diseases of the following description are to be regarded as incurable or palliable; viz, those in which the patient being still spared with some life span, needs to be kept going by means of strict regimen; those which admit of slight relief, but which also get readly aggravated from slight causes; those which are deepseated; those which effect many body elements; those which have lodged themselves in vital parts and joints; those which are constantly relapsing; those which are of long standing and those which are born of the discordance of two humors.
The following diseases are both incurable and immitigable; those which are similar to the above (with the exception of the expectation of life still left and the possibility of some relief), which are born of the complete discordance of all the three humors, which have gone beyond the stage of treatment which have spread to all the systems of the body, which give rise to (sudden and extreme) excitement, restlessness and stupefaction, which destroy the sense faculties which afflicting weakened constitution get greatly aggravated, and which are accompanied the future prognosis signs.
A wise physician should first examine the signs and symptoms of the disease and only then commence treatment of curable diseases.
Sadhyasadhya vibhagagno yassmya kprathi patthiman,
Nasamaithreya thulyanam mithya bhuddhim vivarthayeth ithi.22
22. One who knows the deferential diagnosis between curable and incurable diseases, as also the right application, will not fall in to such erroneous mode of thinking as maitreya and others did (in this discourse)
Chapter – 11
In these of a truth, rebirth or is there not?
On this question, the wiseman should give up the negative attitude and even scepticism why? Because the visible is limited; while there exists avast unlimited world of which we know by the evidence of scripture, inference and reason. As a matter of fact even the very senses by whose agency direct observations are obtained are themselves out side the range of observation.
Satham cha rupanam athisannikarshath athi viprakarshath, avaranath karuna dourbalyath, manonavasthanath,samanabhiharath, abhibhavath, athisoukshmyachcha prathyakshanu phalabdhihi thasmath apareekshithamethad uchyathae prthyakshamevasthi nanyadastheethi.8
8.1 Further even a perceivable object escapes observation under the following conditions - uzi; when it is either too close are too remote from the observer, when it is obstructed by other obects, when there is some defect in the perceiving sense - organ, when the observers attention is else-where, when the object is merged in the mass, when it is over shadowed by something else, or, lastly when it is microscopic.
8. Hence it is an unfounded statement that only visible exists and nothing else.
Sruthayaschaitha na karanam, yukthi virodhat.
athma mathuhu Pithurvayaha so apathyam yadi sanchareth,
dvividham sancharedathma sarvo vavaya venava .10
sarvaha chethaha samcharenmathuhu pithurva maranam bhaveth,
nirantharam navayavaha kaschith sookshmasyathmanaha .11
buddhirmanascha nirneethe yadaivathma thadaiva the,
yesham chaishamathistesham yonirnasthi chathurvidha.12
9-10. The verious traditional beliefs referd to earlier are to be set aside as they conflict with reason.
Thus, if the soul of either the father or the mother transmigrates into offspring, it should do so in one of two ways, viz; either totally, or in part. If the transmigration were total then it should mean the immediate death of either the father or the mother. As regards partial transmigrations, the alternative is overruled on account of the soul being an indivisible substance.
11. Since the intellect and the mind are as indivisible as the soul, the same objections as that setout in the case of the soul’s transmigrations applies in their case also. Besides, according to the parental theory, there could be no possibility of the four fold matter of generation (which is an observed fact in nature).
12. In reply to those who maintain that life is a natural phenomenon (needing no extraneous causation) we say that only that is natural which is innate, like the unique characteristics of the six elements. There can be no life unless these come together and in all operations of conjunctions and disjunctions, the sole factor is anticedent action (which is not accounted for in the nature theory).
13. The element of consciousness (the soul) which is beginning less, can not be the product of anything. If what is meant in that the soul itself is the ultimate cause of everything else, then we have no quarrel the theory of “Divine Handi work”.
14-15 In the creed of the nihilist, whose understanding is observe theory of accident, there can be no investigation, no data to be investigated, no agent, no cause, no gods, no seers, no adepts, no actions, no fruit of action and of course, no soul. Surely this nihilistic is the most sinful of all sins.
16. Hence the wiseman should give up this inquitious creed, and, by recourse to the lamp of the wisdom of the saints, strive to see all things in their true nature.
17. Everything fals into one or the other of the two catagories - true and untrue. The method of investigations is four fold; authoritative testmony, direct observation, inference and reason.
18-19 The authorites are - men who have freed themselves from passion and ignorance by means of spiritual endeavour and knowledge whose understanding, embracing the past present and future, is pure and at all time unclouded - it is these that are the authoretative, the learned, the enlightened; their word is un impeachable and ture. Why will such men, diviod as they are passion and ignorence, give utterance to untruth?
50. Regarding a three kinds of physicians / medical practitioners that are found in the world; Firstly, the imposters in physician’s robes, secondly, the vain - glourous pretenders and thirdly, those endowed with the true virtue of the healer.
51. Those who parading their medical paraphernalia, books, models, smatrijng of medical texts and knowing looks acqure the little of physicians are the first kind uzi; ignoramuses and imposters.
52. Those who by laying claim to association with persons of established wealth fame, knowledge and success, while they themselves have none of these things, arrogate to themselves the designation of physicians, are the vain - glorious pretenders.
53. Those who are accomplished in application, Theory knowledge of allied sciences and succes of treatment are the true healers. In them glory of the physician fully manifest.
54.1 Regarding the three kinds of therapy - they are divine therapy, scintific therapy and mental control.
54.3. Scientific therapy consists of the prescription of the line of dietetic regimen and medication.
54. Mental control consists of restraining the mind from the disire for unwhole some objects.
55.1 When the humours in the body have become morbid and provoked, three kinds of therapeutic measures are mainly recommended namely, internal purification, external purification and operative treatment.
55.2 Of them that procedure where in medicine taken internally cures the disorders born of dietetics faults, is internal purification.
46. Regarding the three of disease, they are endogenous, exogenous & psychic. Among these the endogenous disease ois that arising from the discordance of the bodily humors, and the exogenous from spirit possession; poisionous winds, fire injuries etc., while the psychic disorders arise from the gain or loss of undersirable or desirable things.
46.1 Now the intelligent man when he finds himself afflicted with even psychic diseases, should, with right understanding, examine over and over again as to what is whole some & what is wholesome. He should their endeavour to obtain from whatever is not conducerive to histue, wealth & pleasure and devote himself to such action as is conducure to the use of these three objectives. For, outside these three objectives of life there is nothing in the world which is capable of giving pleasure or pain to the mind.
47. Contemplating the three objectives of life,service of those who are versed in the knowledge concerning these three objectives and the knowledge of one’s own self etc.,in all respects constitutethe remedy for psychic disorders.
48(1). Regardingthe three systems for the occurance of disease, they are (1) The peripheral system, (2) The vital parts and the bone joints and (3) The alimentary tract.
57. But the ignorant man fails from stupidity or negligence to note the incipient state of a disease just as a simpleton fails to recognize a potential enemy.
Chapter – 13
Sankhyai sankhyatha sankhyeai sahaasinam punarvasum,
Jagathhithardham paprathya vahni veesaha swasamsayam .3
3. Unto , Punarvasu seated in the company of the masters of the numerical metaphysics (Sankhya), who had countedall the existing categories of truth,Agnivesa puts his question having in hisview the world’s welfare.
Kim yonayaha ? kathi snehaha? Kechasneha gunahprithak?
Kalanupane khe?kasya kathi kascha vicharanaha ? .4
Kathi mathraha? Katham manah kachakeshupadisyathe?
Kascha kebhyp hithaha snehaha? Prakarshaha sneha nechakaha?.5
Snehyahke? Ke nacha? Snigdha snigdhathi snigdha lakshanam
Kim?panath pradhamam ,peethe, jeerne, kinchahithahitham .6
Ke mrudu krura koshtaha ? ka vyapadaha? Siddhayascha kaha?
Achche samsodhanechaiva sneheka vrittthirishyathe?7
Vicharanaha keshu yojyaha? Vidhi na kena thathprabho!
Snehasya mitha vignana gnanamichchami vedithum .8
4. What are the sourees of unctuous substances? How many groups of unituous substances are there? What are the properties of each gorup of unctuous substance? What is the season and what are the corrigents of each of there How many & what are there preparotoies.
5. How many kinds are there of doses & how are they measured which close is recommended in which case? Which groups of unctuous substance is beneficial to whom? What is the maximum period of administration.
6. Who are fit for oleator & who are not? What are the signs of sussessful oleation, under oleation and over oleation? What is wholesome or unwholesome before, after and on full digestion of the portion of unctuous substance.
7. Who are soft bowelled and who are hard bowelled? What are the complications likely to arise and what are their remedies? what is the regimen to be observed in simple and purificatory oleation?
prabhutha sneha nithyae kshutptipasa sahanaraha ,
pavakaschotthama baloyesham ye chotthama bale .31
gulminah sarpa dashtascha visarpo pahthaschaye,
unmatthah krichchamuthrascha gadhavarchasa evacha .32
pibeyu rutthamam mathram,thasyah pane gunan srinu,
vikaran samayatyesha seeghram samyak prayojitha.33
doshanu karshinimathra sarvamarganusarinee,
balya punarnava kari sareerendriya chethasam.34
33-34 Now listen to the benefits of the maximum dose. This dose if properly administered, soon quells the above mentioned disorders. This maximum dose is able to pervade every part of the body and draw out all the morbid matter. It is invigorating and revitalizing to the body, senses and the mind.
Mathresha mandavibhramsa na chathi balaharinee,
Sukhenacha snehayathi sodhanarthecha yujyathe.37
37. This dose is not attended with severe complications. it does not reduce the strength very much, conduces to oleation with case and is prescribed for purification.
Yethu vriddhascha balascha sukumara sukhochithaha,
Riktha koshta tvama hitham yesham mandagnayaschaye.38
Jvarathi sarakasascha yesham chira samutthithaha ,
Sneha mathram pibeyusthe hraswam yecha varabale.39
Parihare sukhachaisha mathrasneha nabrimhanee,
Vrishya balya nirabadhah chiram chapyanuvarthathe.40
38-39 Those who are old, young delicate given to easeful life, to whom the emptiness of bowels is unwholesome, whose digestive fire is low and are of low vitality, should take the minimum dose.
40. This dose needs little after care, conduces to low oleation, is roborant virilific, invigorating, harmless and can be used for a long time.
Chapter 15
5.3 The difference in the variations of humoral discordance, drug place, time, strength, body, food, homologation, mind, constiution and age are so minute that they baffle the understanding of even those whose intellect is clear of broad. It is needless then to speak about those whose understanding is limited.
10. That should be known to be the dosage for a person which, when taken for purification, leads to the elimination of morbid humors and does not produce symptions of overdosage or underdosage.
13.1 Here are the characteristics of under administration proper adminstration & over administration.
13.2 Complete inaction, throwing out the emetic draught distorted action of the drag or the suppression of the urge are the indications of under administration.
13.3 Timely action, lack of great pain, elimination of the morrbid humors in the right manner & the natural & timely cessation of vomition are the indications of successful emesrs by proper administration. According to the proportion of the vomit it is again classified as severe, moderate and mild.
24. The proper method of administration & the dosage, the symptoms of under deasage administation & those of right & over administration as well as of morbid humors and of complications.
Chapter 16
3. When a fully equipped physician gifte, learned and skilled in practice adminsters the procedure of purification to a person, that person obtaining the night treatment acquires good health there by.
4. When a pretentions and lgnorant physician administers the procedure of purification to a man, that man getting either under treatment or over treatment falls a within to a disease.
5-6. Weakness, lightness, depression, attenuation of the disease, promotion of taste, purification of the stamach and complexian, occurence of hunger, thirst, regularity of natural urges, cleaness of understanding, sense organs and mind, regular peristalsis are the signs ofsuccesfull purgation.
7. Salivation, uncleanliners of the stomach, preeipitation of kapha and pilta, distension of the abdomen, anorexia, vomitting, absence of weakness & lightness.
8. Flabbiness of the calf muscle and the thigh, tospor silliness, onset of shiniles & impediment to the function of vata are the signs of unsuccessful prugation.
12. A man therefore should resort to the shelter of one who is full equipped physician He will confer on his lient long life and health.
13-16 Indigestion, loss of appetite, corpulence, araemia; heamness, exhaustion, pimples, wheals, pruritus, restlessness, indolence fatugire, ddrility, fetor, flabbiness, precipitation of kapha & pitta, insrmnia, hypersomina, torpor, importency, duplness of understanding, evil dreams & loss of nigonr and slor inspita of being fully treated by noborant therapy, are the sign of excersive morbidity in such conditions the purificatory porcedures of emesis & purgation in accordance with the morbidity of the humors of the vitality of the patient.
17. When a person is thus purified, his body heat increases, his disorders disappear & his normal health returns.
18. His senses, mind, understanding and complesion becomes clear and he acquitres ligor, plumpness, offsprings and viritity.
26. The treatment of the complications that arise from worng administration of oleation, sudation, purification and relabilitation procedures will be described in the section on “Success of treatment”
29. The master haning thus spoken, Agnivesa said “It cessation be in the very nature of thungs, what is there them to be done by the fully equipped physician?
30. What discordant body elements does a physician harmonise by medicine. What is treatment & for what purpose is it given?
31. Hearing there words punarvasu said “Hear, O, good one! what veason the great sages hare seen in this respect.
32. The cause of things ceasing to be is not known for the simple reasion that no such cause exists first as in the care of the passage of time. Beng evanescent by nature things cease to be ever as they are born.
33. Thus there is no question of a cause for a thing ceasing to be, nos indeed of modifying this inrate tedeney.
34. The treatment of disorders therefore conssts of such operations as give rise to the concordance of body elements. This is regarded as the function of the physician.
35 Treatment is given with the object of eusuring that no discordance arises in the various body elements and that there is continued concordance.
36. By auriding things that give rise to discordence and practising those that help concordance, the discordant elements do not persist and the condordant elements are continually brought into existence.
37. Because he effects the concordance of the body elements by using the concordant means, the expert in treatment becomes the ghier of bodily happiness and longenity.
38. By the gift of bodily happiness and long life, the physician becomes the donor of righteousness, weath & satisfaction of desire pertaining to both the worlds of man.
39. the benefits that airue from the fully equipped physician as aganest the harm done by the quack, the segns of properly done, undergone & overdone purificatory procedures.
40. the signs of excessilve norbiority, the advartages of purification the general principles of treatment, basic prinicipals of thropentue procedures in a successful and complicated condition.
Chapter 17
26. The treatment of the complication that arire from the wrong administration of oleation, sudathan, purification and rehabilitations procedure will be discibed in the section on “Success in treatment.
27. The body elements become discordant as a result of the discordance of the causatine faction. Conversely they become concordant following upen the concordance of the causalive factors. Cessation of existence, how ever, is always in the course of nature.
Chapter 18
37. There are many such diseara which through acute and sence, are yet curable they may kill the patient if they are eith not tiealed at all or wrongfully breated.
38. There are other diseases which are consideneed mild and curable. In there diseases full or even slight treatment centainly accomplishes cure.
39. They are other incurable diseases which are called palliable. The best treatment given in such case many help the patient to pull on with existence.
40. And there are also other diseases where no treatment succeeds, even if the inexperienced physician for to cure them, but the wise and experienced physician will not undertake to beat them.
41. Diseases are to be describer of two kinds curable and incurable; and clasified according to mildness and severity they are four kinds.
42. When classified according to cause pain, color, site, form and nomenclature, the number of there diseases becomes really countless.
44. A physician should nena be ashamed if the is not able to name a disease, as them can be ro desinite standarduation of nomenclature of all diseases.
45. The same propoked human according to the diversity of comes and its locatiation in differnt regions producers many varsthe.
46. There fore treatment should be initiated after diagnaring the nature of the disease, the different region or localiption, and the speed caunalive factors.
47. The physician who after aseentaimening all there things, begin treatment intelligently and systemalically mill not ever in therapeutr procedure.
48. Vata, Pitta and Kapha, reside either in their ndmal or pathological state in the bodies of all ambodies creatines. Hence the learned physician should desire to recognise them.
chaptar – १
अधग्निवेसा प्रमुखन विविसुहू गणना देवातहा
बुद्धि सिद्धिही स्म्रुथिही मेधः ध्रिथि कीर्थिही क्षमः दयः-३९
39.After the goddesses of Enlightenment, understanding, Achievement, memory, Genius, Resolution, Eloquence, Forgiveness and compassion interved into Agnivesa and the rest.
सरीरा इन्द्रिय सत्वात्मा संयोगो धरी जीवितं
नित्य गस्चाणु बंधस्चा पर्याई रायुहू उच्यते - ४२
४२. Life is spoken or by such synonyms as “The union of the body, the senses the mind and the spirit” “The support”, “Animation”, “The Flux”, and the link (Between the past life and the future life.)
सत्वं आत्मा सरीरम च त्र्यमेता त्रिदंदावत ,
लोकः तिस्थाठी सम्योगत तत्र सर्वं प्रथिस्थितम
46. The mind, the spirit and the body are together, as it were the tripod, the world endures by reasons of cohesion and on that are all things established.
सा पुमम स्चेतानाम तछा ताछाधिकरानाम स्मृतं ,
वेदास्यस्य तदार्द्हम ही वेदों यम् सम प्र्कासितहा
47. That (aggregate of the mind, spirit and body) is man; he is the conscious agent. He is regarded as the subject matter of this science; and it is indeed in his sake that this science has been promulgated.
खादीन्यात्मा मनः कालो दिसस्चा द्रव्य संग्रहः
सेन्द्रियम चेतनम द्रव्यम निरिन्द्रियम अचेतानाम
48. The five proto elements, ether and the others, together with the spirit mind, time and space constitute the totality of the substances processed of the senses as substance is animate; devoid of the senses, it is inanimate.
Yatrasritaha karma gunaha karanam samavayi yat
Samavayi tu nischestaha karanam gunaha
51. Samavaya (Coexistence) is defined as that inseparable relationship which exists between earth and others and their qualities. This (relationship) is eternal; for wherever the substance exists the coexistent quality is never absent.
Samyogacha vibhagecha karanam dravya masritam ,
Karthavyasya kriya karma karmananya dapekshate
52. That which is the substratum of action and qualities and coexistent cause is all substance.
Kala buddhimdriyanam yogo miththya nachaticha ,
Dvaya srayanam vyadhinam trividho hetu sangrahaha
54 The complex of causes with references to disease psychic and somatic is either erroneous, absence or excessive interaction of time, mind senses and sense objects.
55. sareeram satvasangnyanyancha vyadhina masrayomataha ,
tadha sukahanam yogastu sukhanam karanam samaha
123.yadha visham yadha sastram yadhagni rasaya niryatha,
tadhousha dhamavignatham vignatha mamrutam yadha
123. He is the best of the Physiciens who knows the science of administrations of drugs with due reffence to clinc and season, and who applies it only after examining each and every patient individually.
124.oushadham hyana bhignatham nama rupa gunaisthribhihi ,
vignatam chapi duryuktam anardha yopapadyate
125.yogadapi teekshnam uttamam bheshajam bhavet,
bheshajam vapi duryukta teekshanam sampadyate visham
125. known is not proparly administered, will cause disaster.
133. tadeva yuktam bhaisajyam yadarogyaya kalpate,
sachaiva bhisajam sreshaha rogebhyoyaha pramochayet
Therefore the intelligent person who is aspiring to be a good physician should always preserve to his best in the acquisition of the best quailities of a physician, so that he may be a real giver of life to people. That is the right medicine which makes for health; and he is the best of physician who relieves people of diseases.
134.Samyak prayogam sarvesham siddhirakhayati karmanam,
Siddhirakhyathi survaischa gunairyuktam bhishaktamam
134. Success in treatment signifies the correct application of all Therapeutic measures and success also indicates that the greatest of physicians in endower with all the qualities (of a good physician).
Chapter – 2
Matra kalasrayayuktihi siddhiryuktou prathithitha ,
Thisthatyupari yuktigno dravya gnana vatamsada
16. The art of prescription depends on the knowledge of dosage and time, and on this art, in turn, depends sucess; hence the skilfull physician stands, ever stands ever superior to those possessing nearly a theoretical knowledge of drugs.
Smrithiman hetu yuktigno jithatma prathiptthiman,
Bhshagoushadha samyogai schikisam karthu marhathi
36. the physician with good memory, well versed in diagnosis and the application of therapeutic agents, self controlled and prompt in taking right decisions is entitiled to undertake treatment by prescribing these drugs.
Chapter – 4
29. He is the best of the physicians, who knows the art of combination as well as the systamatic administrtions of these preparations both internally and externally.
Chapter – 7
Malavruddhim gurutaya laghavan malasankshayam,
Malayananam budhyetha sangnyotsa gnadatheevacha
43. A wise person should not supress the natural urges for uring, feces, semen, flatus, Vomiting, Sneezing, Eructation, Yawning, Hunger, Thirst, Tears, Sleep and deep breath after exertion.
44.Tan doshalingai radhisya vydhin sadhyanupadyaret,
Vyadhi hetu prati dvandvai rmatrokalou vicharayan
vishama swastha vriddhanam yete roga sthathapare,
jayante naturasthasmat swatha vritttha parobhavet - 45
44. Diagnosing these disorders by there characteristics signs and morbidity, the physician should treat the curable diseases by remedies which are antagonistic to the diseases and there cause the factors with due consideration of dose and time.
Rogasthatha na jayante prakruti steshu dhatushu,
Dhatavaschabhi vardhante jara mandhya mupaiticha - 49
49. thus the body elements being restored to the normal state, susceptibility to disease disappears, the body elements get The drug whose name, from and properties are not known, or the durg which, aggrandised and the pace of age is slackened.
Chapter – 8
Tatranu managamyanam pancha maha bhutha vikara samudayatma kanamapi satam indiryanam tejaschakshushi ,kam srotre ghranekshitihi , aaporasane, sparsane anilaha vishesonopa padyate. -13
13. The mind, the mind objects, the understanding and the spirit consitute the aggregate of spiritual elements and qualities, this aggregate is the source of good bond activity or inactivity. Action which is also called therapeusis depends on the substances.
Chapter – 9
Bhishagdra vyanyu pasthatha rogi pada chatustayam,
Gunavatkaranagneyam vikaravyupa santaye. -3
3. the physician, the drugs, the attandent and the patient constitute the four basic factors of treatment possessed of the required qualities they lead to the earth are cure of diseases.
Vikarodhathu vaishamyam samyam prakithiruchyate,
Sukhasamgnakarogyam vikaro dhukkamevacha.-4
4. The discordance of body elements is called disease and their concordance is said to be normal health. Being Characterised by a sense of ease is the state of freedom from disease; while disease is always of the nature of pain.
Chaturnam bhishagadeenam sasthanam dhatu vaikrite ,
Pravritthirdhatu samyardha chikitsetyabhi dhiyate.-5
5. Therapeutics is the name given to the combined operation of the four factors viz. the physician and the other three factors of commendable qualities, with the object of bringing about the concordance of body elements when pathological changes have occured in them.
Srute paryavadatatvam bhahuso drista karmatha,
Dakshym souchamithigneyam vaidyeguna chathustayam.-6
6. Clear grasp of Therapeutic knowledge, wide practical experience, skill and purity (of body & mind) these are to be known as the tetrad of desidirata in a physician.
Bhahutha tatraypgyatvam anekavidha kalpana,
Sampatychethi chathushkoyam dravyanam guna uchyate.-7
7. Abudnace, applicability, Usability in multifarious modes and richnes of quaility-these four are said to be the tetrad of desiderata of the drugs.
Upacharagnathadakshyam anuragasha bharthari ,
Souchamchethi chatushkoyam gunahparicharejane.-8
8. Knowledge of nursing skill, affection for the master (Patient) and cleanliness- these are the tetrad of disiderata in the attending person.
Smruthinirdesakaritvam abhirutva madhapi cha,
Gnapakatvamcha roganam haturasya gunasmruthaha
Karanam shodasa gunam siddhou pada chatustayam.-9
9. Recollections, Obedience to the instructions, courage and ability to discribe his ailments are considered the tetrad of desiderata in patient.
Tasmachastrerdha vignani pravritthou karmadarsane,
Bhisakchathustaeyuktaha pranabhisara uchyate.-18
18.Hence the physician who possess the four fold aaccomplishment consisting of theoritical knowldge clear interpretetion, right application and practical experience is to be regarded as the reclaimer of life.
Hetou linge prasmane roganama punarbhave,
Gnanam chathurvidham yasyasa rajarho bhishaktamaha.-19
19.He who possess the four fold knowledge etiology, symptomatology thrapeutics and prophylaxis of diseses is the best of physicians and diserves to be honoured by the kings.
Vidya vitarko vignanam smruthisthatpartha kriya,
Yasyaite shadgunasthaya nasadhyam athivarthathe .21
Vidyamathihi karmadristihi abyasaha siddhirasrayaha,
Vaidya sabdhabhi nishpattou alame kaika mapyadaha.22
21. Knowledge, Imagination, Comprehension, Memory, Promptness and action for him who possess thees six qualities there is no curable disease that can not be cured.
22. Knowledge, Intelligence, Experiencies, Practice accomplishmeant and guidence any sigle one out of these suffices to give its possessor the name of “Physician.”
Maitri karunyamarteshu sakye preethirupekshanam ,
Prakrithi stheshu bhuteshu vaidyavritthi schaturvidah.26
26. Friend ship (towards all) Compassion fo thealing devotion to cureble patients, and sense of resignation towards the dying of such four fold nature is the physician’s profesions.
Chapter – 10
Chatushpadham shodashakalam bhesaja mithi bhisajo bhasanthe yaduktam
Purvadhaye shodasagunamithi, tadbhesajam yukti yukta
Malamarogyayethi, bhagavan punarvasu rathrayaha.3
3. The phsyicians speak of therapeutics as being four pillared and sixteen facited, The same was spoken the previous chapter as having sixteen attributes now this therapeutics and skillfully, is sufficient for the restoration of health.
Nethi Maitrayaha,kim karanam ;-drusyanthe hyaturaha kechit upakaranavanthascha,
Paricharakasampannascha, aatmavanthascha, kusalaischa bhishagbhiranustitaha samutthistamanaha tadha yuktaschapare mriyamanaha tasmathbheshajam akinchtkarambhavathi. Tadyadhahasvabhre sarasicha prasaktimalpamudakam nadyamvasyandanamayanam, pamsuthane va pamsu mustihi prakeerna ithi.tadhapare drusyante anupakaranascha, aparicharakascha, anatmavantascha, akusalaischa bhishagbhiranustitaha samutthitamanaha tadhayukta mriyamana schapare. Yathascha prathi kurvan siddhyathi prathikurvan miyate; aprathi kurvan siddhyati, aprathikurvan miyate. Thathaschintyate bheshajamabhesha jena vishistamathi. -4
4. 1. “No”, Said Maitreya, why? because there are some patients possessed of means, having attendants, self controlled and treated by expert physicians, recovering and some others, though enjoying simlar amenities, dying, nevertheless. Thus treatment becomes a thing of no consequence.
4.2. It is comparable to a few drops of water sprinkled in a pit or lake, or to a hand full of dust scattered on a flowing river or on a dust heap.
4.3. Conversely, we see others, deviod of means, with no self control and treated by unskilled physician, regaining health and yet others, similarly circumstanced dying all the same.
4. Thus recovery follows treatment; death, too, follows treatment. Similarly, recorvery follows in the absence of treatment, death too follows. Hence it is to be concluded that treatment is no way better than no treatment.
Maithreya!mitthyachintyathe,ithi Aathreyaha kim karanam?
Ye hyathurah shodasa guna samudhitena nena bheshajena upapadya manaha mriyanthe, ithyuktham tadanupapannam;naa hi bheshaja sadhyanam vydheenam bheshaja makaranam bhavathi.ye punarathuraha kevaladbhesha jadruthe samuthistanthe,na tesham sampurna bhesajopapadanaya samutthano vishesha nasthi, yadahi pathitham purusham samardhamutthanaya, utthapayan purusho balamasyo padadhyat, saha kshiprathara mapariklishta yevotthisteth;tadvatsampurna bhesajo palambhadaturaha ye chaturaha kevaladbheshajadruthe mriynthe, na cha sarva yevathe bheshajopapannaha samutthisteran. Na hi sarve vyadhayo bhavthyupaya sadhayaha, na chopaya sadhyanam vyadheenam anupayena siddhirasthi, na chasadhyanam vyadheenam bheshajaha samudayoyamasthi,na hyalam gnanavan bhishak mamurshu mathura mutthapayutham ithum pareekshya karino hikusalabhavanthi.yathahi- yogagno bhyasanithyah ishvaso dhanuradhaya ishumasyan na thi viprakritste nathi mahathi kayenaparadhavan (naparadho) bhavathi, sampadayathi chesta karyam, thatha bhishak swagunampannaha upakaranavan veekshya karmara bhamanaha sadhyaroga manaparadhaha sampadaytye vathuramarogyena; tasmanna bheshaja mabheshajena avisishtam bhavathi.
though5.1 “Maithreya, you think wrongly”, said Aathreya! “how” ? Because what has been stated (by you) that patient though given the systematic treatment possessed of all these sixteen qualities, die, is not sound. Treatiment does not become in consequential in regard to disease amenable to treatiment.
5.2 And again, as regards these who recover without the aid of any treatment even in there case there is no special reason for giving them the complete course of treatment.
5.3 Just as a man by lifting another who has fallen, although the latter is able to rise by him self, gives him support, inconsequence of whch he rises sooner and without dificult, in like maner do patients receiving the aid of a complete treatment recover more easily with out dificulty.
5.4 As regards those patients who die inspite of full treatment, not all of them could be expected to revover by the blessing of treatiment. For not all diseases amnable to treatment and yet of those diseases as are amenable to treatment, Cure cannot be accomplished except by treatment. However, the whole pharmocopea whill fail in curing irremedialbe diseases; and no physician however clever, is able to save a dying patient.
5. Hence those alone that act after investigation are considered wise. As a bowman who is a good marks man and given to constant pracice, talking up a bow and releasing an arrow distant fail in hitting a big target that is not too far off, and achieves is purpose, so does a physician accomplishment and means who starts a curable disease after full investigation, with out fail bestow health on the patient. Hence it cannot be said treatment is no better than no treatment.
5.b. This much is eviding to us all viz. we treat a disease - ridden man with disess removing measures and the depleted man with impletion. We nourish the emaciated and the feeble. Starve the corpulent and the fatty; Treat the man afflicted by heat with cooling measures and with hot things him who is afflicated with called. We replenish body eliment that hvae sufferd dicrease and deplenish those that have undergone increase by treating disorders porparly with what are antongonistic to their origen, we restore the patient to the normal condition. In our hands administering in this manner, the pharmocopea shows it self to the best of it’s glory.
Sadhyasadhya vibhagagno gnana purvam chikitsakha,
Kalechara bhate karma yattha tsatha yatidhruvam.7
7. The Physician who knows the differential diagnosis between the curable and the incurable diseases and begin treatment with full knowledge of the case and in time, obtains success for his effort with out fail.
Artha vidyaya sohanimupakrosamasangraham,
Prapnu yanniyatham vaidyaha yo sadhyam samupacharet .8
8. But the physician who undertakes to treat incurable diseases will invariably suffer loss of income tranish his leaving and fame, and earn for himself disrepute and unpopularity to best.
Sukhasadhyam matham sadhyam krichchra sadhya mathapicha,
Dvidham chapya sadhyam syatyapyam yachchnupakramam..9
9. the curable diseases are of two kinds those that one easily cured and those that are cured difficultly. The incurable diseases also fall into the categories; those that are palliative and those that are absolutely irremediable.
Sadhyanam trividhaschalpa madhya moutkrishtatham prathi ,
Vikalpona tvasadhyanam niyathanam vikalpana.10
10. The curable are again, classed in three fresh catagories by reason of that reqivari mild, moderate, or stramp treatment. The incurable ones, being inexorable, admit of normal classification.
Hethava purva rupani rupanyalpani yasya cha,
Na cha tulya gunodooshyo nadoshaha prakrithirbhaveth.11
Na cha kala gunsthulyaha dosho durupakramaha ,
Gathi rekaa navatvancha rogasyopa dravonacha .12
Doshaschaika ssamutpatthou dehasarvoushadha kshmaha,
Chathushpadopa patthischa sukha sadhyasya lakshnam .13
11-13 The characterstan of an early curable diseases are; The causes, premaitory and pumptorn are mild; the modifi the factor is ho nerther is the affecteo cordy - element not to the hobition of the patient, not to the treat of the prevai seasion; the place of disease in not in accersible is geatment; The curable of disease is loealised in the system is recent, than no comphication and is born of the predaminant morbidity of only a seigle humeed, the body in a condition is with stand all treatment and the fourfold requisites treatment are yet hand. These are the circumtanses in which a disease is easily curable.
Nimittha purvarupanaam rupanaam madhyame bale,
Kala prkrithi dushyanaam samanye nya thamasyacha.14
Gurvini vriddha balanam nathyupadravapeeditham,
Sasthra ksharagni krityanaam ,anavam, krichcha bheshajam.15
Vidyadeka patham rogam nathipurna chathushpadam ,
Dvipadam nathi kalam va krichchra sadhyam dvi doshajam.16
14-16 The formidable diseases are - those where in the causes, the prenominitory symptoms and symptoms are moderate strength when any one of the three - the season, the habitess and susceptibility of body element - is homologus with the morbific factor; the ailements of a gravida, the aged and children; those that are not much aggravated by complication; those requiring operative, caustic and cauterizing procedures, those that have gone beyond theincipient stage; those that are located in a place difficult of access; those whose course is localized in one system; if the full complement of the four fold medical equipment is not available; diseases which have spread through two systems but have not become very chronic; and those due to the predominant morbidity of two humors.
Seshatvada yusohpyam asadhyam pathasevayaa ,
Labdhvalpa sukhamalpena hetu nasa pravarthakam.17
Gambhiram bhahudhathustham marma sandhi samasritham,
Nityanusayanam rogam deergha kala mavasthitham.18
Vidya dvidoshajam ;tadvathpratyakhyeyam tridoshajam,
Kriya pathamathi krantham sarva marganu sarinam .19
Outhskyarathi sammoha kaamindriyanasanam,
Durbalasya susamruddham vyadhim saristamevacha .20
Bhishaja prakpareekshaivam vikaranam swalakshnam ,
Paschyatkarya samarambhaha karya sadhyeshu dheemathaha .21
17-20 The diseases of the following description are to be regarded as incurable or palliable; viz, those in which the patient being still spared with some life span, needs to be kept going by means of strict regimen; those which admit of slight relief, but which also get readly aggravated from slight causes; those which are deepseated; those which effect many body elements; those which have lodged themselves in vital parts and joints; those which are constantly relapsing; those which are of long standing and those which are born of the discordance of two humors.
The following diseases are both incurable and immitigable; those which are similar to the above (with the exception of the expectation of life still left and the possibility of some relief), which are born of the complete discordance of all the three humors, which have gone beyond the stage of treatment which have spread to all the systems of the body, which give rise to (sudden and extreme) excitement, restlessness and stupefaction, which destroy the sense faculties which afflicting weakened constitution get greatly aggravated, and which are accompanied the future prognosis signs.
A wise physician should first examine the signs and symptoms of the disease and only then commence treatment of curable diseases.
Sadhyasadhya vibhagagno yassmya kprathi patthiman,
Nasamaithreya thulyanam mithya bhuddhim vivarthayeth ithi.22
22. One who knows the deferential diagnosis between curable and incurable diseases, as also the right application, will not fall in to such erroneous mode of thinking as maitreya and others did (in this discourse)
Chapter – 11
In these of a truth, rebirth or is there not?
On this question, the wiseman should give up the negative attitude and even scepticism why? Because the visible is limited; while there exists avast unlimited world of which we know by the evidence of scripture, inference and reason. As a matter of fact even the very senses by whose agency direct observations are obtained are themselves out side the range of observation.
Satham cha rupanam athisannikarshath athi viprakarshath, avaranath karuna dourbalyath, manonavasthanath,samanabhiharath, abhibhavath, athisoukshmyachcha prathyakshanu phalabdhihi thasmath apareekshithamethad uchyathae prthyakshamevasthi nanyadastheethi.8
8.1 Further even a perceivable object escapes observation under the following conditions - uzi; when it is either too close are too remote from the observer, when it is obstructed by other obects, when there is some defect in the perceiving sense - organ, when the observers attention is else-where, when the object is merged in the mass, when it is over shadowed by something else, or, lastly when it is microscopic.
8. Hence it is an unfounded statement that only visible exists and nothing else.
Sruthayaschaitha na karanam, yukthi virodhat.
athma mathuhu Pithurvayaha so apathyam yadi sanchareth,
dvividham sancharedathma sarvo vavaya venava .10
sarvaha chethaha samcharenmathuhu pithurva maranam bhaveth,
nirantharam navayavaha kaschith sookshmasyathmanaha .11
buddhirmanascha nirneethe yadaivathma thadaiva the,
yesham chaishamathistesham yonirnasthi chathurvidha.12
9-10. The verious traditional beliefs referd to earlier are to be set aside as they conflict with reason.
Thus, if the soul of either the father or the mother transmigrates into offspring, it should do so in one of two ways, viz; either totally, or in part. If the transmigration were total then it should mean the immediate death of either the father or the mother. As regards partial transmigrations, the alternative is overruled on account of the soul being an indivisible substance.
11. Since the intellect and the mind are as indivisible as the soul, the same objections as that setout in the case of the soul’s transmigrations applies in their case also. Besides, according to the parental theory, there could be no possibility of the four fold matter of generation (which is an observed fact in nature).
12. In reply to those who maintain that life is a natural phenomenon (needing no extraneous causation) we say that only that is natural which is innate, like the unique characteristics of the six elements. There can be no life unless these come together and in all operations of conjunctions and disjunctions, the sole factor is anticedent action (which is not accounted for in the nature theory).
13. The element of consciousness (the soul) which is beginning less, can not be the product of anything. If what is meant in that the soul itself is the ultimate cause of everything else, then we have no quarrel the theory of “Divine Handi work”.
14-15 In the creed of the nihilist, whose understanding is observe theory of accident, there can be no investigation, no data to be investigated, no agent, no cause, no gods, no seers, no adepts, no actions, no fruit of action and of course, no soul. Surely this nihilistic is the most sinful of all sins.
16. Hence the wiseman should give up this inquitious creed, and, by recourse to the lamp of the wisdom of the saints, strive to see all things in their true nature.
17. Everything fals into one or the other of the two catagories - true and untrue. The method of investigations is four fold; authoritative testmony, direct observation, inference and reason.
18-19 The authorites are - men who have freed themselves from passion and ignorance by means of spiritual endeavour and knowledge whose understanding, embracing the past present and future, is pure and at all time unclouded - it is these that are the authoretative, the learned, the enlightened; their word is un impeachable and ture. Why will such men, diviod as they are passion and ignorence, give utterance to untruth?
50. Regarding a three kinds of physicians / medical practitioners that are found in the world; Firstly, the imposters in physician’s robes, secondly, the vain - glourous pretenders and thirdly, those endowed with the true virtue of the healer.
51. Those who parading their medical paraphernalia, books, models, smatrijng of medical texts and knowing looks acqure the little of physicians are the first kind uzi; ignoramuses and imposters.
52. Those who by laying claim to association with persons of established wealth fame, knowledge and success, while they themselves have none of these things, arrogate to themselves the designation of physicians, are the vain - glorious pretenders.
53. Those who are accomplished in application, Theory knowledge of allied sciences and succes of treatment are the true healers. In them glory of the physician fully manifest.
54.1 Regarding the three kinds of therapy - they are divine therapy, scintific therapy and mental control.
54.3. Scientific therapy consists of the prescription of the line of dietetic regimen and medication.
54. Mental control consists of restraining the mind from the disire for unwhole some objects.
55.1 When the humours in the body have become morbid and provoked, three kinds of therapeutic measures are mainly recommended namely, internal purification, external purification and operative treatment.
55.2 Of them that procedure where in medicine taken internally cures the disorders born of dietetics faults, is internal purification.
46. Regarding the three of disease, they are endogenous, exogenous & psychic. Among these the endogenous disease ois that arising from the discordance of the bodily humors, and the exogenous from spirit possession; poisionous winds, fire injuries etc., while the psychic disorders arise from the gain or loss of undersirable or desirable things.
46.1 Now the intelligent man when he finds himself afflicted with even psychic diseases, should, with right understanding, examine over and over again as to what is whole some & what is wholesome. He should their endeavour to obtain from whatever is not conducerive to histue, wealth & pleasure and devote himself to such action as is conducure to the use of these three objectives. For, outside these three objectives of life there is nothing in the world which is capable of giving pleasure or pain to the mind.
47. Contemplating the three objectives of life,service of those who are versed in the knowledge concerning these three objectives and the knowledge of one’s own self etc.,in all respects constitutethe remedy for psychic disorders.
48(1). Regardingthe three systems for the occurance of disease, they are (1) The peripheral system, (2) The vital parts and the bone joints and (3) The alimentary tract.
57. But the ignorant man fails from stupidity or negligence to note the incipient state of a disease just as a simpleton fails to recognize a potential enemy.
Chapter – 13
Sankhyai sankhyatha sankhyeai sahaasinam punarvasum,
Jagathhithardham paprathya vahni veesaha swasamsayam .3
3. Unto , Punarvasu seated in the company of the masters of the numerical metaphysics (Sankhya), who had countedall the existing categories of truth,Agnivesa puts his question having in hisview the world’s welfare.
Kim yonayaha ? kathi snehaha? Kechasneha gunahprithak?
Kalanupane khe?kasya kathi kascha vicharanaha ? .4
Kathi mathraha? Katham manah kachakeshupadisyathe?
Kascha kebhyp hithaha snehaha? Prakarshaha sneha nechakaha?.5
Snehyahke? Ke nacha? Snigdha snigdhathi snigdha lakshanam
Kim?panath pradhamam ,peethe, jeerne, kinchahithahitham .6
Ke mrudu krura koshtaha ? ka vyapadaha? Siddhayascha kaha?
Achche samsodhanechaiva sneheka vrittthirishyathe?7
Vicharanaha keshu yojyaha? Vidhi na kena thathprabho!
Snehasya mitha vignana gnanamichchami vedithum .8
4. What are the sourees of unctuous substances? How many groups of unituous substances are there? What are the properties of each gorup of unctuous substance? What is the season and what are the corrigents of each of there How many & what are there preparotoies.
5. How many kinds are there of doses & how are they measured which close is recommended in which case? Which groups of unctuous substance is beneficial to whom? What is the maximum period of administration.
6. Who are fit for oleator & who are not? What are the signs of sussessful oleation, under oleation and over oleation? What is wholesome or unwholesome before, after and on full digestion of the portion of unctuous substance.
7. Who are soft bowelled and who are hard bowelled? What are the complications likely to arise and what are their remedies? what is the regimen to be observed in simple and purificatory oleation?
prabhutha sneha nithyae kshutptipasa sahanaraha ,
pavakaschotthama baloyesham ye chotthama bale .31
gulminah sarpa dashtascha visarpo pahthaschaye,
unmatthah krichchamuthrascha gadhavarchasa evacha .32
pibeyu rutthamam mathram,thasyah pane gunan srinu,
vikaran samayatyesha seeghram samyak prayojitha.33
doshanu karshinimathra sarvamarganusarinee,
balya punarnava kari sareerendriya chethasam.34
33-34 Now listen to the benefits of the maximum dose. This dose if properly administered, soon quells the above mentioned disorders. This maximum dose is able to pervade every part of the body and draw out all the morbid matter. It is invigorating and revitalizing to the body, senses and the mind.
Mathresha mandavibhramsa na chathi balaharinee,
Sukhenacha snehayathi sodhanarthecha yujyathe.37
37. This dose is not attended with severe complications. it does not reduce the strength very much, conduces to oleation with case and is prescribed for purification.
Yethu vriddhascha balascha sukumara sukhochithaha,
Riktha koshta tvama hitham yesham mandagnayaschaye.38
Jvarathi sarakasascha yesham chira samutthithaha ,
Sneha mathram pibeyusthe hraswam yecha varabale.39
Parihare sukhachaisha mathrasneha nabrimhanee,
Vrishya balya nirabadhah chiram chapyanuvarthathe.40
38-39 Those who are old, young delicate given to easeful life, to whom the emptiness of bowels is unwholesome, whose digestive fire is low and are of low vitality, should take the minimum dose.
40. This dose needs little after care, conduces to low oleation, is roborant virilific, invigorating, harmless and can be used for a long time.
Chapter 15
5.3 The difference in the variations of humoral discordance, drug place, time, strength, body, food, homologation, mind, constiution and age are so minute that they baffle the understanding of even those whose intellect is clear of broad. It is needless then to speak about those whose understanding is limited.
10. That should be known to be the dosage for a person which, when taken for purification, leads to the elimination of morbid humors and does not produce symptions of overdosage or underdosage.
13.1 Here are the characteristics of under administration proper adminstration & over administration.
13.2 Complete inaction, throwing out the emetic draught distorted action of the drag or the suppression of the urge are the indications of under administration.
13.3 Timely action, lack of great pain, elimination of the morrbid humors in the right manner & the natural & timely cessation of vomition are the indications of successful emesrs by proper administration. According to the proportion of the vomit it is again classified as severe, moderate and mild.
24. The proper method of administration & the dosage, the symptoms of under deasage administation & those of right & over administration as well as of morbid humors and of complications.
Chapter 16
3. When a fully equipped physician gifte, learned and skilled in practice adminsters the procedure of purification to a person, that person obtaining the night treatment acquires good health there by.
4. When a pretentions and lgnorant physician administers the procedure of purification to a man, that man getting either under treatment or over treatment falls a within to a disease.
5-6. Weakness, lightness, depression, attenuation of the disease, promotion of taste, purification of the stamach and complexian, occurence of hunger, thirst, regularity of natural urges, cleaness of understanding, sense organs and mind, regular peristalsis are the signs ofsuccesfull purgation.
7. Salivation, uncleanliners of the stomach, preeipitation of kapha and pilta, distension of the abdomen, anorexia, vomitting, absence of weakness & lightness.
8. Flabbiness of the calf muscle and the thigh, tospor silliness, onset of shiniles & impediment to the function of vata are the signs of unsuccessful prugation.
12. A man therefore should resort to the shelter of one who is full equipped physician He will confer on his lient long life and health.
13-16 Indigestion, loss of appetite, corpulence, araemia; heamness, exhaustion, pimples, wheals, pruritus, restlessness, indolence fatugire, ddrility, fetor, flabbiness, precipitation of kapha & pitta, insrmnia, hypersomina, torpor, importency, duplness of understanding, evil dreams & loss of nigonr and slor inspita of being fully treated by noborant therapy, are the sign of excersive morbidity in such conditions the purificatory porcedures of emesis & purgation in accordance with the morbidity of the humors of the vitality of the patient.
17. When a person is thus purified, his body heat increases, his disorders disappear & his normal health returns.
18. His senses, mind, understanding and complesion becomes clear and he acquitres ligor, plumpness, offsprings and viritity.
26. The treatment of the complications that arise from worng administration of oleation, sudation, purification and relabilitation procedures will be described in the section on “Success of treatment”
29. The master haning thus spoken, Agnivesa said “It cessation be in the very nature of thungs, what is there them to be done by the fully equipped physician?
30. What discordant body elements does a physician harmonise by medicine. What is treatment & for what purpose is it given?
31. Hearing there words punarvasu said “Hear, O, good one! what veason the great sages hare seen in this respect.
32. The cause of things ceasing to be is not known for the simple reasion that no such cause exists first as in the care of the passage of time. Beng evanescent by nature things cease to be ever as they are born.
33. Thus there is no question of a cause for a thing ceasing to be, nos indeed of modifying this inrate tedeney.
34. The treatment of disorders therefore conssts of such operations as give rise to the concordance of body elements. This is regarded as the function of the physician.
35 Treatment is given with the object of eusuring that no discordance arises in the various body elements and that there is continued concordance.
36. By auriding things that give rise to discordence and practising those that help concordance, the discordant elements do not persist and the condordant elements are continually brought into existence.
37. Because he effects the concordance of the body elements by using the concordant means, the expert in treatment becomes the ghier of bodily happiness and longenity.
38. By the gift of bodily happiness and long life, the physician becomes the donor of righteousness, weath & satisfaction of desire pertaining to both the worlds of man.
39. the benefits that airue from the fully equipped physician as aganest the harm done by the quack, the segns of properly done, undergone & overdone purificatory procedures.
40. the signs of excessilve norbiority, the advartages of purification the general principles of treatment, basic prinicipals of thropentue procedures in a successful and complicated condition.
Chapter 17
26. The treatment of the complication that arire from the wrong administration of oleation, sudathan, purification and rehabilitations procedure will be discibed in the section on “Success in treatment.
27. The body elements become discordant as a result of the discordance of the causatine faction. Conversely they become concordant following upen the concordance of the causalive factors. Cessation of existence, how ever, is always in the course of nature.
Chapter 18
37. There are many such diseara which through acute and sence, are yet curable they may kill the patient if they are eith not tiealed at all or wrongfully breated.
38. There are other diseases which are consideneed mild and curable. In there diseases full or even slight treatment centainly accomplishes cure.
39. They are other incurable diseases which are called palliable. The best treatment given in such case many help the patient to pull on with existence.
40. And there are also other diseases where no treatment succeeds, even if the inexperienced physician for to cure them, but the wise and experienced physician will not undertake to beat them.
41. Diseases are to be describer of two kinds curable and incurable; and clasified according to mildness and severity they are four kinds.
42. When classified according to cause pain, color, site, form and nomenclature, the number of there diseases becomes really countless.
44. A physician should nena be ashamed if the is not able to name a disease, as them can be ro desinite standarduation of nomenclature of all diseases.
45. The same propoked human according to the diversity of comes and its locatiation in differnt regions producers many varsthe.
46. There fore treatment should be initiated after diagnaring the nature of the disease, the different region or localiption, and the speed caunalive factors.
47. The physician who after aseentaimening all there things, begin treatment intelligently and systemalically mill not ever in therapeutr procedure.
48. Vata, Pitta and Kapha, reside either in their ndmal or pathological state in the bodies of all ambodies creatines. Hence the learned physician should desire to recognise them.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
We may come across patients like Papaiah suffering from Papillae, Mallaiah from Mollusca, Lakhan Singh from Lichens, Aloknath from Alopecia, and Koushalya from Koilonychias etc.
Subject is very extensive and exhaustive. I will try to draw the outer sketch of it, through which I hope the skin of the topic is covered as much as possible.
Some may for argument sake say that considering the Skin, Nail, and Hair diseases as local and treating them do not exactly fall in the domain of Homoeopathy, since treating them individually amounts to suppressing the local diseases. It is in principle agreed that if these peripheral diseases are half handedly considered as local diseases and treated. If Master Hahnemann's principles are thoroughly understood answer to the question is very simple, as one understands the meaning of so called local maladies. An attempt is made by the author to explain the general concept of the knowledge of local disease. That is, to say, what is to be cured in a given so-called local disease?
Though the skin, hair and nail seem to be least important organs compared to other vital organs of the body, they too play a crucial role to give us clues about the real culprits of the diseases. Who else they could be other than MIASMS? A perfectly healthy man will have a perfectly healthy skin, healthy nails and healthy hair.
These outlining diseases are the mirrors or the reflectors of internal stress, the internal dynamist internal working of the human machine. The metamorphosis of misams will help us to appreciate the essential nature of diseases.
If we follow the route of these fag ends of the rope carefully and systematically we go to the roots of the disease, otherwise we would be routed. Whether an atheist believes it or not we homoeopaths should have a faith on Miasms. It is not that only homoeopaths believe Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis; in Ayurveda Vata, Pitta and Kapha theory; in Vedanta Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas Gunas; and in Greek's ancient medicine sanguine, Bilous and Phlegmatic constitutions do exist. They almost sound similar.
The material body as soon as got animated by the Vital Force and became a distinct living (Human) organism with full of wisdom (Sattwic). Gradually he got into the folds of an evil force, the desire, we call that as Miasm, the first gene of the diseases and that later on manifested craving, fear, anger, suspicion, jealousy and then invaded functions and thereafter organs in a particular order. Man first indulged himself into sinful acts to gratify his sensual organs. The more he tried the more he got entangled. The consequences, of course, are quite imminent when we look at the menace of the diseases of the human race. Let us come back to the three miasm namely Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis and their role in skin diseases.
Generally it is observed that this gross unversed is governed by three principles Generation, Operation and Destruction (some may attribute it to GOD). In the same manner this human organism is subjected to Proliferation (Sycosis), Pine (Psora) and Plunging (Syphilis).
Psora, Syphilis, and Sycosis either of them or all of them influence every event that belongs to mind, functions and the organs of the human organism. For instance any thought is either proliferated (sycosis) or perpetuated (Psora) or Pitted (Syphilis) and so as in functions and in organs including skin. As we find Planes, plateaus and mountains on earth we come across such changes on skin with Tumors (Sycosis), Surface disturbance (Psora) and Ulcers (Syphilis). With out the involvement of the miasms there exists no disease what so ever it may be. Just like Vital Force that makes the organism to live and these miasms make the organism to suffer. As Vital Force flows into every part of the body these miasms flow in the same way but with a difference.
If we can build a man with the symptoms of mind why can't we build a man with the symptoms of even peripheral organs like skin, nails and hair? In the former it is the Internal Man and where as in the latter it is the External Man - a shadow of the internal man. Let us examine how the findings of the External man are useful in tracing out the diseases and the means of their cures.
** Dry, Dirty, Unhealthy, Unwashed, Rough; just as in dry land which looks ugly with cracks and fissures.
** Itching, Pruritis, Skin coloured;
Ichthyosis (Fish Skin), Thin Scales, and Crusts; as the upper layer of earth when it is dry.
** Vesicles, Scanty suppuration, Sero purulent;
** Eczema with Papular eruption;
** Androsis, May develope Malignancy at forties as often gets joined by Syphillis and Sycosis;
** Injuries heal readily.
** Copper Coloured, Raw, Ham, Brownish;
looks as erosion of earth. Floody ponds, lakes and ditches.
** Very Red at base, Hyperidrosis;
** No itching; Night Aggravation;
** Ulcers with Red Base; Indurations;
** Thick Scales and Crusts, Gangrene, Scars
** Eruptions about Joints, Flexures.
** Circular Patchy Scales, Herpes, Lichens, Impetigo;
** Verucca, Warts, Large Acne looks like Papulae,(As Mountains)
** Ring Worms of all kinds, Lupus, Erythematosis;
** Bad effects of Suppressions of Ring - Worms;
** Malignancies at all ages;
** Stitch Abscess after operations;
** Psoriasis of Gouty character;
** Glandular, Echymosis (Purpura), Eczema with Pustules);
** Herpes with Pustules, Urticaria, Leprosy;
** Hyperidrosis, Anidrosis, Bromidrosis;
** Varicose Veins, Abscess and Ulcers;
** Smooth shiny Skin, Ring Worm Supressions;
** Injuries infects and ulcerates;
** Goose Flesh, Freckles, Gleety discharges.
ERYTHEMA (SYP+SYC;SYC+SYP) : Bell; Meze; Chin; Rhus.T; Apis.M.
URTICARIA(PSEUDO-PSO;PSO):Amm.m; Anti.Cr; Anti.ta; Ars; Chin; Cop; Dulc;
LICHENS (PSE.PSO;SYC): Sulph, Ars.alb, Apis, Graph:
ECZEMA(PSE.PSO,SYC):Crot.T,Merc,Mez,Graph,Hep.s Calc.carb, Petr, Acid.Carb.
VERUCCA (PSE.PSO; SYC.SYPH) :Acid.Acetic, Thuj, Calc.c, Nat.c Anti.Cr.
SEBHORRHOEA(SYPH):Graph, Sep, Hep, sul, Thu, Staph, Nat.M, Iod;
MOLLUSCA(SYC.SYP):Sil, Lyc,Iod, Kali.Iod, Kali.Br. Ars.Br, Sul, Ars.A.,Hydr . HYPERIDROSIS(PSE.PSO):Iod,Stan,Acid.Ph,Jab.,Sil.Calc.C.,Merc. Opium.
BROMIDROSIS (PSE.PSO): Petr.,Thuj.,Acid.N.,Sep.,Pso.
PEMPHIGUS (ALL MIASMS): Grap.,Hep.s., Mez., Thu., Bar.c.Calc.c.Clem.Con., Cro., Ars.a. Rhus.T., Merc., Canth., Phos. Amm.c., Bell., Kali.c., Lach.
ICTHYOSIS (ALL MIASMS) : Ars.a., Hydr., Thyr., Graph., Sul.
IMPETIGO (PSE.PSO) : Ant.T., Ars.a., Viol.,
ECTHMA (SYC) : Tartar., Ars.a.,Lach., Sec.c.
PSORIASIS (PSE.PSO): Ars.A., Sep., Merc., Acic.c., Mang., Thyr.
ALOPECIA (SYPH): Acid.ph., Acid.fl., Ars.a., Vinca, Thallium
ERYTHAMATOUS VULGARIS (SYCO.SYPH) : Kali.br., Hydr., Phos., Thu.
LUPUS VULGARIS (SYC.SYPH) : Ars.a., Kali.br., Hydr., Aur. Hydrastis
LEPROSY (PSE.PSO): Lepra., Gynocar., Anac., Gunjun oil, Hydrocot., Ars.a., Hydrastis.
FURUNCLE (SYPH.SYC): Bell., Iod., Arn., Sulp.
CARBUNCLE (ALL MIASMS) : Arn., Iod., Camp., Chin., Sil., Lach., Taren., Sulph., Ars.a.
I have only tried to depict some of the skin problems from Miasmatic point of view. There are so many varieties of skin diseases which need thorough study to touch the depth of the causative factors. Miasmatic domination in Man and Miasmatic domination in Medcines are to be matched to get the desired results.
KHAMMAM.(AP) ON 26/5/98.
We may come across patients like Papaiah suffering from Papillae, Mallaiah from Mollusca, Lakhan Singh from Lichens, Aloknath from Alopecia, and Koushalya from Koilonychias etc.
Subject is very extensive and exhaustive. I will try to draw the outer sketch of it, through which I hope the skin of the topic is covered as much as possible.
Some may for argument sake say that considering the Skin, Nail, and Hair diseases as local and treating them do not exactly fall in the domain of Homoeopathy, since treating them individually amounts to suppressing the local diseases. It is in principle agreed that if these peripheral diseases are half handedly considered as local diseases and treated. If Master Hahnemann's principles are thoroughly understood answer to the question is very simple, as one understands the meaning of so called local maladies. An attempt is made by the author to explain the general concept of the knowledge of local disease. That is, to say, what is to be cured in a given so-called local disease?
Though the skin, hair and nail seem to be least important organs compared to other vital organs of the body, they too play a crucial role to give us clues about the real culprits of the diseases. Who else they could be other than MIASMS? A perfectly healthy man will have a perfectly healthy skin, healthy nails and healthy hair.
These outlining diseases are the mirrors or the reflectors of internal stress, the internal dynamist internal working of the human machine. The metamorphosis of misams will help us to appreciate the essential nature of diseases.
If we follow the route of these fag ends of the rope carefully and systematically we go to the roots of the disease, otherwise we would be routed. Whether an atheist believes it or not we homoeopaths should have a faith on Miasms. It is not that only homoeopaths believe Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis; in Ayurveda Vata, Pitta and Kapha theory; in Vedanta Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas Gunas; and in Greek's ancient medicine sanguine, Bilous and Phlegmatic constitutions do exist. They almost sound similar.
The material body as soon as got animated by the Vital Force and became a distinct living (Human) organism with full of wisdom (Sattwic). Gradually he got into the folds of an evil force, the desire, we call that as Miasm, the first gene of the diseases and that later on manifested craving, fear, anger, suspicion, jealousy and then invaded functions and thereafter organs in a particular order. Man first indulged himself into sinful acts to gratify his sensual organs. The more he tried the more he got entangled. The consequences, of course, are quite imminent when we look at the menace of the diseases of the human race. Let us come back to the three miasm namely Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis and their role in skin diseases.
Generally it is observed that this gross unversed is governed by three principles Generation, Operation and Destruction (some may attribute it to GOD). In the same manner this human organism is subjected to Proliferation (Sycosis), Pine (Psora) and Plunging (Syphilis).
Psora, Syphilis, and Sycosis either of them or all of them influence every event that belongs to mind, functions and the organs of the human organism. For instance any thought is either proliferated (sycosis) or perpetuated (Psora) or Pitted (Syphilis) and so as in functions and in organs including skin. As we find Planes, plateaus and mountains on earth we come across such changes on skin with Tumors (Sycosis), Surface disturbance (Psora) and Ulcers (Syphilis). With out the involvement of the miasms there exists no disease what so ever it may be. Just like Vital Force that makes the organism to live and these miasms make the organism to suffer. As Vital Force flows into every part of the body these miasms flow in the same way but with a difference.
If we can build a man with the symptoms of mind why can't we build a man with the symptoms of even peripheral organs like skin, nails and hair? In the former it is the Internal Man and where as in the latter it is the External Man - a shadow of the internal man. Let us examine how the findings of the External man are useful in tracing out the diseases and the means of their cures.
** Dry, Dirty, Unhealthy, Unwashed, Rough; just as in dry land which looks ugly with cracks and fissures.
** Itching, Pruritis, Skin coloured;
Ichthyosis (Fish Skin), Thin Scales, and Crusts; as the upper layer of earth when it is dry.
** Vesicles, Scanty suppuration, Sero purulent;
** Eczema with Papular eruption;
** Androsis, May develope Malignancy at forties as often gets joined by Syphillis and Sycosis;
** Injuries heal readily.
** Copper Coloured, Raw, Ham, Brownish;
looks as erosion of earth. Floody ponds, lakes and ditches.
** Very Red at base, Hyperidrosis;
** No itching; Night Aggravation;
** Ulcers with Red Base; Indurations;
** Thick Scales and Crusts, Gangrene, Scars
** Eruptions about Joints, Flexures.
** Circular Patchy Scales, Herpes, Lichens, Impetigo;
** Verucca, Warts, Large Acne looks like Papulae,(As Mountains)
** Ring Worms of all kinds, Lupus, Erythematosis;
** Bad effects of Suppressions of Ring - Worms;
** Malignancies at all ages;
** Stitch Abscess after operations;
** Psoriasis of Gouty character;
** Glandular, Echymosis (Purpura), Eczema with Pustules);
** Herpes with Pustules, Urticaria, Leprosy;
** Hyperidrosis, Anidrosis, Bromidrosis;
** Varicose Veins, Abscess and Ulcers;
** Smooth shiny Skin, Ring Worm Supressions;
** Injuries infects and ulcerates;
** Goose Flesh, Freckles, Gleety discharges.
ERYTHEMA (SYP+SYC;SYC+SYP) : Bell; Meze; Chin; Rhus.T; Apis.M.
URTICARIA(PSEUDO-PSO;PSO):Amm.m; Anti.Cr; Anti.ta; Ars; Chin; Cop; Dulc;
LICHENS (PSE.PSO;SYC): Sulph, Ars.alb, Apis, Graph:
ECZEMA(PSE.PSO,SYC):Crot.T,Merc,Mez,Graph,Hep.s Calc.carb, Petr, Acid.Carb.
VERUCCA (PSE.PSO; SYC.SYPH) :Acid.Acetic, Thuj, Calc.c, Nat.c Anti.Cr.
SEBHORRHOEA(SYPH):Graph, Sep, Hep, sul, Thu, Staph, Nat.M, Iod;
MOLLUSCA(SYC.SYP):Sil, Lyc,Iod, Kali.Iod, Kali.Br. Ars.Br, Sul, Ars.A.,Hydr . HYPERIDROSIS(PSE.PSO):Iod,Stan,Acid.Ph,Jab.,Sil.Calc.C.,Merc. Opium.
BROMIDROSIS (PSE.PSO): Petr.,Thuj.,Acid.N.,Sep.,Pso.
PEMPHIGUS (ALL MIASMS): Grap.,Hep.s., Mez., Thu., Bar.c.Calc.c.Clem.Con., Cro., Ars.a. Rhus.T., Merc., Canth., Phos. Amm.c., Bell., Kali.c., Lach.
ICTHYOSIS (ALL MIASMS) : Ars.a., Hydr., Thyr., Graph., Sul.
IMPETIGO (PSE.PSO) : Ant.T., Ars.a., Viol.,
ECTHMA (SYC) : Tartar., Ars.a.,Lach., Sec.c.
PSORIASIS (PSE.PSO): Ars.A., Sep., Merc., Acic.c., Mang., Thyr.
ALOPECIA (SYPH): Acid.ph., Acid.fl., Ars.a., Vinca, Thallium
ERYTHAMATOUS VULGARIS (SYCO.SYPH) : Kali.br., Hydr., Phos., Thu.
LUPUS VULGARIS (SYC.SYPH) : Ars.a., Kali.br., Hydr., Aur. Hydrastis
LEPROSY (PSE.PSO): Lepra., Gynocar., Anac., Gunjun oil, Hydrocot., Ars.a., Hydrastis.
FURUNCLE (SYPH.SYC): Bell., Iod., Arn., Sulp.
CARBUNCLE (ALL MIASMS) : Arn., Iod., Camp., Chin., Sil., Lach., Taren., Sulph., Ars.a.
I have only tried to depict some of the skin problems from Miasmatic point of view. There are so many varieties of skin diseases which need thorough study to touch the depth of the causative factors. Miasmatic domination in Man and Miasmatic domination in Medcines are to be matched to get the desired results.
KHAMMAM.(AP) ON 26/5/98.
In the broad views of Medical Profession the CANCER is at times curable and at times incurable. How the cure is assured in any Stage of this malignant growth (cancer) is still an obvious Question; finds many vague answers in its ever changing construction of theories - what may be said today may stand out of date tomorrow. Yet, there is a ray of vain hope, that today’s difficult The sincere efforts being rendered by the Man Saviors (Physicians).
To pick-up any GOOD one should be aware of what is good. Today, it Is necessary to go for the depth of the therapeutics used in the Various fields of medical profession. This will enable us to have Up to date knowledge about the treatment and prognosis of the Cancer. Hence, the following Therapeutic measures are put forth in this seminar with their merits and demerits. "Let truth be immortal
Though it is hard heard."
Modern system of medicine contributes its services by ever imProving modern methods in treating the cancers. At the present time, the cancer is being treated by surgical removal or radium therapy or both and in certain cases chemotherapy as a palliative treatment. When to adopt what is their approach in treating this CRAB. Their main aim in treating the cancer is to select the deal therapeutic agents; which cause less harm to the normal Healthy tissues and more direct destructions to this fast growing Monster.
IN SURGICAL THERAPY, it is believed that, if the tumor is still Localised and first seen by doctor and no other tissue (Nervous, Lymphatic, Blood Vessels etc.) Is still involved, they should Immediately remove the tumor (cancer) with its suspected mass. In this, Surgeon's knife removes surrounding area first and then the growth. The appreciable gesture in this surgical therapy is; in The advanced stages they do not put knife, if the cancer is not a localized one and secondary are found here and there in the body. The surgeon’s main aim in removing the malignant tumor is, atleast, to give a hope to the patient for his survival for a few more years. In my later part of this lecture, the view of Homoeopathic in surgical cases of cancer is expounded. RADIUM THERAPY is another highly prevalent mode of treatment by the modern system of medicine. The radiation what may both cause and cure (as defined by modern system) is a best example. WHAT IS POTENT FOR EVIL MAY ALSO BE MADE POWERFUL FOR GOOD. From this saying the radium has come into existence. The radium and X-rays are used for the destructions of the mitotic spread of the cells. It is generally used in three forms - (A). External radiation; (B).Surface applications and (C). Interstitial radiation. The radiotherapist will bear in mind while treating the cancer cases the radium sensitivity in the patients. The radium sensitive varies from one individual to another and one variety of Cancer to another. For example - If Lymph sarcoma, Multiple Myeloma, Lymphoepithelioma, Embryonic Carcinoma, simplex are moderately sensitive, whereas Fibro sarcoma, Osseo Sarcoma, Neosarcoma, Neurosarcoma, Melanoma and Adeno Carcinoma are high resistant growths to radium. If only Lymphatic channels are effective- , Direct passing of the radio opaque media to lymph glands is believed to have arrested the growth of the cancer. Even Hodgkin's and other Lymphomas are treated by this method. Mainly Two things happen in the radium treatment - one arrest of mitosis and another is the degeneration of the cells. CHEMOTHERAPY is another mode adopted by the modern system of Medicine. The basic approach in the chemotherapy is the administration of anticarcinogens to arrest the growth of cancer. DNA (deoxyribonuetic acid) imparts basophilia to the chromosomal net work of the cell. All the cancer cells have much of nuclei acid which promotes the mitosis. In Chemotherapy, the carcinogenic hydrocarbons and certain vesicants such as mustard gas and nitrogen mustard may inhibit both benign and malignant growth. Generally adapted for sarcomatic growths, 2:6 diaminopurine can cause selective injury to cancer cells both in tissue culture and in tumors. C-labeled adnine arrests the fast growth in lymphatic leukemia. In the recent development, regional chemotherapy was introduced, in which Nitrogen Mustard in a concentration of 15 to 20 times greater than ordinary intravenous therapy is given by injection in to the main artery of the limbs where there is a malignant melanoma of a limb. In therapeutic point of view type I and type II tumor cells can be found. In type I, Nucleus is large in size with a foaming appearance - large well defined vacuoles with one or two nucleasi are visualised under microscope - this is caused by the action of RNA (Ribonuleic Acid). This type one responds to 6 - mercaptopurine or allied drugs.
Type II are smaller, with no vacuoles found. The cause is due to DNA and this responds to Methotrexate or allied drugs. In the above said therapies, their object is only to destroy the exter-
nal cancer growth. Here slight philosophy is necessary to understand this cancer. Unless any person has got tendency to develop cancer growth, cancer never grows. THIS TENDENCY OF DEVELOPING CANCER IS NOT AT PHYSICAL PLANE, THIS IS AT DYNAMIC PLANE WHICH
IS INVISIBLE TO TTHE MICROSCOPE. OUR OBJECT ANYWAY IS NOT THAT ONLY TO REMOVE THE CANCER IN THE TISSUES, BUT THE MIASMATIC BACK GROUND. If we fail to understand the governing principle in this living body and its deviations we may altogether fail to cure this disease.
I thus give Homeopathic treatment of cancer, which understands the nature of a man and disease. Before I commence homeopathic aspect of my lecture, I seek your permission to pay my tributes to the founder - the seeker of truth - Master Hahnemann - on this auspicious occasion.
His services in finding out the law of similars is a rope for us to give a great inspiration in the annihilation of the sufferings of mankind. Many disciples of Master Hahnemann are putting up
their indefatigable efforts to this system which possess no articles of faith, no prejudiced and no orthodoxic views. Hence,
homeopathy has no prejudice view about the curability of the cancer. Homeopathy cures some times and fails to cure some times - why so ? answer depends upon the reversible or irreversible conditions of cancer.
Basically homeopaths do not consider ultimates as disease. They go by the totality of the signs and symptoms. Here cancer is the ultimate. What all can be done for this is, dependent on the
curability of the cancer. Generally, now-a-days, homeopaths get
such cases only in advanced conditions and after taking the
treatment from other systems of medicine.
This is unfortunate that homeopaths do not get cancer cases at early (curable) stage with full faith. The attraction of surgery and Radiation take away the patient from Homeopathy. After get-
ting exhausted and getting lost the hopes, patients run to this system as a last resort for existence. In this pitiable condition there is nothing left for a Homeopath except palliation.
All sensory and functional disturbances will find a way to cure the sick. If there are gross pathological changes, there will be less signs and symptoms. Hence forth, the cure becomes difficult,sometimes impossible. If there is sufficient vital reactivity in the patient and if the
symptoms are perceptible ` SIMILIA ' is not a failure.I wish to present few points in the following lines which may be helpful to you in treating the cancer cases. If my contribution serves to
add little to the knowledge of this disease ocean, I feel satisfied.
1. The early stages of cancer presents all mental and physical symptoms very distinctly to an intelligent physician. Here it is a reversible condition, and here the cancer is at curable stage.
Henceforth, the prescription to be of benefit to the patient, must have the nature of chronic as much as the nature of the acute manifestations. It is Homeopathy, which can easily save the
patient and prevent its recurrence too; which is not possible with modern medicine.
2. If the symptoms are vaguely distinct and the cancer is growing fast, this should be treated as followed in treating one sided disease - a moderately stronger dose should be selected. In
such cases, when a remedy is given, though on those vague symptoms, sometimes bring out all the old suppressed symptoms, if any (may be suppressions of skin eruptions etc.) by other systems of medicine.Here it leads to a curative direction of the cancer. If there is a sufficient pathology in the tissues,the remedy will
definitely palliate and some times arrests the pathology in the
cancer growth. This is the stage some times surgery role can be
brought into the picture. Whatever Homeopathy could do, it did it
- and surgery helps to remove the anomaly of the tissues. Here
the tendency of cancerous growth is also removed by our careful
application of medicine.
3. If the signs and symptoms are indistinct and local symptoms are more pronounced than the mind symptoms - It clearly shows that, it is a one - sided disease, where other side is completely
hidden in the nature of man.Hence patient has feeble vital reactivity to show the clear picture of a disease. In this, tissues are damaged to a great extent and no complete cure could be expected. If the medicine is selected on the acute complaints thar would palliate the agony of the patient.
4. If there is a completely indistinct nature of the signs and symptoms and if we find nothing excepting the agony from pain and discharges from the damaged tissues, this is the moaning of
the last stages of vital force. These patients have lost the vital reaction. To find a remedy for his lost vital reaction is thus impossible. At the most the agony of the patient may be
removed and a peaceful living may be granted.
Organopathy will be more ideal therapeutic agents especially when the cases are to be palliated. Every medicine is individualised by its specific action on some particular organ. If that organ is
involved, that specific medicine will be useful and will do needful with in the domain of Law Of Similars.
I am herewith giving you a brief repertory for cancer
cases.Cancer Diathesis - Ars.Iod.,Carcinogen., Hydro., Phyt.
Cancerous Affections - ARS., BROM., CARBO.An., CON., HYDR.,LYC.,NIT.Ac., PHOS., PHYT., SIL.
Encephaloma - PHOS.
Epithelioma - ARS., IOD., CON., LYC., LACH.
Fungus Haemotodes - ARS., PHOS., SIL., Carb.An.,
Glands - Aurum Met.,CARB.An., CON., Iod.
Glands Hard Malignant - CARB.An.
Melanoma - Arg.Mt., Lach., Con., Kali.P.
Violent Cases - OPIUM.
Sarcoma Cutis - Calc.P., CUNDU., Nit.Ac., Sil.
Eyes - CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil.
Eyes Epithelioma - Lachesis, Cund.
Eyes Cornea Epithelioma - Hep.
Eyes lids epithelioma - Hydr., Lach., Phyto., Thuja.
Eyes Lachrymal glands - CARBO.An.
Nose - AURUM.
Nose Flat Cancers - Euph.
Nose Epithelioma - Ars., Carb.Ac., Hydr., Kali.s.,Kreos.
Face - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Com., Laion., Phos.
Face Lips - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Con., Cist., Kreos., Lacy.,
Lye., Sep., Sil.
Lower Lips - Ars., Cust., Clem., Con., Lye.,
Phos., Sep., Sil.
Face Epithelioma - ARS., Kali.S., Lach., Phos.,Sep.
Mouth Cancer Palate - Aur., Hydr.
Mouth Cancer Tounge - Allum., Apis.M., Ars., Aur.,
Carb.An., Cons.,Lach., Mur.Ac., Nit.Ac., Phos.,
Phyti., Sil., Thuja.
Throat - Carbo.An., Led., Tarent.
Stomach - ARS., BISM., CARB.Ac., Carb.An., Con.,CUND.,Geranium.,
LYC., Phos.
Liver - Cup., Hep.S., Hydr., Muratic Ac., Phos.,Sulph.
Rectum - Allum., Nit.Ac., Ruta., Hyder., Kal., Cy.
Bladder - Tarax.
Kidney - Kali., IOd.
Genetelia - Male - Carb.An., CON.
Scrotum(Epithelioma) - Carb.An., Phos.Ac.
Testis - Spon.
Genetelia - Female
Cancer Ovaries - Con., Lach.
Cancer Uterus - Ars., Ars.Iod., Con., Graph., Hydr., Kreos.,
Lach., Lyc., Murx., Phos., Sep., Sil., Thuja.
Cancer Uterus Bleeding - Phos.
Cancer Vagina - KREOS.
Cancer Breast - Bufo., Con., Graph., Lach.,Merc;Sil.
Larynx - Ars., Nit.Ac., Phos., Sangu., Thuja.
Axilla - Aster.
Chest - Clavicle - Sep.
Chest Cancer in old Cicatrics - Graph.
Chest Contusion - Con.
Chest Sternum - Sulph.
Thanking You,
Paper presented on he occasion of 227th Birthday Celebrations
of Master Hahnemann in the Scientific Seminar held at Chandigarh
on April 11,1982
In the broad views of Medical Profession the CANCER is at times curable and at times incurable. How the cure is assured in any Stage of this malignant growth (cancer) is still an obvious Question; finds many vague answers in its ever changing construction of theories - what may be said today may stand out of date tomorrow. Yet, there is a ray of vain hope, that today’s difficult The sincere efforts being rendered by the Man Saviors (Physicians).
To pick-up any GOOD one should be aware of what is good. Today, it Is necessary to go for the depth of the therapeutics used in the Various fields of medical profession. This will enable us to have Up to date knowledge about the treatment and prognosis of the Cancer. Hence, the following Therapeutic measures are put forth in this seminar with their merits and demerits. "Let truth be immortal
Though it is hard heard."
Modern system of medicine contributes its services by ever imProving modern methods in treating the cancers. At the present time, the cancer is being treated by surgical removal or radium therapy or both and in certain cases chemotherapy as a palliative treatment. When to adopt what is their approach in treating this CRAB. Their main aim in treating the cancer is to select the deal therapeutic agents; which cause less harm to the normal Healthy tissues and more direct destructions to this fast growing Monster.
IN SURGICAL THERAPY, it is believed that, if the tumor is still Localised and first seen by doctor and no other tissue (Nervous, Lymphatic, Blood Vessels etc.) Is still involved, they should Immediately remove the tumor (cancer) with its suspected mass. In this, Surgeon's knife removes surrounding area first and then the growth. The appreciable gesture in this surgical therapy is; in The advanced stages they do not put knife, if the cancer is not a localized one and secondary are found here and there in the body. The surgeon’s main aim in removing the malignant tumor is, atleast, to give a hope to the patient for his survival for a few more years. In my later part of this lecture, the view of Homoeopathic in surgical cases of cancer is expounded. RADIUM THERAPY is another highly prevalent mode of treatment by the modern system of medicine. The radiation what may both cause and cure (as defined by modern system) is a best example. WHAT IS POTENT FOR EVIL MAY ALSO BE MADE POWERFUL FOR GOOD. From this saying the radium has come into existence. The radium and X-rays are used for the destructions of the mitotic spread of the cells. It is generally used in three forms - (A). External radiation; (B).Surface applications and (C). Interstitial radiation. The radiotherapist will bear in mind while treating the cancer cases the radium sensitivity in the patients. The radium sensitive varies from one individual to another and one variety of Cancer to another. For example - If Lymph sarcoma, Multiple Myeloma, Lymphoepithelioma, Embryonic Carcinoma, simplex are moderately sensitive, whereas Fibro sarcoma, Osseo Sarcoma, Neosarcoma, Neurosarcoma, Melanoma and Adeno Carcinoma are high resistant growths to radium. If only Lymphatic channels are effective- , Direct passing of the radio opaque media to lymph glands is believed to have arrested the growth of the cancer. Even Hodgkin's and other Lymphomas are treated by this method. Mainly Two things happen in the radium treatment - one arrest of mitosis and another is the degeneration of the cells. CHEMOTHERAPY is another mode adopted by the modern system of Medicine. The basic approach in the chemotherapy is the administration of anticarcinogens to arrest the growth of cancer. DNA (deoxyribonuetic acid) imparts basophilia to the chromosomal net work of the cell. All the cancer cells have much of nuclei acid which promotes the mitosis. In Chemotherapy, the carcinogenic hydrocarbons and certain vesicants such as mustard gas and nitrogen mustard may inhibit both benign and malignant growth. Generally adapted for sarcomatic growths, 2:6 diaminopurine can cause selective injury to cancer cells both in tissue culture and in tumors. C-labeled adnine arrests the fast growth in lymphatic leukemia. In the recent development, regional chemotherapy was introduced, in which Nitrogen Mustard in a concentration of 15 to 20 times greater than ordinary intravenous therapy is given by injection in to the main artery of the limbs where there is a malignant melanoma of a limb. In therapeutic point of view type I and type II tumor cells can be found. In type I, Nucleus is large in size with a foaming appearance - large well defined vacuoles with one or two nucleasi are visualised under microscope - this is caused by the action of RNA (Ribonuleic Acid). This type one responds to 6 - mercaptopurine or allied drugs.
Type II are smaller, with no vacuoles found. The cause is due to DNA and this responds to Methotrexate or allied drugs. In the above said therapies, their object is only to destroy the exter-
nal cancer growth. Here slight philosophy is necessary to understand this cancer. Unless any person has got tendency to develop cancer growth, cancer never grows. THIS TENDENCY OF DEVELOPING CANCER IS NOT AT PHYSICAL PLANE, THIS IS AT DYNAMIC PLANE WHICH
IS INVISIBLE TO TTHE MICROSCOPE. OUR OBJECT ANYWAY IS NOT THAT ONLY TO REMOVE THE CANCER IN THE TISSUES, BUT THE MIASMATIC BACK GROUND. If we fail to understand the governing principle in this living body and its deviations we may altogether fail to cure this disease.
I thus give Homeopathic treatment of cancer, which understands the nature of a man and disease. Before I commence homeopathic aspect of my lecture, I seek your permission to pay my tributes to the founder - the seeker of truth - Master Hahnemann - on this auspicious occasion.
His services in finding out the law of similars is a rope for us to give a great inspiration in the annihilation of the sufferings of mankind. Many disciples of Master Hahnemann are putting up
their indefatigable efforts to this system which possess no articles of faith, no prejudiced and no orthodoxic views. Hence,
homeopathy has no prejudice view about the curability of the cancer. Homeopathy cures some times and fails to cure some times - why so ? answer depends upon the reversible or irreversible conditions of cancer.
Basically homeopaths do not consider ultimates as disease. They go by the totality of the signs and symptoms. Here cancer is the ultimate. What all can be done for this is, dependent on the
curability of the cancer. Generally, now-a-days, homeopaths get
such cases only in advanced conditions and after taking the
treatment from other systems of medicine.
This is unfortunate that homeopaths do not get cancer cases at early (curable) stage with full faith. The attraction of surgery and Radiation take away the patient from Homeopathy. After get-
ting exhausted and getting lost the hopes, patients run to this system as a last resort for existence. In this pitiable condition there is nothing left for a Homeopath except palliation.
All sensory and functional disturbances will find a way to cure the sick. If there are gross pathological changes, there will be less signs and symptoms. Hence forth, the cure becomes difficult,sometimes impossible. If there is sufficient vital reactivity in the patient and if the
symptoms are perceptible ` SIMILIA ' is not a failure.I wish to present few points in the following lines which may be helpful to you in treating the cancer cases. If my contribution serves to
add little to the knowledge of this disease ocean, I feel satisfied.
1. The early stages of cancer presents all mental and physical symptoms very distinctly to an intelligent physician. Here it is a reversible condition, and here the cancer is at curable stage.
Henceforth, the prescription to be of benefit to the patient, must have the nature of chronic as much as the nature of the acute manifestations. It is Homeopathy, which can easily save the
patient and prevent its recurrence too; which is not possible with modern medicine.
2. If the symptoms are vaguely distinct and the cancer is growing fast, this should be treated as followed in treating one sided disease - a moderately stronger dose should be selected. In
such cases, when a remedy is given, though on those vague symptoms, sometimes bring out all the old suppressed symptoms, if any (may be suppressions of skin eruptions etc.) by other systems of medicine.Here it leads to a curative direction of the cancer. If there is a sufficient pathology in the tissues,the remedy will
definitely palliate and some times arrests the pathology in the
cancer growth. This is the stage some times surgery role can be
brought into the picture. Whatever Homeopathy could do, it did it
- and surgery helps to remove the anomaly of the tissues. Here
the tendency of cancerous growth is also removed by our careful
application of medicine.
3. If the signs and symptoms are indistinct and local symptoms are more pronounced than the mind symptoms - It clearly shows that, it is a one - sided disease, where other side is completely
hidden in the nature of man.Hence patient has feeble vital reactivity to show the clear picture of a disease. In this, tissues are damaged to a great extent and no complete cure could be expected. If the medicine is selected on the acute complaints thar would palliate the agony of the patient.
4. If there is a completely indistinct nature of the signs and symptoms and if we find nothing excepting the agony from pain and discharges from the damaged tissues, this is the moaning of
the last stages of vital force. These patients have lost the vital reaction. To find a remedy for his lost vital reaction is thus impossible. At the most the agony of the patient may be
removed and a peaceful living may be granted.
Organopathy will be more ideal therapeutic agents especially when the cases are to be palliated. Every medicine is individualised by its specific action on some particular organ. If that organ is
involved, that specific medicine will be useful and will do needful with in the domain of Law Of Similars.
I am herewith giving you a brief repertory for cancer
cases.Cancer Diathesis - Ars.Iod.,Carcinogen., Hydro., Phyt.
Cancerous Affections - ARS., BROM., CARBO.An., CON., HYDR.,LYC.,NIT.Ac., PHOS., PHYT., SIL.
Encephaloma - PHOS.
Epithelioma - ARS., IOD., CON., LYC., LACH.
Fungus Haemotodes - ARS., PHOS., SIL., Carb.An.,
Glands - Aurum Met.,CARB.An., CON., Iod.
Glands Hard Malignant - CARB.An.
Melanoma - Arg.Mt., Lach., Con., Kali.P.
Violent Cases - OPIUM.
Sarcoma Cutis - Calc.P., CUNDU., Nit.Ac., Sil.
Eyes - CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil.
Eyes Epithelioma - Lachesis, Cund.
Eyes Cornea Epithelioma - Hep.
Eyes lids epithelioma - Hydr., Lach., Phyto., Thuja.
Eyes Lachrymal glands - CARBO.An.
Nose - AURUM.
Nose Flat Cancers - Euph.
Nose Epithelioma - Ars., Carb.Ac., Hydr., Kali.s.,Kreos.
Face - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Com., Laion., Phos.
Face Lips - ARS., Aur.M., Carb.An., Con., Cist., Kreos., Lacy.,
Lye., Sep., Sil.
Lower Lips - Ars., Cust., Clem., Con., Lye.,
Phos., Sep., Sil.
Face Epithelioma - ARS., Kali.S., Lach., Phos.,Sep.
Mouth Cancer Palate - Aur., Hydr.
Mouth Cancer Tounge - Allum., Apis.M., Ars., Aur.,
Carb.An., Cons.,Lach., Mur.Ac., Nit.Ac., Phos.,
Phyti., Sil., Thuja.
Throat - Carbo.An., Led., Tarent.
Stomach - ARS., BISM., CARB.Ac., Carb.An., Con.,CUND.,Geranium.,
LYC., Phos.
Liver - Cup., Hep.S., Hydr., Muratic Ac., Phos.,Sulph.
Rectum - Allum., Nit.Ac., Ruta., Hyder., Kal., Cy.
Bladder - Tarax.
Kidney - Kali., IOd.
Genetelia - Male - Carb.An., CON.
Scrotum(Epithelioma) - Carb.An., Phos.Ac.
Testis - Spon.
Genetelia - Female
Cancer Ovaries - Con., Lach.
Cancer Uterus - Ars., Ars.Iod., Con., Graph., Hydr., Kreos.,
Lach., Lyc., Murx., Phos., Sep., Sil., Thuja.
Cancer Uterus Bleeding - Phos.
Cancer Vagina - KREOS.
Cancer Breast - Bufo., Con., Graph., Lach.,Merc;Sil.
Larynx - Ars., Nit.Ac., Phos., Sangu., Thuja.
Axilla - Aster.
Chest - Clavicle - Sep.
Chest Cancer in old Cicatrics - Graph.
Chest Contusion - Con.
Chest Sternum - Sulph.
Thanking You,
Paper presented on he occasion of 227th Birthday Celebrations
of Master Hahnemann in the Scientific Seminar held at Chandigarh
on April 11,1982
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
One cannot divorce medicine and theology. Man exists all the way down, from his innermost spiritual, to outermost natural. Rapid industrialisation, apart encouraging Nation's progress is also causing a major threat to the environment, and more do so to the industrial work force.
Today's industrial worker is exposed to very highly complicated environmental threats. He is forced to interact with social , domestic, psychological and occupational environments and there 'by falling prey for various mental and physical ailments/disorders.
Keeping in view the rate at which Industries are polluting the environment and the health of an industrial worker, the Nation has seriously focussed its attention and raised an alarm to protect the environment and the health of industrial work force.
An attempt is made by the author to improve audience awareness on the homoeopathic system of medicine which is in a position to render much needed help in taking care of industrial work force and their families under the current environment impact.
Homoeopathy considers the aetiology and totallity of the symptoms in diagnosing and treating the diseases. Aetiology and symptoms are interrelated. Wherever clear cut aetiological factor could be identified/ established the treatment will be focussed on that. At times it so happens that a specific cause cannot be identified and in such cases the totality of the symptoms guide in treating the diseases.
If cause is treated there exists no totality of the symptoms, and if the totality of the symptoms are treated cause will disappear. Homoeopathically aetiological factors are classified as under.
" The external man is but an outward expression of the internal; so the results of the disease (symptoms) are but the outward expression of internal sickness" opines Kent. Constitutional approach is generally based on mental and physical built up of an individual. It is a natural `gift' to every living organism Which is endowed with an animating force (Vital force) to protect and preserve the health from diseases. On the other hand there is also a natural `curse' in the circumstances (i.e disease force (miasm)) and it's effects on the health. The impact of such tussle between the vital force and the circumstances results in good health or disease.
There are umpteen evidences that the `circumstances' has caused worry to the health of an individual and a light is thrown on all salient aetilogical features as classified earlier.
The present Industrial environment calls for competitive spirit, advanced skills and other major achievements Which in turn provocates psychological disorders such as dejections, anxiety, depression, grief,anger, jealousy, insecurity, fatigue, emotion, fright, poor human relationships, mental exhaustion etc., besides this our constitution is also seriously affected by electro magnetic waves (Radio, T.V) ultra sound waves and cosmic rays. All these things disturb mental and physical health to a great extent.
Man must be studied as he is, as he was, every thing of man and human race in general in order to understand the diseases. In Homoeopathy there are several medicines where psychological, impact plays a major role in causing physical ailments.
Homoeopathy does miracles there. Some of them are given below to have an idea of the action of Homoeopathic medicines.
ANGER: Acidity, Asthma, Convulsions, Gastralgia, Vomiting
VEXATION :Gastralgia.
ANGER: Palpitation, Pain in the chest, Fever, Congestion of the Brain.
FRIGHT: Amenenohoea, Apoplexy, Gastritis, Fainting,pain.
VEXATION : Apoplexy.
ANGER : Grief depression.
ANXIETY : Stiffness of back.
EMOTIONS : Neuralgia, Paraplegia.
FRIGHT : Any physical complaint, Nervous colic, Hemicrania
GRIEF :Any physical complaint, Abortion, Amenorrhoea, Chorea, Convulsions, Epilepsy, Gastralagia, Insomnia Indigestions, nervous , palpitation, paralysis etc
DISAPPOINTMENTS : All effects from disappointments and Bad news leads to Vomiting.
FEAR & FRIGHT : Nervousness, Diarrhoea.
EMOTIONS : Abortion, Diarrhoea, Micturition, Paralysis.
FATIGUE : Diarrhoea.
GRIEF : Indignitions, Palpilation.
ANGER : Amenorrhoea, Cough, Hemiplegia.
DISAPPOINTMENT : Ovarian problems.
ANGER : Colic, hemiplegic.
VEXATION : Amenorrhoea, diarrhoea,
ANXIETY : Faintness
FRIGHT : Abortion, Amenorrhoea, All bad effects, Fainting, insomnia, Palpitation, vertigo.
SHAME : Bad effects from shame resulting various complaints.
ANGER : Joint pains , Fever, Vomiting
MENTAL EXERTION : All effects of mental exertion, chills, sleeplessness
WEEPING : Anger.
JEALOUSY : All bad effects, Catalepsy, Epilepsy
JEALOUSY : Catalepsy, Epilepsy.
There are many more medicines which are useful to different mental causes. Much of the mental conditions mentioned above have been tried in homoeopathic dispensary. Which has rendered positive signs of satisfactory results.
As the nature of work calls for serious involvement of industrial work force it is likely to cause various occupational disorders as detailed in the classification.
A) MECHANICAL It is needless to say that the industrial work force are liable to come in contact with machine and tools and there is every chance that they may get seriously injured.
Usually falls, cuts, lacerations, punctured wounds, blunt wounds, fractures, haemorrhages, shocks are seen in the hospitals of industries. They need to be attended skillfully.
There is a wider choice of homoeopathic medicines for various injuries. For eg: Arnica for blunt and bruised, Aconite in haemorrhages after injuries, Hypericum and Ruta for nerve injuries, Hypericum and calendula for lacerated, ledumpal in punctured wounds, cantharis for burns. Rhustox for tendors, muscles and joints, ruta & Synphytum for bones and periosteum, cicuta, Nat.sulpha & Arnica shocks after injuries.
With a little first aid and surgical interference homoeopathic treatment will defenitely yield the desired results.
This kind of practice is generally seen in private homoeopathic dispensaries where in satisfactory results are recorded than in the industrial hospitals.
B) PHYSICAL: Industrial work force invariably is exposed to physical environment as mentioned in the classification and often they cause disorders.Apart from routine first aid & conventional methods of treatment the following homoeopathic treatment is also recommended.
Hyperpyrexia Bell, Gels, Nat.C.
Heat Exhausion Acon,Ars,Anti.crude.
Heat Syncope Mez, Nat.M, Gloni.
Heat Cramps Cuprum, Bell
Burns Cantharis, Calendula Apis mel.Rhus Eox
Prickles heat,Rash Utricaria Nat.M,Nat.C, Rhus T,Hepsur
Trench Foot Acon
Frost Bite Acon, Kali Bich, Agaricum
Chill Blain Apis, Calc. Ph,AgaricusKali Br.Sep,Rhus.V
Occupational cataract Cinararia, Ruta, Bell (Conventional)
Lightening bad effects Nux. Vom. Phos
Asthma in thunder Sep, Sili, Syph.
Air embolism Conventional
Pressure Explosive
Noise Occupational deafness Bell
X Ray , Radium Cancer
Radiation Leukaemia X Ray ,Cobalt,Aplastic Anaemia Ferrum. Radium
Pancyto penia Ferrum , X Ray
Electricity Shocks Nat Phosphorus conventional
Burns Cantharis,Conventional
Exertion Loaders, pullers Arnica, Rhus Tox Working day & night Nux.vom,
Standing, varicosity Lach, Puls, Haem, Arnica
C) CHEMICAL: Normally chemical substance is known for causing allergies to an individual in it's own way. As such no chemical is absolutely harmlers. Hardly there exists any industry which do not make use of chemicals. Depending upon the seriousness of the action of the chemical homoeopaths decide the plan of their treatment. First aid and conventional methods are initially tried before the commencement of homoeoplathic treatment. All superficial allergic manifestations can be well looked after by homoeopathy alone. The treatment involves merely the removal of cause, and, in some cases, anti-doting the poisons chemically, and dynamically.
- Primarily homoeopathy induces immunological therapy as it not only cures the current diesease, yet, it also helps the body to develop its immunological mechanism with which the native can gain/restore its health in long run.
- The chemicals produce local and systematic disorders some times to the extent of death. Fumes, gases, dusts, metals and metalic compounds, acids, alkalies etc., are the main reaction found in industrial workers Homoeopathic treatment for some of the affections are given below:
Dermatitis, Urticaria, Itching, Cracks, Fissures, Eczema. Cancers are same of the affections. That are commonly come across in industrial workers.
. Apis.M and Rhus Tox are useful for mercurial and carbolic acid affection.
. Rhus Tox is also useful in skin allergies of miners, dyers
. Hep.Sulph for synthetic allergies and metallic allergies.
. Nit. acid for mercurial allergies.
Causticum for scabies type of eruption due to sulphauricum.
. Anacardium, Croton.Tig for Rhustox poisoning.
. Graphites for Arsenic poisoning.
. Ars alb for bad effects carb acid
. Staphy for warts in mercurial poisoning.
. Lachesis for Mercurial poisoning leading to blackness of skin.
. Acetic acid, bell, acon. for carbon monoxide.
. Amm. carb for charcoal vapour in asthma for miners due to coal dust.
. Lyssin and brom for sneezings in the workers who get exposed to dust.
. Aurum for asthma after abuse of mercury.
. Nat. mur in catarrhal conditions after abuse of nitrate of silver.
. Kalibich for lung dieseases for cortizone users.
. Carb.an, carb. veg. Nat.ars for asthma due to coal dust.
. Acid mit for TB due to potassium poisoning.
. Nat-Ars and carduns Marinus for Miner's Asthma.
. Digitalis for coaltar affection on heart.
. Ars, crotalus, phos. for anaemia in Allumina poisoning.
. Hep. sulph. for comstipation & diarrhoea due to mercurial poisoning
- Staphysagria - for gum bleeding in mercury poison.
- Ipecac, Mer, Pulsatilla for diarrhoea in copper poisoning.
- Opium in constipation for lead poisoning.
- Nux. V, Podo for Biliousness in mercury poisoning.
- China for diarrhoea in opium poisoning.
CNS - China for hemoplegic in Arsenic poisoning.
- Pencillins for bad effects of pencillin.
- Sarsaparilla for burning pains in mercury poisoning.
- China for suicidal terdencies after mercurial poisoning.
- Acetic acid for headache in opium poisoning.
D)BIOLOGICAL AGENTS: Strictly speaking Homoeopaths do not consider the microbes as causes of the diseases. The man was already diseased even prior to the entrance of the microbes and provided favourable conditions to grow bacterium.
The diseases like tetanus , encephalitis, brucellosis fungal infection, leptosporosis are to be handled by taking symptomatology into consideration, ledmapal, hypericum, calendula medicines have been found to be more useful to prevent tetanus in injuries.
- Since it becomes difficult to find out specific cause for all the numerous varieties of diseasea, Totality of the symptoms is only the resouece to diagnose the case. The symptoms are nothing but the reflections (effects) cause. Homoeopathy has its credential to characterise the patient for treatment.
CONSTITUTIONAL OCCUPATIONAL Internal psychological External Electro magnetic Mechanical Physical Chemical Biological Accidents Injuries Dusts Gases Metals Acids & Alkalies Heat Cold Light Noise Radiology Physical Electricity extertion Lightening Tetanus Encephalitis Brucellosis Fungal infection Leptosporosis
- Homoeopathy exists as law and doctrine and operates in the world of its causes, if this were not so it could not exist in the world of ultimates. In a given situation in addition to first aid and Conventional methods homoeopathic system of medicine renders quite alot of useful and vital services to the industrial work force at a very nominal cost, thus saving very valuable lives and money.
1. Dastur H.P (1960)- Doctor's Approach To Industrial Medicine.
2. Bnarji D.P (1968) Indian J. Industrial medicine.
3. S.K.M. Sastry (1989) Interaction between man and environment.
4. J.E. Park Text book of preventive and social medicine.
5. Staurt close The genius of Homoeopathy.
6. Samuel Hahnemann Organon of medicine.
7. Kent Repertory of homoeopathic materia medica.
One cannot divorce medicine and theology. Man exists all the way down, from his innermost spiritual, to outermost natural. Rapid industrialisation, apart encouraging Nation's progress is also causing a major threat to the environment, and more do so to the industrial work force.
Today's industrial worker is exposed to very highly complicated environmental threats. He is forced to interact with social , domestic, psychological and occupational environments and there 'by falling prey for various mental and physical ailments/disorders.
Keeping in view the rate at which Industries are polluting the environment and the health of an industrial worker, the Nation has seriously focussed its attention and raised an alarm to protect the environment and the health of industrial work force.
An attempt is made by the author to improve audience awareness on the homoeopathic system of medicine which is in a position to render much needed help in taking care of industrial work force and their families under the current environment impact.
Homoeopathy considers the aetiology and totallity of the symptoms in diagnosing and treating the diseases. Aetiology and symptoms are interrelated. Wherever clear cut aetiological factor could be identified/ established the treatment will be focussed on that. At times it so happens that a specific cause cannot be identified and in such cases the totality of the symptoms guide in treating the diseases.
If cause is treated there exists no totality of the symptoms, and if the totality of the symptoms are treated cause will disappear. Homoeopathically aetiological factors are classified as under.
" The external man is but an outward expression of the internal; so the results of the disease (symptoms) are but the outward expression of internal sickness" opines Kent. Constitutional approach is generally based on mental and physical built up of an individual. It is a natural `gift' to every living organism Which is endowed with an animating force (Vital force) to protect and preserve the health from diseases. On the other hand there is also a natural `curse' in the circumstances (i.e disease force (miasm)) and it's effects on the health. The impact of such tussle between the vital force and the circumstances results in good health or disease.
There are umpteen evidences that the `circumstances' has caused worry to the health of an individual and a light is thrown on all salient aetilogical features as classified earlier.
The present Industrial environment calls for competitive spirit, advanced skills and other major achievements Which in turn provocates psychological disorders such as dejections, anxiety, depression, grief,anger, jealousy, insecurity, fatigue, emotion, fright, poor human relationships, mental exhaustion etc., besides this our constitution is also seriously affected by electro magnetic waves (Radio, T.V) ultra sound waves and cosmic rays. All these things disturb mental and physical health to a great extent.
Man must be studied as he is, as he was, every thing of man and human race in general in order to understand the diseases. In Homoeopathy there are several medicines where psychological, impact plays a major role in causing physical ailments.
Homoeopathy does miracles there. Some of them are given below to have an idea of the action of Homoeopathic medicines.
ANGER: Acidity, Asthma, Convulsions, Gastralgia, Vomiting
VEXATION :Gastralgia.
ANGER: Palpitation, Pain in the chest, Fever, Congestion of the Brain.
FRIGHT: Amenenohoea, Apoplexy, Gastritis, Fainting,pain.
VEXATION : Apoplexy.
ANGER : Grief depression.
ANXIETY : Stiffness of back.
EMOTIONS : Neuralgia, Paraplegia.
FRIGHT : Any physical complaint, Nervous colic, Hemicrania
GRIEF :Any physical complaint, Abortion, Amenorrhoea, Chorea, Convulsions, Epilepsy, Gastralagia, Insomnia Indigestions, nervous , palpitation, paralysis etc
DISAPPOINTMENTS : All effects from disappointments and Bad news leads to Vomiting.
FEAR & FRIGHT : Nervousness, Diarrhoea.
EMOTIONS : Abortion, Diarrhoea, Micturition, Paralysis.
FATIGUE : Diarrhoea.
GRIEF : Indignitions, Palpilation.
ANGER : Amenorrhoea, Cough, Hemiplegia.
DISAPPOINTMENT : Ovarian problems.
ANGER : Colic, hemiplegic.
VEXATION : Amenorrhoea, diarrhoea,
ANXIETY : Faintness
FRIGHT : Abortion, Amenorrhoea, All bad effects, Fainting, insomnia, Palpitation, vertigo.
SHAME : Bad effects from shame resulting various complaints.
ANGER : Joint pains , Fever, Vomiting
MENTAL EXERTION : All effects of mental exertion, chills, sleeplessness
WEEPING : Anger.
JEALOUSY : All bad effects, Catalepsy, Epilepsy
JEALOUSY : Catalepsy, Epilepsy.
There are many more medicines which are useful to different mental causes. Much of the mental conditions mentioned above have been tried in homoeopathic dispensary. Which has rendered positive signs of satisfactory results.
As the nature of work calls for serious involvement of industrial work force it is likely to cause various occupational disorders as detailed in the classification.
A) MECHANICAL It is needless to say that the industrial work force are liable to come in contact with machine and tools and there is every chance that they may get seriously injured.
Usually falls, cuts, lacerations, punctured wounds, blunt wounds, fractures, haemorrhages, shocks are seen in the hospitals of industries. They need to be attended skillfully.
There is a wider choice of homoeopathic medicines for various injuries. For eg: Arnica for blunt and bruised, Aconite in haemorrhages after injuries, Hypericum and Ruta for nerve injuries, Hypericum and calendula for lacerated, ledumpal in punctured wounds, cantharis for burns. Rhustox for tendors, muscles and joints, ruta & Synphytum for bones and periosteum, cicuta, Nat.sulpha & Arnica shocks after injuries.
With a little first aid and surgical interference homoeopathic treatment will defenitely yield the desired results.
This kind of practice is generally seen in private homoeopathic dispensaries where in satisfactory results are recorded than in the industrial hospitals.
B) PHYSICAL: Industrial work force invariably is exposed to physical environment as mentioned in the classification and often they cause disorders.Apart from routine first aid & conventional methods of treatment the following homoeopathic treatment is also recommended.
Hyperpyrexia Bell, Gels, Nat.C.
Heat Exhausion Acon,Ars,Anti.crude.
Heat Syncope Mez, Nat.M, Gloni.
Heat Cramps Cuprum, Bell
Burns Cantharis, Calendula Apis mel.Rhus Eox
Prickles heat,Rash Utricaria Nat.M,Nat.C, Rhus T,Hepsur
Trench Foot Acon
Frost Bite Acon, Kali Bich, Agaricum
Chill Blain Apis, Calc. Ph,AgaricusKali Br.Sep,Rhus.V
Occupational cataract Cinararia, Ruta, Bell (Conventional)
Lightening bad effects Nux. Vom. Phos
Asthma in thunder Sep, Sili, Syph.
Air embolism Conventional
Pressure Explosive
Noise Occupational deafness Bell
X Ray , Radium Cancer
Radiation Leukaemia X Ray ,Cobalt,Aplastic Anaemia Ferrum. Radium
Pancyto penia Ferrum , X Ray
Electricity Shocks Nat Phosphorus conventional
Burns Cantharis,Conventional
Exertion Loaders, pullers Arnica, Rhus Tox Working day & night Nux.vom,
Standing, varicosity Lach, Puls, Haem, Arnica
C) CHEMICAL: Normally chemical substance is known for causing allergies to an individual in it's own way. As such no chemical is absolutely harmlers. Hardly there exists any industry which do not make use of chemicals. Depending upon the seriousness of the action of the chemical homoeopaths decide the plan of their treatment. First aid and conventional methods are initially tried before the commencement of homoeoplathic treatment. All superficial allergic manifestations can be well looked after by homoeopathy alone. The treatment involves merely the removal of cause, and, in some cases, anti-doting the poisons chemically, and dynamically.
- Primarily homoeopathy induces immunological therapy as it not only cures the current diesease, yet, it also helps the body to develop its immunological mechanism with which the native can gain/restore its health in long run.
- The chemicals produce local and systematic disorders some times to the extent of death. Fumes, gases, dusts, metals and metalic compounds, acids, alkalies etc., are the main reaction found in industrial workers Homoeopathic treatment for some of the affections are given below:
Dermatitis, Urticaria, Itching, Cracks, Fissures, Eczema. Cancers are same of the affections. That are commonly come across in industrial workers.
. Apis.M and Rhus Tox are useful for mercurial and carbolic acid affection.
. Rhus Tox is also useful in skin allergies of miners, dyers
. Hep.Sulph for synthetic allergies and metallic allergies.
. Nit. acid for mercurial allergies.
Causticum for scabies type of eruption due to sulphauricum.
. Anacardium, Croton.Tig for Rhustox poisoning.
. Graphites for Arsenic poisoning.
. Ars alb for bad effects carb acid
. Staphy for warts in mercurial poisoning.
. Lachesis for Mercurial poisoning leading to blackness of skin.
. Acetic acid, bell, acon. for carbon monoxide.
. Amm. carb for charcoal vapour in asthma for miners due to coal dust.
. Lyssin and brom for sneezings in the workers who get exposed to dust.
. Aurum for asthma after abuse of mercury.
. Nat. mur in catarrhal conditions after abuse of nitrate of silver.
. Kalibich for lung dieseases for cortizone users.
. Carb.an, carb. veg. Nat.ars for asthma due to coal dust.
. Acid mit for TB due to potassium poisoning.
. Nat-Ars and carduns Marinus for Miner's Asthma.
. Digitalis for coaltar affection on heart.
. Ars, crotalus, phos. for anaemia in Allumina poisoning.
. Hep. sulph. for comstipation & diarrhoea due to mercurial poisoning
- Staphysagria - for gum bleeding in mercury poison.
- Ipecac, Mer, Pulsatilla for diarrhoea in copper poisoning.
- Opium in constipation for lead poisoning.
- Nux. V, Podo for Biliousness in mercury poisoning.
- China for diarrhoea in opium poisoning.
CNS - China for hemoplegic in Arsenic poisoning.
- Pencillins for bad effects of pencillin.
- Sarsaparilla for burning pains in mercury poisoning.
- China for suicidal terdencies after mercurial poisoning.
- Acetic acid for headache in opium poisoning.
D)BIOLOGICAL AGENTS: Strictly speaking Homoeopaths do not consider the microbes as causes of the diseases. The man was already diseased even prior to the entrance of the microbes and provided favourable conditions to grow bacterium.
The diseases like tetanus , encephalitis, brucellosis fungal infection, leptosporosis are to be handled by taking symptomatology into consideration, ledmapal, hypericum, calendula medicines have been found to be more useful to prevent tetanus in injuries.
- Since it becomes difficult to find out specific cause for all the numerous varieties of diseasea, Totality of the symptoms is only the resouece to diagnose the case. The symptoms are nothing but the reflections (effects) cause. Homoeopathy has its credential to characterise the patient for treatment.
CONSTITUTIONAL OCCUPATIONAL Internal psychological External Electro magnetic Mechanical Physical Chemical Biological Accidents Injuries Dusts Gases Metals Acids & Alkalies Heat Cold Light Noise Radiology Physical Electricity extertion Lightening Tetanus Encephalitis Brucellosis Fungal infection Leptosporosis
- Homoeopathy exists as law and doctrine and operates in the world of its causes, if this were not so it could not exist in the world of ultimates. In a given situation in addition to first aid and Conventional methods homoeopathic system of medicine renders quite alot of useful and vital services to the industrial work force at a very nominal cost, thus saving very valuable lives and money.
1. Dastur H.P (1960)- Doctor's Approach To Industrial Medicine.
2. Bnarji D.P (1968) Indian J. Industrial medicine.
3. S.K.M. Sastry (1989) Interaction between man and environment.
4. J.E. Park Text book of preventive and social medicine.
5. Staurt close The genius of Homoeopathy.
6. Samuel Hahnemann Organon of medicine.
7. Kent Repertory of homoeopathic materia medica.
AUDE SAPERE-(Dare To Be Wise)
Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy churned up all Medical systems by his conscientious labors and brought out a perfect Scientific AMRIT (Nectar) HOMOEOPATHY - A True healing art. Whoever properly swallowed this is enjoying the bliss and getting Scot free from many of the diseases by virtue of its Prophylactic and Curative powers.
In the past two centuries homoeopathy has earned a commendable respect from all genius. In India there are about 140 homoeopathic colleges and thousands of homoeopathic doctors are coming out every year. Apart from gaining name and fame there are certain areas where homoeopaths have to show their supremacy. Some time back homoeo practitioners felt that teaching of allied subjects is not homoeopathy but in recent times people have started accepting to become more scientific. In the same way there is a burning problem for not having specialisations and restrictions of homoeopaths not to resort to alternative medicines in some inevitable circumstances. This subject aims at focusing merits of acquiring knowledge from other alternative systems of medicine. We need to change some our orthodox views to compete with the world.
Justification:- If Master Hahnemann had not mastered the effects of various medical applications of those days we would have left with no homoeopathy, the real curative medicine. Hahnemann being a perfect analyser of the medical systems could evolve the Therapeutic Law of Nature. Without possessing the ability of discrimination it would not be possible to go for apt prescription. Master Hahnemann states in his aphorisms, "Among chronic diseases we must still, alas! reckon those so commonly met with, artificially produced diseases........." and which include all drug induced diseases, and they are the most difficult ones to cure and they need special care. Unless one knows what effects each medicine produces he would fail to understand the nature of drug diseases. Often homoeopaths come across cases from other systems of medicine who resort to homoeopathy for their diabetes/ hypertension/skin diseases etc,. In such cases sudden withdrawal of anti-diabetic or anti-hypertensive drugs with out proper supervision homoeopaths end up with end up of patients. If homoeopath knows he would properly manage case with suitable medicines. The effects of heroic(villainy) allopathic medicines could be easily tackled by real heroic homoeopathic medicines. Kali.Bich is said to be a very good medicine for Asthmatic cases and it is an excellent medicine particularly when the patient has been treated earlier with steroid medicines. The homoeopaths who have thorough back ground about other systems can educate patient what harm other medicines do and what good his medicines will do.It is also worthwhile to mention here that allopaths/Ayurveds if once they taste homoeopathy they also would prefer homoeopathy. Acquiring the knowledge of other systems will be a boon to homoeopathy and that will enrich the proficiency.
Justification :- a) Homoeopathy has proved many a time its supremacy in preventing some of the epidemic diseases where even other systems failed . Homoeopathy has miraculous medicines to antidote the bad effects of vaccines used by other systems of medicine. Homoeopaths by knowing clearly the action of vaccines better medicines
could be found out.
b) For effective implementation of family welfare schemes:- Use of homoeopathic medicines will arise only in pathological conditions not in physiological conditions. Pregnancy or giving birth to a child is a Physiological condition which does not come actually in the domain of homoeopathy. But, at the same time Nation's health is getting deteriorated by the cancerous growth of population and it is a moral responsibility of every medical man to actively participate in the activities of family welfare schemes, no matter one belongs to what system of medicine. We get effective results by surgical means such as Vasectomy, Tubectomy and Laparoscopy. The homoeopaths who acquire the skills can effectively implement such minor operations. Just because of lack of legal validity in using simple anaesthetics and some emergency medicines homoeopaths are put aside, leaving homoeopaths deprived of serving the nation. Hence, homoeopaths also should be given equal opportunity as has been given to other professional brethren.
Justification :- There are some cases homoeopaths come across where it becomes inevitable to adapt surgical means. In road side and railway accidents, hemorrhages, cuts etc, it becomes inevitable to perform surgery. As a matter of fact homoeopaths can discriminate in a better way which case is a real surgical, so called surgical and non-surgical. In the absence of protection from law both the patients and homoeo doctors are deprived. Homoeopaths are also studying in the same way as of other systems but excluding homeopaths amount to no good with skills. Hence homoeopaths having skills should be allowed to use the life saving drugs and anaesthetics during and after operation. It is suggested that there should be an introduction of PG courses in all specialisations in order to have a more holistic attitude. There should be a full stop for apprehensions that Homoeopathy will be ruined if these are introduced. Technically homoeopaths become very weak in getting recognition in this competitive world with out proper specialisation and this kind of attitude would widen the gap between homoeopaths and the other professional brethren.
Justification :- If homoeopathic doctor is required to conduct delivery as per the qualification he is as good as other counterpart doctors but in the absence of use of simple anaesthetics and emergency medicines he would be handicapped if cases go all of sudden to surgical interference. If counterpart with same skills is eligible to undertake and because one is a homoeopath and he has to keep it becomes a gross moral set back and degradation to system. It is not even ethical to refuse those cases. As such he/she is bound to resort to necessary measures. There are very good number of homoeopaths who are excellent in surgery. The courses at PG level in these specialisations boost up homoeopaths morale and more than that suffering human beings will be much more benefited. It is advised to introduce PG courses in all allied subjects. Acquiring knowledge in different specialities will be rather a boon not a disqualification. Properly taught and properly understood subject will not be improperly applied.
Justification :-It is not unusual in rural areas patients do come to homoeopathic doctors after consuming agricultural poisons, pesticides etc. The patients often die in the primary action of those lethal doses it self. They require to be carefully tackled by the conventional therapies in the absence of homoeopathic antidote. The main aim in those cases is to see that the patient survives. Since most of these acute poison cases are to be urgently met with some adequate steps should be taken. It is also usual to come across Snake bite cases which need immediate steps and irrespective of system one practices he should first of all see that the patient survives. Hence bar in practising other systems has to be removed to help the sufferer. In natural calamities if homoeopaths are warranted to meet with the situation some times it becomes necessary for them to do needful to the patient and safeguard the patient's life.
Justification:-It is agreed by one and all that homoeopathy has not acquired 100% medicines to 100% diseases, for that matter no system can claim to be that much perfect. Homoeopathy, of course, the best and only the one to cure most of the chronic ailments but not all. There are still number of ailments that are posing a challenge to homoeopath to cure and the homoeopaths are doing their bit. Due to lack of enough medical wealth to meet with the requirement homoeopaths are yet to discover the similimums to the patients. There are also many incurable and irreversible life threatening diseases
where homoeopaths have to resort to alternative systems.
Justification :-In some cases due to poverty they suffer from Nutritional disorders. These disorders can not be met with by only homoeopathic medicines unless the food is supplemented. In case of non-availability of food the vitamins, minerals etc are to be supplemented. If homoeopaths are not allowed to practise other systems it becomes difficult even to prescribe vitamins and mineral etc. Because some of them may cause reactions and they are to be tackled by allopathic medicines. And in case of congenital hormonal disorders and developmental defects some hormonal therapy may be indicated. Only homoeopathic medicines in these cases would not give any fruitful results. Homoeopaths having studied hormonal disorders they would be in a better position to apply homoeopathy appropriately.
Justification :-The most important aspect of medical profession is to maintain integrity. All medical systems have to go together and collectively help to build a healthy Nation. They have to understand each other very closely with out any prejudice. While upholding one's own system for its merits the counterparts are also to be honoured for their merits. By not allowing one system to practice other leads to many controversial issues.
Justification :-Homoeopaths are also studying same length of course as other systems but homoeopaths are not given same privilege as has been given to other systems, rather homoeopaths are deprived of the privileges that are enjoyed by other systems of medicine. The boundary line drawn would result into doing no good to the sufferer. The utmost duty of rendering services in emergency on public demand also can not be met with due to legal invalidity.
Hence, to protect the interest of public and as well to maintain the dignity and status of homoeopathic profession the ban on practice of other system should be lifted.
Justification :- Last but not the least urban population have a wide range of options for patients to select and consult concerned doctors. On the other hand the rural patients are deprived of these facilities. Their demand and psyche also should be taken into account.
This article speaks about the genuine issues with out any bias. If all homoeopaths believe that any point mentioned above is contradictory your comments, suggestions are welcome to make homoeopathy the best. Let’s all homoeopaths collectively raise voice AUDE SAPERE (Dare To Be Wise) the MOOL MANTRA(Basic Slogan) of homoeopathy . Let us all enrich our knowledge from all sources from all directions by leaving the bad and catching the good.
Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy churned up all Medical systems by his conscientious labors and brought out a perfect Scientific AMRIT (Nectar) HOMOEOPATHY - A True healing art. Whoever properly swallowed this is enjoying the bliss and getting Scot free from many of the diseases by virtue of its Prophylactic and Curative powers.
In the past two centuries homoeopathy has earned a commendable respect from all genius. In India there are about 140 homoeopathic colleges and thousands of homoeopathic doctors are coming out every year. Apart from gaining name and fame there are certain areas where homoeopaths have to show their supremacy. Some time back homoeo practitioners felt that teaching of allied subjects is not homoeopathy but in recent times people have started accepting to become more scientific. In the same way there is a burning problem for not having specialisations and restrictions of homoeopaths not to resort to alternative medicines in some inevitable circumstances. This subject aims at focusing merits of acquiring knowledge from other alternative systems of medicine. We need to change some our orthodox views to compete with the world.
Justification:- If Master Hahnemann had not mastered the effects of various medical applications of those days we would have left with no homoeopathy, the real curative medicine. Hahnemann being a perfect analyser of the medical systems could evolve the Therapeutic Law of Nature. Without possessing the ability of discrimination it would not be possible to go for apt prescription. Master Hahnemann states in his aphorisms, "Among chronic diseases we must still, alas! reckon those so commonly met with, artificially produced diseases........." and which include all drug induced diseases, and they are the most difficult ones to cure and they need special care. Unless one knows what effects each medicine produces he would fail to understand the nature of drug diseases. Often homoeopaths come across cases from other systems of medicine who resort to homoeopathy for their diabetes/ hypertension/skin diseases etc,. In such cases sudden withdrawal of anti-diabetic or anti-hypertensive drugs with out proper supervision homoeopaths end up with end up of patients. If homoeopath knows he would properly manage case with suitable medicines. The effects of heroic(villainy) allopathic medicines could be easily tackled by real heroic homoeopathic medicines. Kali.Bich is said to be a very good medicine for Asthmatic cases and it is an excellent medicine particularly when the patient has been treated earlier with steroid medicines. The homoeopaths who have thorough back ground about other systems can educate patient what harm other medicines do and what good his medicines will do.It is also worthwhile to mention here that allopaths/Ayurveds if once they taste homoeopathy they also would prefer homoeopathy. Acquiring the knowledge of other systems will be a boon to homoeopathy and that will enrich the proficiency.
Justification :- a) Homoeopathy has proved many a time its supremacy in preventing some of the epidemic diseases where even other systems failed . Homoeopathy has miraculous medicines to antidote the bad effects of vaccines used by other systems of medicine. Homoeopaths by knowing clearly the action of vaccines better medicines
could be found out.
b) For effective implementation of family welfare schemes:- Use of homoeopathic medicines will arise only in pathological conditions not in physiological conditions. Pregnancy or giving birth to a child is a Physiological condition which does not come actually in the domain of homoeopathy. But, at the same time Nation's health is getting deteriorated by the cancerous growth of population and it is a moral responsibility of every medical man to actively participate in the activities of family welfare schemes, no matter one belongs to what system of medicine. We get effective results by surgical means such as Vasectomy, Tubectomy and Laparoscopy. The homoeopaths who acquire the skills can effectively implement such minor operations. Just because of lack of legal validity in using simple anaesthetics and some emergency medicines homoeopaths are put aside, leaving homoeopaths deprived of serving the nation. Hence, homoeopaths also should be given equal opportunity as has been given to other professional brethren.
Justification :- There are some cases homoeopaths come across where it becomes inevitable to adapt surgical means. In road side and railway accidents, hemorrhages, cuts etc, it becomes inevitable to perform surgery. As a matter of fact homoeopaths can discriminate in a better way which case is a real surgical, so called surgical and non-surgical. In the absence of protection from law both the patients and homoeo doctors are deprived. Homoeopaths are also studying in the same way as of other systems but excluding homeopaths amount to no good with skills. Hence homoeopaths having skills should be allowed to use the life saving drugs and anaesthetics during and after operation. It is suggested that there should be an introduction of PG courses in all specialisations in order to have a more holistic attitude. There should be a full stop for apprehensions that Homoeopathy will be ruined if these are introduced. Technically homoeopaths become very weak in getting recognition in this competitive world with out proper specialisation and this kind of attitude would widen the gap between homoeopaths and the other professional brethren.
Justification :- If homoeopathic doctor is required to conduct delivery as per the qualification he is as good as other counterpart doctors but in the absence of use of simple anaesthetics and emergency medicines he would be handicapped if cases go all of sudden to surgical interference. If counterpart with same skills is eligible to undertake and because one is a homoeopath and he has to keep it becomes a gross moral set back and degradation to system. It is not even ethical to refuse those cases. As such he/she is bound to resort to necessary measures. There are very good number of homoeopaths who are excellent in surgery. The courses at PG level in these specialisations boost up homoeopaths morale and more than that suffering human beings will be much more benefited. It is advised to introduce PG courses in all allied subjects. Acquiring knowledge in different specialities will be rather a boon not a disqualification. Properly taught and properly understood subject will not be improperly applied.
Justification :-It is not unusual in rural areas patients do come to homoeopathic doctors after consuming agricultural poisons, pesticides etc. The patients often die in the primary action of those lethal doses it self. They require to be carefully tackled by the conventional therapies in the absence of homoeopathic antidote. The main aim in those cases is to see that the patient survives. Since most of these acute poison cases are to be urgently met with some adequate steps should be taken. It is also usual to come across Snake bite cases which need immediate steps and irrespective of system one practices he should first of all see that the patient survives. Hence bar in practising other systems has to be removed to help the sufferer. In natural calamities if homoeopaths are warranted to meet with the situation some times it becomes necessary for them to do needful to the patient and safeguard the patient's life.
Justification:-It is agreed by one and all that homoeopathy has not acquired 100% medicines to 100% diseases, for that matter no system can claim to be that much perfect. Homoeopathy, of course, the best and only the one to cure most of the chronic ailments but not all. There are still number of ailments that are posing a challenge to homoeopath to cure and the homoeopaths are doing their bit. Due to lack of enough medical wealth to meet with the requirement homoeopaths are yet to discover the similimums to the patients. There are also many incurable and irreversible life threatening diseases
where homoeopaths have to resort to alternative systems.
Justification :-In some cases due to poverty they suffer from Nutritional disorders. These disorders can not be met with by only homoeopathic medicines unless the food is supplemented. In case of non-availability of food the vitamins, minerals etc are to be supplemented. If homoeopaths are not allowed to practise other systems it becomes difficult even to prescribe vitamins and mineral etc. Because some of them may cause reactions and they are to be tackled by allopathic medicines. And in case of congenital hormonal disorders and developmental defects some hormonal therapy may be indicated. Only homoeopathic medicines in these cases would not give any fruitful results. Homoeopaths having studied hormonal disorders they would be in a better position to apply homoeopathy appropriately.
Justification :-The most important aspect of medical profession is to maintain integrity. All medical systems have to go together and collectively help to build a healthy Nation. They have to understand each other very closely with out any prejudice. While upholding one's own system for its merits the counterparts are also to be honoured for their merits. By not allowing one system to practice other leads to many controversial issues.
Justification :-Homoeopaths are also studying same length of course as other systems but homoeopaths are not given same privilege as has been given to other systems, rather homoeopaths are deprived of the privileges that are enjoyed by other systems of medicine. The boundary line drawn would result into doing no good to the sufferer. The utmost duty of rendering services in emergency on public demand also can not be met with due to legal invalidity.
Hence, to protect the interest of public and as well to maintain the dignity and status of homoeopathic profession the ban on practice of other system should be lifted.
Justification :- Last but not the least urban population have a wide range of options for patients to select and consult concerned doctors. On the other hand the rural patients are deprived of these facilities. Their demand and psyche also should be taken into account.
This article speaks about the genuine issues with out any bias. If all homoeopaths believe that any point mentioned above is contradictory your comments, suggestions are welcome to make homoeopathy the best. Let’s all homoeopaths collectively raise voice AUDE SAPERE (Dare To Be Wise) the MOOL MANTRA(Basic Slogan) of homoeopathy . Let us all enrich our knowledge from all sources from all directions by leaving the bad and catching the good.
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